Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 140 The last heaven-level Cultivation Technique! Successfully transferred to heaven Practiti

Letting Li Qiushui leave, Ye Ling turned around and looked at Tianshan Tongmao in the corner again.

"Tongmao! I helped you beat your old rival in love. 35

"Now, can you give me the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies Only Me? All other Cultivation Techniques don't matter, as long as this one is fine!

Looking at Tianshan Tongmao, Ye Ling's condition was lowered a bit.

After all, other than the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies Solitary Respect, and other magical powers, such magical powers are unique to Tianshan Tongmao.

The rest of the free martial arts, such as Tianshan Zhemei Hand, are all drawn on the wall deep in the Ling Vulture Palace.

For these martial arts, it doesn't matter whether Tianshan Tongmao says it or not, the big deal will be to dig out the wall directly later.


"Grandma didn't beg you, it was you who wanted to fight that bitch yourself! 99

"Want magic? Unless I die!"

"Six Two Seven" However, Ye Ling's conditions have declined.

But Tianshan Tongmao is still the same soft and hard-like appearance, obviously she doesn't want to give up the magic at all.

"haha okay!"

Seeing that Tianshan Tongmao was still unwilling to hand over the Dominance Gong, Ye Ling sneered, and was too lazy to continue being polite.

With her palm upside down on Tianshan Tongmao's head, Ye Ling immediately began to frantically absorb Internal Energy from Tianshan Tongmao's body even when he was running Beiming Magic!

"No! No! 9

He realized that the pure Internal Energy that he had been practicing hard for nearly a hundred years was madly sucked away by Ye Ling at this time.

Tianshan Tongmao suddenly screamed and struggled violently.

It is a pity that today is the day when Tianshan Tongmao was reborn.

Losing all his skills, even the third-rate characters like Wu Boss and Zhuo Bufan can't match.

How could such a Tianshan child grandma be Ye Ling's opponent.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that Cai Cai's face was still ruddy, like a grandma in Tianshan who gave away the rich boy.

At this time, his face was thin and wrinkled.

Only a pair of black eyes twitched in the narrow eye sockets, resembling the rumored cat-faced old lady.

It turned out that Tianshan Tongmao was able to maintain a very young appearance.

Relying on the magical Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies, I am the only one.

And now, Ye Ling's North Nether Magic has absorbed the Cultivation Base of Tianshan Tongmao's nearly 100 years.

Without the support of Internal Energy, how could Tianshan Tongmao maintain her previous youthful appearance.

In an instant, he was already aging, and his back was hunched.

Boss Wu, Zhuo Bufan and the others looked at it, all of them looked horrified, and the cold air came out.

" bastard..."

Grandma Tianshan was dying, and although her eyes were still full of anger, she couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

The wrinkled face is even more sad and angry!

But Ye Ling couldn't bear Tianshan Tongmao's expression at all, so she squatted down again and looked at Tianshan Tongmao.

"Don't worry! It's not over yet!"

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and immediately squeezed Tianshan Tongmao's mouth and fed the Three Corpse Brain Divine Pill in her hand.

"It's over!"

The poison pill entered his throat, and before Tianshan Tongmao had a reaction, the severe pain had already spread from Dantian.

Immediately, this severe pain spread to Tianshan Tongmao's body.

At that time, Tianshan Tongmao only felt her head spinning around, and her body seemed to be biting by ten thousand insects.

In the past, she was the only one who gave "life and death charms" to others, but she never thought that she would be poisoned by others today.

In addition to love in her life, how could the extremely smooth Tianshan Tongmao suffer such pain, when even her complexion was distorted and she screamed again and again, and she began to roll and spin on the ground.

"Hi! 95

Everyone around saw the tragic state of Tianshan Tongmao, whether it was the player, or the NPCs in Thirty-Six Caves and Seventy-two Islands.

They all took a deep breath, and the horror on their faces became stronger.

"Tongmao! I won't lose to your "life and death talisman"!"

"Hand over your unique merit, or I will let you die!

Seeing the tortured Tianshan Tongmao on the ground, Ye Ling smiled slightly and asked Tianshan Tongmao again.

"Hand in! I'll do it!"

Tianshan Tongmao obviously overestimated her own endurance.

The corpse and worms only took dozens of breaths to enter the body, and Tianshan Tongmao couldn't bear such inhuman torture, even when she said the formula of the Eight Desolate and Six Harmonies.


Grandma Tianshan lost Internal Energy all over her body, and she was already extremely weak. At this moment, she was tortured by the three corpse brain pills again, and she had only her last breath left.

Just now, he finished speaking the formula of Dozun Gong and the determination of Tianshan Zhemei Shou, before Ye Ling gave the antidote.

Tianshan Tongmao screamed and then fell directly on the spot...


As soon as Ye Ling touched it, he realized that Tianshan Tongmao was already out of breath!

"Alas! If you want to die yourself, I can't help it!"

With a sigh in his heart, he shook his head, Ye Ling just stood up straight.

At the same time, the long-lost system notification sound also rang in Ye Ling's ears.

[Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully learning the Cultivation Technique of the Heaven-level Chinese Grade - "Eight Wastes and Six Harmonies Only I Respect"!]

【Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully learning the Cultivation Technique - "Tianshan Folding Plum Hand"!】

Two beeps sounded in a row, Ye Ling brows with joy, and then he opened the property panel and looked at the column of [Cultivation Technique].

At this time, the status bar of [Cultivation Technique] already has two new martial arts.

It is "Eight Wastes and Six Harmonies Only I Respect" and "Tianshan Folding Plum Hands"!

[Eight Wilderness and Six Harmonies Only Me Only Zun Gong (Heavenly Grade Middle Grade Cultivation Technique): 1. Rejuvenation and Rejuvenation: After practicing this skill, the player's appearance and body can be maintained, and the upper limit of the player's lifespan can be greatly increased, and the effect is permanent 2. Only me alone: After practicing this skill, the skill will be as strong as the sun, extremely domineering, and will not be moved by any external objects. 】

"Good guy! The characteristics of this [Only Me alone] are too strong."

"If it weren't for the coincidence today, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to deal with this Tianshan child grandma."

Seeing the second feature 2.5 of "Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies Only Me Only", Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and he sighed inwardly.

With the characteristics of "I am the only one", Tianshan Tongmao can not be defeated by any Cultivation Technique.

If it weren't for his own "Bei Ming Shen Gong", which has been upgraded many times, plus the assistance of other various heaven-level Cultivation Techniques.

And it happened that the day when Tianshan Tongmao lost all her skills.

I really can't necessarily absorb the Internal Energy of Tianshan Tongmao's body so easily.

With emotion, Ye Ling turned his attention to the annotation of "Tianshan Folding Plum Hands".

[Tianshan Zhemei Hand (Tianshan Cultivation Technique): 1. Aggressive: After practicing this skill, the grasping hand that is displayed looks beautiful and generous, but in fact it is extremely ruthless, increasing the fatality and disability rate 2. Fusion: Tianshan Zhemei The hand is the culmination of the Freestyle School's grasping techniques, and it can be integrated with most of the world's grasping techniques, and it will continue to grow!].


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