Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 152 Wan Wan! Shi Fei Xuan! I'll be waiting for you in Luoyang!

"Are all women in the outside world so strange?"

Looking at Huang Rong who was disdainful in his mouth, but acted with sincerity.

Little Dragon Girl couldn't help but frown slightly, and there was a hint of confusion in her ethereal eyes.

At this moment, Huang Rong naturally did not notice the change in Xiaolongnu's expression.

Still lying outside the door, listening intently to the details of Ye Ling's transfer power, the expression on his face became more and more strange.

Half a month passed quietly.

During these days, apart from practicing the exercises by himself, Ye Ling still insisted on teaching Wang Yuyan and Li Mochou every night.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off.

Under Ye Ling's day and night's diligent teaching, Wang Yuyan and Li Mochou also initially learned the "Longevity Technique"


With the blessing of "Longevity".

Whether it is skin, body or temperament, both of them have undergone great changes, and even Xiaolongnu is amazed.

As for Huang Rong.

At this moment, I have mixed feelings, and I want to take the initiative to ask Ye Ling for advice, but I am extremely unwilling.

Ye Ling saw it, but she was not in a hurry to break Huang Rong's thoughts.

On this day, while Ye Ling was practicing, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong found Ye Ling627.

"Master! What you told us to do before has basically been done!""

As soon as he entered the door, Kou Zhong bowed respectfully to Ye Ling, and then opened his mouth to report the situation one by one.

"Nice job!"

When Ye Ling heard this, she immediately adjusted her breath and sat up, with a flash of joy in her eyes.

It turned out that as early as half a month ago, Ye Ling arranged for Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong to spread the news in Yangzhou City and the entire Tang Dynasty.

The main content of the message.

There are clues about Yang Gong's treasure house and He's jade.

These clues have been designed by Ye Ling, and there are both true and false. Even the top experts are difficult to distinguish clearly in a short period of time.

The reason why Ye Ling arranged this was to attract the rest of the Tang Dynasty masters and the hidden Martial Forest legend to come out.

After all, he has already come, so it is naturally impossible to let go of Yang Gong's treasure house and He's jade, two of the world's most precious treasures.

Besides, Ye Ling moved too fast when he snatched the "Longevity Secret" earlier.

The Rose Sword Yan Nanfei had not yet appeared, and naturally he had not obtained the Blood Rose, one of the seven poisons.

(becf) However, although Ye Ling did not meet Yan Nanfei.

But Ye Ling knew that this person must still be in the Tang Dynasty.

In this way, as long as Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong spread the news of Yang Gong's treasure house and He's jade.

Then the blood rose has a great possibility to be attracted.

"very good!"

After confirming that Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong had basically completed the matter, Ye Ling nodded slightly, and then gave instructions to the two apprentices again.

"Since the matter here has been settled, then as a teacher, I will go to Luoyang soon. 95

"The two of you will continue to stay in Yangzhou to practice martial arts diligently. After the "Longevity Art" is successful, you can go to Tianshan Lingjiu Palace to find a teacher!

After thinking about it, Ye Ling decided to arrange Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong in Yangzhou first.

After all, I can't use these two at the moment.

It's better to hide the two first and let them grow freely, maybe they will become another trump card of own in the near future!

"Here! Follow the Master's orders!

Regarding Ye Ling's arrangement, although Xu and Kou were puzzled, they still respected Ye Ling and bowed their heads.

"very good!

Seeing Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong bowing their heads and taking orders, Ye Ling was very satisfied.

Immediately after, after giving the two apprentices a certain amount of entanglement, Ye Ling instructed Huang Rong and the girls to start packing.

Get ready to go to Luoyang City.

a few days later.

In a wine shop in Luoyang City, people from all walks of life came and went in a hurry, the voices were full of people, and it was extremely lively.

In the center of the restaurant, a group of Rivers and Lakes knights in different clothes and shapes were sitting together.

With a few jars of wine, the group of Rivers and Lakes knights eagerly discussed several extremely prosperous rumors that occurred in Luoyang City recently.

"Hey! Brothers, have you heard about it? The Eastern Capital City is going crazy recently.

"It is said that someone announced the exact location of Yang Gong's treasure house and He's jade, my dear, these are all legendary treasures!

Beside the Eight Immortals table, a rather smart-looking little thug jumped up on the bench, and spoke to the surroundings in a serious manner.

"Hey! Makes it seem like who doesn't have a few grapevines!"

The big man on the table next to him slapped the table and stood up, mocking at first, but then he couldn't help nodding his head, his eyes shining brightly.

"But to be honest, since these two clues came out, the whole Luoyang city has been lively!

"Just talking about the famous experts in the Tang Dynasty, the Demon Sect Holy Maiden Wanwan, the head of the Yinkui Sect Zhu Yuyan, and the Evil King Shi Zhixuan, which one is not a top expert who has long been famous in Rivers and Lakes?"

As soon as the big man said these words, the eyes of everyone present lit up, and they were in agreement one after another.

After all, for these long-established masters.

Even if it is the fledgling Rivers and Lakes shrimp, it is natural to be familiar.

"Humph! How dare the masters of the Demon Cult be so rampant?"

"Don't you know that the present descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, Concubine Xuan, has already left the mountain, and this treasure belongs to me, and it must be a decent person for me!

However, not long after the big man's voice fell, a young scholar stood up at the wine table in the corner.


Shi Fei Xuan is also here?

When they heard the name, everyone present was shocked, and almost spilled the wine in their hands.

"Haha! That's not necessarily true!"

One wave after another, seeing the big man and the scholar facing each other, the dwarf knight just jumped off the chair.

"Datang Righteous and Evil have been fighting for a long time, and naturally they will be the protagonists of this treasure hunt.

"But my brother, I heard that in addition to the masters of our Tang Dynasty, there are also many people from other countries, such as the thief Chu Liuxiang, Leng Rakshasa Xue Bing, the sword god Ximen Chuixue and so on."

"With the addition of these monsters, this time our Luoyang City, I'm afraid it's really not peaceful!

Chu Liuxiang?

Xue Bing?

Ximen blowing snow?

Hearing this, while the people present were shocked, discussions began to erupt.

The gossip from all sides was flying all over the sky, and when you were arguing with me, the entire wine shop was gradually surrounded by noise.

At the same time, such scenes were also staged in various inns, teahouses, and even brothels in Luoyang.

Compared with the news channels of NPCs.

Players with communication channels naturally got the news first.

At this moment, Datang's national channel is already full of chat records of various players.

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