Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 015 Take A Sharp Weapon, A Special Title For Yin People!

Ye Ling got up and stretched.

Taking advantage of the situation, he put his right hand on Dao Baifeng's shoulder.

For this level of physical contact, Dao Baifeng has long been numb and has no response.

But in the next second, Dao Baifeng's body was tender for a while, and his eyes revealed to Ye Ling in horror.

And after Ye Ling raised her hand, as if she was electrocuted, she quickly jumped to the side, and said in awe, "Hua Gong Dafa?"

She clearly felt that her own Internal Energy was forcibly sucked away by Ye Ling.

The kind of person who knows that Internal Energy will be taken away, but is helpless and can't even resist.

The sense of despair that one is a knife and I am a fish is very similar to the rumored Hua Gong Dafa.

"Hua Gong Dafa? What kind of rubbish is that? It's just a renegade. After learning a little bit, it's just a clumsy Cultivation Technique."

Ye Ling raised her brows slightly and said with a look of disdain.


Hua Gong Dafa is just incomplete?

Or a botched Cultivation Technique?

Dao Baifeng suddenly felt that his three views were completely destroyed.

In her impression, the star star Ding Chunqiu was an existence that the entire Dali country could not afford to provoke.

His famous stunt, Hua Gong Dafa, has made the whole Rivers and Lakes talk about it.

Wherever he goes, he always retreats!

But it was the stunt of such a terrifying character, but it became worthless when Ye Ling said it.

If he hadn't known that Ye Ling never liked to talk big, Dao Baifeng would definitely not be able to help but sneer.

"What martial arts did he get from that scroll?"

Dao Baifeng is not an idiot.

Immediately guessed, Ye Ling must be on the scroll and got something incredible.


Ye Ling let Dao Baifeng guess at random and ignored it.

Secretly thinking about own things.

After testing, with his current strength, it would take at least five breaths to drain a third-rate Practitioner.

It seems that the time is not long, but it is enough to decide life and death!

"No matter how miraculous the Beiming Divine Art is, it won't make people soar into the sky. It still has to be done step by step."

Ye Ling knows this truth very well.

"With the poison, the second-rate Practitioner has nothing but hatred in front of me, let's keep a low profile first, and only treat the third-rate Practitioner as the target of plunder..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind one by one, Ye Ling quickly decided on the next itinerary.

Immediately, the panel was called out again.

The moment he entered Beiming Divine Art, the system prompted him to trigger Lin Qiushui's mission on Cultivation Technique—kill all the disciples of the Xiaoyao faction!

There are three options for the task:

[Kill Ding Chunqiu! 】

[Kill Tianshan Tongmao! 】

[Kill Li Canghai! 】

The three options are not Time Limit, and can be done in batches.

Rewards will only be displayed if all are completed.

"This is... a hidden quest chain?"

Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Quests like this that don't show rewards in advance are the only hidden quests in the world, with a complete set of quest chains.

Referred to by the player as the hidden task chain.

This kind of task is impossible to find. Ye Ling in the previous life has only done similar tasks twice.

The hidden task chain is not only extremely rewarding in the end, but also has additional rewards for every small task completed.

It is no exaggeration to say, even if it is the most common player.

As long as you complete a hidden task chain, you will also be among the elite players!

"A surprise joy!~"

Ye Ling happily took over the task of killing Ding Chunqiu.

The other two do not need to be considered for the time being.

One who is too strong and has a large number of subordinates will definitely be defeated in the short term.

The other, not only strong, but also so hard to find, seems to be in Tubo.

Two mission objectives, one is more troublesome than the other!

Only Ding Chunqiu was the soft persimmon among the three.

It just so happened that the other party's Shenmu Wang Ding was also what Ye Ling needed and could solve two things at once.

"Speaking of which, Li Qiu really hates the Xiaoyao faction!"

Ye Ling clicked his tongue.

Li Qiu Shui not only left this kind of commission, but also arranged Xiaoyaozi and Li Canghai on the stone wall.

If this person does not know, what do you have to imagine the Xiaoyao faction like?

As Ye Ling chose the task, the other two gradually disappeared.

Ye Ling put away the interface and was about to talk to Dao Baifeng when he suddenly patted his forehead.

"Almost forgot, there is one more harvest!"

The interface appeared again, and Ye Ling skillfully turned to the 'Title' page.

At a glance, he saw the new title that he almost ignored.

[Secret explorer (unique): Hide your own information and choose the public part at will. 】

"Huh? It's actually such a title."

Ye Ling raised her brows and touched her chin.

Found treasure.

【Rivers and Lakes】In the game, only by knowing how to hide your own player can you get longer.

In the past life, as long as such props appeared, they would be auctioned to sky-high prices!

The value is not enough to describe.

After all, no matter how clever the transformation art is, in the eyes of the player, it is a decoration.

Only special titles and special props can hide from the player's eyes.

"I've only heard of props that can hide information, but this is the first time I've heard of it, but I can still choose the parts that are disclosed at will. This title is somewhat heaven-defying!"

Almost as soon as he saw the effect of the title, Ye Ling had already thought of a hundred ways to deceive people.

"The guy who won this title in the last life probably didn't even go out to the secret place. Otherwise, with the effect of the title that can be called a bug, he could easily make a name for himself."

"I can't be too inflated!"

Ye Ling suddenly felt something, and sighed softly.

In less than a second, he forgot his feelings again and walked towards the statue cheerfully.

He cares more about the sword in the statue's hand than the truth of life.

"Congratulations player, get a sharp weapon - the sea."

The sword started, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

[Canghai Sword (sharp weapon): The sword is three feet seven inches long, with a hollowed-out body, inlaid with seven, seven and forty-nine gems, made by Wu Yazi himself. 】

Ye Ling flicked the body of the sword, listening to the light sword sound, nodded with satisfaction.

"There are too many small gems. At first glance, they are flashy, but a sharp weapon is a sharp weapon. It is always many times sharper than ordinary soldiers."

Like Cultivation Technique, weapons also have their own grade.

From low to high are: ordinary soldiers, sharp weapons, treasure weapons, Divine Armament, and unparalleled.

The weapons in the hands of ordinary Practitioners are almost all ordinary soldiers, and only those who are well-known will have sharp weapons.

The treasure weapon is owned by some famous geniuses and masters.

For example, the Heavenly Sword, the Dragon-Slaughtering Sword, etc., are all treasure weapons.

As for Divine Armament, it is extremely rare.

Such as Tears Sword, Wushuang Sword, Lingshuang Sword, etc., are Divine Armament.

Once in the Rivers and Lakes, there is bound to be a bloodbath.

It is the strongest existence among the weapons Ye Ling knows about!

As for the last unparalleled...

That thing only exists in legends, and no one has seen it with their own eyes.

Including Ye Ling, who is familiar with the original novel, only had some conjectures.

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