Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 148 Yuwen Family? Bing Xuanjin? Garbage to death!

Looking at Ye Ling, Yu Wenhua and Fu Junchuo in front of them.

Shi Long knew very well that it was only his three-legged cat kung fu.

Not to mention the ability to fight against the three, even Fu Junchuo, who looks the weakest among them, can probably hang himself.

But Shi Long is not stupid.

Seeing that the three of them came for the longevity formula, Shi Long quickly thought of a way to deal with it.

That is to use the longevity formula as a bait to attract the three of them to fight with each other first!

Thinking of this, Shi Long's eyes narrowed, and then he casually took out a piece of cloth that looked somewhat similar to the Longevity Art from his arms.

"The longevity formula is here, whoever grabs it can take it!

After all, Shi Long threw the fake cloth into the air.

See here.

Yu Wenhua and Fu Junchuo both changed their expressions slightly, and immediately fought for the fake cloth.

Only Ye Ling could already see Shi Long's small movements.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Eyes flashed, Ye Ling moved.

When the Qingyi Shadowless Art was used, in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Shi Long!


How fast is it?!

Shi Long was surprised, but he didn't have time to react.

When Ye Ling lifted her wrist lightly, a "Six Meridian Divine Sword" shot out instantly.

The sound of "咻" turned into a stream of light, which shot straight towards Shilong's heart!

In an instant, Shi Long didn't have time to step back, so he had to raise his hands, trying to protect every important position in his body.

However, how could Ye Ling's Six Veins Divine Sword be something ordinary people can resist?

Only a crisp sound was heard, and a piece of blood light spurted out instantly!

When all the martial arts disciples present raised their heads and opened their eyes again.

However, it was discovered that the two arms in front of Shi Long were cut off by Ye Ling's sword.

Such a good pusher, Shilong, in an instant, only two big bloody holes were left on the two hands that made him famous!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

His arms were chopped off, and Shi Long immediately screamed in agony. When his face was twisted, he looked extremely miserable and sad.

Seeing this scene, everyone present, no matter which faction they belong to, all looked horrified, and their expressions were extremely shocked!

"What a Devil Venerable Ye Ling! 39

"To be so ruthless and resolute at the time of the shot, it's really not an ordinary person!

In mid-air, Fu Junchuo's eyes narrowed.

While looking at Ye Ling, a general situation arises in his heart.

"Shi Long is one of Yangzhou City's masters no matter what, this Ye Ling defeated him so easily, he will definitely be my Yuwen family's formidable enemy!

Yu Wenhua and the same complexion changed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Honey! Master's strength is so strong!"

"Haha! I didn't make you wrong, Master's strength is definitely the best in the world!

Seeing that Ye Ling defeated Shi Long neatly.

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were greatly surprised.

When the two brothers looked at each other, they were both very happy and excited!

at the same time.

After cutting off Shi Long's hands, Ye Ling didn't stop there.

The figure moved slightly, and when the Beiming Divine Art was inhaled violently, it was directly volleyed into the sky and slammed away to Shilong's chest!

How can Shilong, who lost his arms, still protect his chest and abdomen.

When he raised his hand, Ye Ling grabbed the real "Longevity Secret" in Shi Long's arms.

One of the Four Great Books, the Secret of Longevity, here it is!

Immediately after.

After confirming the authenticity of the longevity formula in his hand, Ye Ling raised his brows and didn't say much.

The Beiming Divine Art was operating again, and Ling Kong began to frantically absorb Internal Energy from Shilong's body!

He just lost his arm, and now he has been extracted from the inner energy of the whole body by Ye Ling's Beiming Magic.

How could Shi Long bear such pain.

In less than a few breaths, Ye Ling swept the Internal Energy all over his body.

Shi Long immediately bleeds from the seven orifices, and fell on the floor of his martial arts field with a bang!

"Really so decisive?!

In less than a moment, Shi Long, who was alive just now, has already returned to the West.

The people present couldn't help but exclaimed again and again, chaotic.

However, after eliminating Shi Long, Ye Ling did not stop.

When the figure moved slightly, and when the Qingyi Wuying Gong was used, Ye Ling was directly heading towards the Yu Wenhua and the fierce attack on the other side!


Seeing that Ye Ling turned his head and attacked him violently.

Although Yu Wenhua and weekdays are self-reliant on the strength of force.

But after seeing the whole process of Ye Ling's attack on Shi Long just now, and seeing Ye Ling attacking him at this moment, Yu Wenhua and Zizi were greatly overshadowed.

"Ye Ling! What do you want to do?!"

.....for flowers

"My Yuwen family is a first-class family in Rivers and Lakes, if you dare to touch me, be careful that your life is not guaranteed!

In addition to being surprised, Yu Wenhua quickly moved out of the Yuwen family, trying to shock Ye Ling!

"Humph! I'm so frightened!

Hearing Yu Wenwenji's words, Ye Ling just sneered, but the offensive in his hands became more and more fierce!

"Damn it! You bastard!

Seeing that Ye Ling's offensive was unabated at all, how could Yu Wenhua not understand Ye Ling's thoughts.

Gritting his teeth, although Yu Wenhua was afraid of Ye Ling's strength, at this moment he had to bite the bullet and attack Ye Ling!

"Bing Xuan Jin!"

In mid-air, Yu Wenhua shouted loudly, and even used the Yuwen family's handed down secret technique - Bing Xuanjin!

In an instant, the air in the entire Shilong Martial Arts field seemed to condense in an instant.

When Ye Ling looked up and looked up again.

Just now I discovered that the Yu Wenhua at the moment was actually ice blue all over, and the cold air all over it was terrifying, and it looked extremely strange!

"Ye Ling! Just use your head as my stepping stone! 99

When Bing Xuan's strength was fully opened, Yu Wenhua's strength skyrocketed at the same time.

With a whistling sound, Yu Wenhua, like an ice sculpture, was attacking Ye Ling!

"Ha ha!""

Seeing Yu Wenhua and his "Bing Xuan Jin", Ye Ling's expression was still calm and calm.

Don't be in a hurry, Ye Ling raised her wrist again, and when her fingers came together, a dazzling light shot out immediately!

"Broken Void Lingtian Fingers!"

With a light drink, Ye Ling immediately threw out the "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" on the spot.


Before everyone present could react, there was an explosion that shook the ground all day long in the air.

Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong and the others looked up.

In mid-air, a Jiaolong transformed by Internal Energy directly slammed into Yu Wenhua, who was covered in cold air.

While spinning continuously, Yu Wenhua's whole body's icy energy has been exhausted by Ye Ling's "Broken Void Ling Tian Finger"!

Then, in the blink of an eye!

Yu Wenhua's Bing Xuan Jin was obviously unable to resist Ye Ling's powerful Internal Energy.

"Ah! 35

Only a scream came from mid-air, and the "Broken Void Lingtian Finger" directly crushed Yu Wenhua and the body-protecting ice energy around him!

Immediately, Yu Wen and Ji fell straight down from the air!

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