Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 144 Successfully mastered the god-level Cultivation Technique! The longevity formula is here

[Broken Void Lingtian Finger (God-level Broken)]

[Characteristics: 1. Ever-changing: "Broken Void Ling Tianzhi" combines the strengths of hundreds of fingering techniques and martial arts, including one-handed Shrouding the Heavens, one yang finger, six-pulse divine finger, Tianshan folding plum hand and many other martial arts essences, so it has the above All the characteristics of martial arts! And the power is increased by 100%]

【2. One-handed Shrouding the Heavens: When the player uses this Cultivation Technique to attack, any similar martial arts must be suppressed!】

[3. God-level potential: This martial arts has the potential to completely advance to the god-level, and will continue to grow with the player's martial arts perception and Cultivation Technique mastery, thereby creating new characteristics]



"It seems interesting! 35

Ye Ling couldn't help sighing in her heart after reading the feature explanation of "Broken Void Lingtian Finger".

As a god-level upgraded version of "One-handed Shrouding the Heavens", only from the characteristics that are currently displayed - said.

The growth-potential of "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" is no trivial matter.

【The ever-changing】and【One-handed Shrouding the Heavens】naturally needless to say.

These two features were originally the two main features of "One-Handed Shrouding the Heavens".

As an advanced version, "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" can certainly inherit it.

The most important point of completing the promotion is that it is reflected in the characteristic of [God-level Potential].

According to the description of this feature, with the continuous enhancement of Ye Ling's strength.

Or master the growing number of top Cultivation Techniques.

"Broken Void Lingtian Finger" can gain new characteristics.

Although Ye Ling knew very well that every feature of god-level martial arts would not be easily obtained.

But in any case, as long as it has such potential, "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" can get unlimited growth opportunities.

At that time, no one will be able to know how far the "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" can go.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling couldn't help but flash a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

At the same time that Ye Ling integrated and upgraded its own Cultivation Technique.

In a room in the side hall of Ling Vulture Palace.

The little dragon girl was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her breathing was regular, and she was obviously practicing.

In the past few months, compared with when she was in Zhongnan Mountain, the temperament of Xiaolongnu's whole body has undergone slight changes.

On the bed, Xiao Longnu's face was still pale, but it was not as pale as before.

Instead, it is white and red, and it looks healthy and rosy.

A little bit less Immortal Qi, but a little bit more human fireworks.

A pair of big watery eyes are still incomparably ethereal, and the long eyelashes are clinging and drooping.

The original graceful and light figure, but also because of the cultivation of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, suddenly became full of all aspects.

If there is also the word "pure desire" in Rivers and Lakes, the little dragon girl at this time is undoubtedly a perfect interpretation.

After more than an hour of practice, Xiao Longnv ended today's practice.

With a long breath of white air, Xiao Longnu slowly opened her eyes.

Immediately, Xiaolongnv opened her mouth to speak without turning her head.


"Sister, why are you here?!"

Xiao Longnv's voice fell, and an apricot-yellow figure came out from the corner of the room.

Dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a Duster in his hand, his pair of peach blossom eyes are charming.

It's not someone else, it's the Chi Lian fairy Li Mochou!

"Why are you talking so coldly, Junior Sister?"

"I happened to be passing by, just to see you! 99

Peach Blossom's big eyes lightly picked up, and while he was talking, Li Mochou sat directly on the chair opposite Xiaolongnu.

When they looked up, the two former sisters from the same sect looked at each other.


"Senior sister, why do I feel that you have changed so much in this period of time!

"Not only is the skin firmer, the figure is more slender, and even the temperament is better!

Aware of the various changes in Li Mochou's body, Xiao Longnv's eyes lit up, a hint of doubt flashed on her fair face.


Seeing that Xiaolongnu noticed the change in her body, Li Mochou sighed lightly.

Immediately, those peach blossom eyes were filled with happiness.

"If I hadn't met that guy this time, Senior Sister, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that there is such a wonderful taste in this world, and I don't even know how stupid I was in the past!


Hearing Li Mochou's words, Xiaolongnu frowned slightly, and her eyes were full of doubts.

"Senior sister, what is this wonderful taste you are talking about that can make you change your mind so completely? 55

Xiaolongnu's words were full of curiosity and doubt.

But never thought, facing Xiaolongnu's curious inquiry.

Li Mochou not only did not answer directly, but his face turned slightly red, and he let out a secret spit.

"That's it!"

"Junior sister, will you know later?"

what exactly is it?

Why will you find out later.

The delicate and exquisite head tilted, Xiao Longnu still couldn't understand.

at the same time.

After successfully mastering the new god-level martial arts, Ye Ling came to the front hall and began to guide Zhao Min, Xiao Zhao, Dai Qisi and others to practice martial arts.

"Your Highness, your steps are too unsteady. If you do this, I have to pinch your feet!"

"Xiao Zhao, Little Sister! You can't keep doing this! If you keep practicing like this, I'll double the number of military lessons in the evening!""

"And you! Dai Qisi, can you be a little more serious in front of your daughter? I'll have to teach you well alone!"5

Seeing the actions of the women is not standard.

Ye Ling was not polite. When her hands were free, she corrected the posture of the girls.

In an instant, the entire front hall, Yingying, Yanyan, and all the girls followed Ye Ling's palm, and their posture became more and more correct.

"Very good! This is the right way to practice martial arts!"

More than an hour later, seeing that all the women were in the correct posture, Ye Ling nodded with satisfaction.

Instructing the girls to maintain the correct posture and continue to practice diligently, Ye Ling walked slowly to the reclining chair beside him.

While admiring the infinite spring ahead.

On the other side, lying on the reclining chair, Ye Ling opened the communication channel.

The world announcement has not been over for long, both regionally and nationally.

At this time, the communication channel is still very lively.

In addition to the most popular Ye Ling and Ling Vulture Palace, rumors from all sides are also emerging one after another, and countless chat messages are naturally refreshed quickly.

The fingers kept flipping, and after a while, Ye Ling found a unique chat post among the various "hot lists".

"Brothers! Big news!"

"The "Longevity Secret" of the four legendary books seems to have appeared in Yangzhou City in the south of the Yangtze River recently!"


One of the Four Great Books of Longevity?!

Seeing the title of this chat post, Ye Ling's mind moved slightly, and quickly clicked on this post that was published a day ago!

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