"Hey, Wood, do you want to go and have a look?"

With the sound of fighting outside the hall, Zhong Ling immediately became excited and pushed Duan Yu, who was stunned.

"Ah? What did you say, girl?"

Duan Yu woodenly turned his head and asked.

"What are you looking at, so fascinated?"

Zhong Ling looked puzzled.

The position of the two at the moment, there is a door beam blocking the line of sight, and the situation outside cannot be seen at all.

"No, nothing."

Duan Yu frowned and shook his head, casually speaking.

the other side.

Dao Baifeng hid in the corner at a loss, not knowing where to put his hands.

He kept rubbing the corners of his clothes.

She never thought that she would meet her son who ran away from home here!

She was relieved that her son was fine.


"How to do how to do?"

Dao Baifeng turned around anxiously, thinking frantically about how to deal with the next thing.

She dared not let Duan Yu know about the affair with Ye Ling.

Damaged reputation, loss of mother's majesty, are small things.

The key is that she was afraid that Duan Yu would find it difficult to accept the facts, and would do irreversible things on impulse.

"With that bastard's temper, he will never be soft-hearted!"

Moreover, she still has no ability to stop Ye Ling!

As early as in Lang Huan Blessed Land, Dao Baifeng had already learned how terrifying Ye Ling is now.

"No, absolutely can't meet Yu'er, let alone let that bastard touch Yu'er."

Dao Baifeng clenched his fists, intending to protect his own son from the claws.



In the open space in front of the martial arts hall, screams sounded one after another.

Ye Ling took a mysterious step, dodging and moving in the crowd, just like walking in a garden.

Even if the attack came from all directions, it was difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

And the person he touches will lose the Internal Energy in an instant, and die in a blink of an eye.

Ye Ling's expression was calm, not showing any mercy.

Rivers and Lakes, just so cruel.

The weak will only be trampled on, and only by becoming the strong can you control your own destiny!

"Hua Gong Dafa is Hua Gong Dafa!"

Sikong Xuan fell to the ground and muttered.

Despair on his face.

But he didn't want to sit still, so he quickly shouted to the people of the Infinite Sect: "Zuo Zimu, you still haven't made a move? When our Shennong Gang is dead, do you think the Infinite Sect will be able to escape this disaster?"

Zuo Zimu, who was already frightened, was shocked when he heard this.

Looking at the ghostly figure, his eyes were full of fear.

"The disciples of Xizong obey the order and follow the head of the sect to kill the evil way!"

Shuangqing shouted suddenly, raised his sword to kill Ye Ling

She is much more sober than Zuo Zimu.

It has long been discovered that Ye Ling looked at the eyes of the people of the Boundless Party, and it was no different from looking at the Shennong Gang, as if he was looking at the dead.

This is simply a murderer!

Instead of expecting him to have good intentions, let him and others be spared.

It is better to use the sword in your hand to cut a chance for yourself!

The Xizong disciples of the Infinite Sect did not immediately obey the order, and most of them stood there, hesitating.

But that's a moment of hesitation.

Shuangqing, who rushed out first, turned into a corpse and lay down at Ye Ling's feet.


Someone screamed in surprise.

Then, with a bang, the disciples of the Infinite Sect rushed towards the hall and fled in all directions.

The few remaining disciples of the Shennong Gang didn't care about Sikong Xuan's life or death.

Each exerted the strength of feeding, turned around and ran.

"Oh, I just remembered running away now, it's too late!"

Ye Ling grinned, changed her pace, and rushed towards the fleeing crowd.

This time, his speed was obviously much faster.

It was at least twice as fast as when he was besieged by everyone!

Snapped! ~

Ye Ling casually threw the corpse aside.

Looking around, there were no more disciples of the two factions in the field of vision.

The Infinite Sect and the Shennong Gang, a total of more than 300 people, were wiped out!

In front of the martial arts hall, corpses are scattered everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

Ye Ling stood among the many corpses, dressed in black attire, spotless.

After a moment of silence.

His figure flashed, he hugged Dao Baifeng by the waist, and asked with a light smile, "What is Madam thinking, so ecstatic, don't even say come to help me."

Dao Baifeng opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

It didn't take much time from Ye Ling's action to killing everyone.

She hadn't figured out how to keep Ye Ling from meeting Duan Yu.

The battle is over.

No, that's not a fight at all.

It's... a one-sided massacre!

Such a massacre, where do you need her help?

"Eh? Why is there no movement? It was very lively just now."

Zhong Ling's voice sounded.

Then, a small head stuck out, which happened to meet Ye Ling's eyes.

Snapped! ~

Ye Ling raised his right hand and pressed it on Zhong Ling's head,

Immediately, Beiming Divine Art was activated.

The next second, Zhong Ling's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground, fainting.

With Internal Energy delivered to your door, Ye Ling naturally wouldn't be polite.

What's more, he and Zhong Ling have some Liang Zi.

Although it was a matter of the past, it did not prevent him from finding a place in this life!

"Miss Bell!"

An exclamation sounded, followed by the sound of running.

Dao Baifeng's body was instantly tense, and he couldn't care about anything else, he was about to leave this place with Ye Ling.

She can't let the two meet!

Ye Ling let the knife Baifeng pull, and his feet didn't move.

Soon, Dao Baifeng discovered a fact that shocked her.

The opponent's skill is already above his own!


Dao Baifeng slowly shook his head, tears in his beautiful eyes, and his eyes were full of prayers.

Ye Ling raised her brows, and a wicked smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This smile is familiar to Dao Baifeng.

Every time the other party wants to try a strange trick, there is always a similar smile.

"No, no, please, don't be in front of him."

Dao Baifeng fell to the ground heavily, shaking his head frantically, while crying and pleading.

Ye Ling's eyelids jumped.

He did think of something funny.

But... it's not as exaggerated as Dao Baifeng thought!

"This woman, better than me, has a lot of room for development!"

Ye Ling touched her chin and thought with a low smile.

At this time, Duan Yu had come to the front and was leaning down to help Zhong Ling.

Just turn your head to meet Dao Baifeng's line of sight.

Bang! ~

Ye Ling struck out a palm like lightning, knocking Duan Yu unconscious to the ground in an instant.

"So, is Madam still satisfied?"

Dao Baifeng nodded quickly, as long as Ye Ling didn't mess around, she could accept anything.

Being dizzy for a while is better than losing your life.

Ye Ling retracted his gaze and turned to look at Zhong Ling, who was in a coma. There was an extra three-corpse brain pill in his hand.

He was thinking about this just now, but he was misunderstood by Dao Baifeng.

"Feed this girl, and then protect the law for me."

After throwing the Medicine Pill to Dao Baifeng, Ye Ling found a random place to sit at Lotus Position.

He absorbed too much Internal Energy at one time, he had to digest it.

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