Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 159 Forcing the Concubine Xuan! Beauty! Hand over the Cihang Sword Canon!

Hear Ye Ling's question.

Fu Junchuo immediately remembered the condition Ye Ling had put forward to him when he was still in Yangzhou.

When his face turned red, Fu Junchuo first looked at the concubine Xuan on the bed, and then looked at Ye Ling on the opposite side.

While looking around, the Goryeo female swordsman hesitated.

Seeing Fu Junxi's hesitation, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and when he looked up at Fu Jun, he immediately raised the price again.

"As long as you are willing to stay by my side for three years, or there is a way to make this woman on the bed belong to me."

"Then, the longevity formula can lend you a look!



Hearing that Ye Ling was willing to lend him the "Longevity Secret", Fu Jun's eyes lit up, obviously interested.

"But... ah!

Taking another look at the concubine Xuan on the bed, Fu Junchuo was still a little hesitant.

"Six Six Zero"

But in the end, he couldn't resist the "Longevity Secret" and nodded to Ye Ling and agreed.

"very good!"

Seeing that Fu Junchuo finally nodded, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and then walked slowly to Fu Junchuo's side.

Bowing his head slightly, Ye Ling leaned into Fu Junchuo's ear and spoke in a low voice.

After a while, Ye Ling finished explaining.

After figuring out Ye Ling's plan, Fu Junchuo glared at Ye Ling with some resentment.

Immediately after.

However, he had to stand up again, and sat directly in front of the concubine Xuan who was paralyzed by poisoning.

"Little Sister, I'm sorry!

With a sigh in his heart, Fu Junchuo immediately stretched out his hand towards Concubine Xuan's collar, and unbuttoned the first button with a "pop"!

"You! What the hell are you doing?! 35

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer clothes on her own, Shi Feixuan was immediately horrified.

But because of her weak and weak body, Shi Fei Xuan stared helplessly, and shouted to stop Fu Junchuo.

"What else can we do?"

Seeing that Concubine Xuan, who had been silent all the way, finally spoke up, Ye Ling chuckled and looked down at Concubine Xuan who was wearing cool clothes on the bed.

"Speak out the contents of the Cihang Sword Canon! Let it go!


Want me to hand over the Cihang Sword Canon?

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shi Feixuan frowned and shook her head decisively.

"Cihang Sword Canon is the secret that I don't pass on! It's impossible to hand it over to someone like you!"5

The concubine Xuan's tone was firm, as if she refused to give the Cihang Sword Canon.

Ye Ling was not annoyed by the stern refusal of the concubine Xuan, but turned his head and said to Fu Junchuo who was beside him.

"Since she doesn't say it, go on! 9

Although Fu Junchuo didn't want to embarrass the concubine Xuan, Ye Ling had already given orders after all.

With the "Longevity Secret" in mind, Shi Fei Xuan stretched out her hands to Shi Fei Xuan again.


Shi Fei Xuan's whole body dress has been taken off, only the last thin apron remains!

"Stop! Stop for me!""

Seeing that Fu Junchuo actually wanted to continue, Shi Feixuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and when she lay on the bed, she let out a coquettish cry.

Hearing the sound, Ye Ling winked at Fu Junchuo, who was beside him, and stopped him.


After keeping her own innocence, Shi Feixuan relaxed a little.

After stabilizing her mind, Shi Feixuan turned her eyes, looked at Ye Ling opposite, and started talking.

"The Cihang Sword Canon is unfathomable, although I am a descendant of the world, I haven't been able to read it all, let alone let me recite it silently!

"If you really want to see it, you can only go to Emperor Taifeng Cihang Jingzhai in person!"

After all, Shi Feixuan stared at Ye Ling with great interest.

According to her expectations, when she heard that she was going to Cihang Jingzhai in person, the Devil Venerable probably wouldn't go.

However, in the next second, Ye Ling's reaction was beyond Shi Feixuan's expectations.

"Okay! Then go!"

I saw that Shi Feixuan's voice had just fallen, but Ye Ling had never even thought about it before, so he just nodded and decided!

So decisive?!

Hearing this, Shi Feixuan's beautiful eyes quickly flashed a look of surprise, apparently slightly convinced by Ye Ling's courage.

"That's the right way to Sacred Land, aren't you afraid that this girl is cheating?"

At the same time, Fu Junchuo on the side also asked Ye Ling curiously.

"Haha! 99

Hearing this, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and immediately stood up from Shi Feixuan's side and sat directly on the tea table.

"She's telling the truth.

"The Cihang Sword Code is indeed as she said, mysterious and unpredictable, it is not something that can be forcibly written down overnight."

"As far as I know, even Ning Daoqi, the former "Number One Person in the Central Plains", was injured by watching the Cihang Sword Canon, not to mention her teacher and concubine Xuan, who is a little realm?

After that, Ye Ling picked up the teapot by himself and poured himself a cup of hot tea calmly...

However, the speaker has no intention and the listener has a heart.

Seeing that Ye Ling knew so much about the Cihang Sword Canon, the expressions of the two women in the room were startled.

"I didn't expect the martial arts of Cihang Jingzhai to be so mysterious and interesting, and it is indeed the Sacred Land of the Tang Dynasty!

Fu Junchuo's tone was surprised, and there was even more curiosity in his eyes.

And the concubine Xuan on the bed was even more shocked, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

I didn't expect that Ye Ling knew so much about the secrets of his family. It must have been a plan for a long time...

Concubine Shixuan's heart was shaking, and she wished she could get away immediately and tell her Master the news.

Since she has already received the promise of the concubine, Ye Ling is not very interested in her inner thoughts.

After drinking the hot tea in the cup, Ye Ling immediately stood up and walked out of the room.

After that, Fu Junchuo, who agreed to the conditions, naturally followed and left the room together.

Seeing that the "tortured duo" finally left, Shi Feixuan, who was lying on the bed, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But after thinking about it, Shi Feixuan felt something wrong again.

"Didn't they all say Devil Venerable Ye Ling is a lecher? Why did I only have one apron left, but this guy didn't respond at all."

"Am I really that bad looking?"

Recalling the details just now, Concubine Xuan was a little surprised by Ye Ling's indifference.

But soon, Shi Fei Xuan woke up and turned around.

"Master Concubine Xuan! Master Concubine Xuan! Ye Laomo has no intention of you, isn't it a good thing?"

Patting own's chest, Shi Feixuan quickly relieved herself.

The reason why Shi Feixuan has such a reaction is because of the addition of the many titles on Ye Ling to the charm value.

Under Ye Ling's extremely high charm value, no matter what camp you are in, Ye Ling will be deeply impressed.

Therefore, Shi Fei Xuan had already figured it out in his heart.

But subconsciously, he was still a little indignant, always feeling that his own beauty should not be ignored by Ye Ling.


[I hope the brothers who think it's okay will support me, and vote for flowers and the like!].

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