Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 150 Can't learn? It's okay! The longevity formula is given to the apprentice!

"Shameless rascal!

"Let go of me! Let me go!"

Seeing that Ye Ling actually took herself into her arms.

How could Fu Junchuo, who had never had much contact with a strange man, accept such an intimate gesture.

Bai Nen Ru Xue's face turned red, and the expression on his face was shy and annoyed.

While yelling at Ye Ling, her slender and graceful figure kept struggling, trying to escape from Ye Ling's arms.

However, in Ye Ling's arms, all Fu Junchuo's actions were undoubtedly useless.

"Ling'er, Zhong'er, find some ropes and come here!"

After bringing Fu Jun to the ground, Ye Ling raised his head and instructed Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong.


Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were ordered to leave.

Soon, the two found several hemp ropes of different lengths in the Shilong martial arts field.

"Since you are so dishonest, I can only aggrieve you first!

Taking the rope from Xu Kou and the others, Ye Ling laughed lightly, and immediately tied Fu Junchuo all over.

In a short time, Ye Ling had bound Fu Junchuo's 14 hands and feet.

As for the more important places, in order to prevent Fu Junchuo from being out of breath, Ye Ling exposed them all.

Seeing Ye Ling's binding method, everyone behind Ye Ling looked different.

"Hey! Young Master Zhong! I don't think I've seen Master's binding method before, why does it feel weird?"

Xu Ziling frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he asked Kou Zhong beside him.

"Shhh! What do you know? How well the Master is tied, the convex, the..."

"No! Don't guess the Master's mind, let's do what the disciples should do!

Kou Zhongshi's eyes lit up first, then he reacted, and slapped Xu Ziling on the back of the head.

"It turned out to be the "tortoise shell binding" of the Dongying people! 35

"This guy, the more he plays, the more he spends!"

As the daughter of the Peach Blossom Island Lord, Huang Rong has been well-informed since childhood, and at this time, she recognized Ye Ling's binding method at a glance.

Immediately, Huang Rong's fair face flushed slightly, and she was embarrassed to look at Fu Junchuo on the opposite side.

"This! This binding method!

Unlike Huang Rong, Li Mochou was a little excited when he saw Fu Junchuo being bound.

at the same time.

The master Fu Junchuo naturally noticed something was wrong, and when his face turned red, he yelled at Ye Ling!

"Ye Ling! You shameless rascal! The big devil! 35

"You tie me up like this! When I get out of trouble, I'll be the first to kill you!

Fu Junchuo was furious, and his whole body was trembling constantly, and he looked full of charm and temptation.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ling couldn't help but let out a long laugh.

Immediately, no matter how loud Fu Junchuo's scolding was.

Ye Ling stretched out his hand and hugged Fu Jun's whole body in his arms.

Xiang Ruan started, Ye Ling felt relaxed and happy.

Immediately, Ye Ling left the Shilong Martial Arts Field with everyone!

Yangzhou City.

Among the best inns.

In the room, Ye Ling sat on the Taishi chair.

On the bed beside, Fu Junchuo, who was bound, was thrown on the bed by Ye Ling roughly.

Although a rag was stuffed into his mouth, Fu Jun's eyes were still full of resentment, and he wanted to tear Ye Ling who was not far away into pieces.

However, Ye Ling at this time had no intention of taking care of Fu Junchuo.

After pouring a cup of hot tea, Ye Ling was about to take out the "Longevity Technique" to study it, but a system prompt sounded immediately.

[Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully obtaining one of the Four Great Books, the top-grade Cultivation Technique - The Secret of Longevity! 】

Hearing this prompt, Ye Ling nodded slightly.

Then, the system panel was opened.

In the inventory, the "Longevity Technique" appeared impressively.

However, in the upper right corner, compared with other Cultivation Technique items, there is a big question mark.

Ye Ling reached out and clicked on the question mark, and immediately, a string of words popped up.

【It is detected that the player does not meet the cultivation conditions, the Cultivation Technique is currently unavailable for learning!】

Seeing this series of prompts, Ye Ling wasn't too surprised, on the contrary, she looked like she had expected it.

"Ling'er! Zhong'er! Come in first!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Ling called Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling in.


When Xu and Kou entered the room, they bowed respectfully to Ye Ling!


Ye Ling nodded, and when she turned around, she picked up the "Longevity Art" on the table.

"This is the "Longevity Secret" of one of the four great books in the world!

"The teacher will officially teach it to you today! I hope you can practice hard!"

After all, Ye Ling handed over the "Longevity Secret" to Xu and Kou.

After all, when Ye Ling made the two of them his apprentices, he saw the Yin & Yang physiques that perfectly matched the "Longevity Technique".

You must know that, as the first player to open the apprenticeship system, in addition to the normal apprenticeship function, Ye Ling also enjoys a privilege.

That is, you can exchange martial arts with your apprentices.

In short, Ye Ling can directly learn all the martial arts possessed by Ye Ling's apprentices.

Of course, the specific martial arts Realm still needs Ye Ling to cultivate alone.

But in any case, as a result, Ye Ling could not directly learn the "Longevity Secret Art"


But as long as Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong have learned it, they can learn indirectly.

Get benefits without taking risks, Ye Ling's move can be described as killing two birds with one stone!

at the same time.

Seeing that Ye Ling actually gave such a precious "Longevity Secret" to her two brothers.

How could Xu and Kou, who were lonely since childhood, get such warmth, even with tears in their eyes, they bowed down to Ye Ling in excitement!

"Master's great kindness and virtue, the disciple must remember it in his heart!"

"From now on, if anyone dares to be an enemy of Master, my two brothers will definitely kill them!"

Brothers Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong had trembling voices, and the expressions on their faces were 50% moved and 50% happy.

"Haha! 55

"It's good to have a heart! Go down and practice the "Longevity Technique" first!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and immediately ordered to the two of them!


Xu and Kou bowed their heads and took orders, and then walked out of the room with the "Longevity Secret".

As one of the Four Great Books.

The trick of longevity is difficult at the beginning. It has extremely high requirements on the physique, root and comprehension of the cultivator.

Because Shi Long did not meet the conditions, he was stuck at the time of entry.

However, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong did not have such troubles.

When they got the "Longevity Secret" and opened it, the two of them immediately had a fateful feeling!

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