Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 170 The Battle of Righteous & Evil! Both loses! Ye Ling's shot!

"Your opponent is me!

The figure moved slightly, Yang Xuyan held the sword in one hand, and in the blink of an eye, he was already at the side of the witch Wanwan!

"Shadow Assassin?!

Seeing Yang Xuyan attacking quickly, although Wanwan had doubts in her heart, she did not panic at all.

When he raised his Qi Yungong and stretched out his hands, Wanwan also used the "Heavenly Devil Dafa", and immediately fought with Yang Xuyan.

at the same time.

Seeing Zhu Yuyan, Master Wanwan, Shi Zhixuan and Yang Xuyan were fighting together.

In the Great Hall, the rest of the Demon Sect masters couldn't hold back, and they all came to the "Evil Emperor Relic"!

"Tsk tsk! The Evil Emperor's relic, this is my devil's thing, who took it?"

With a wretched laugh, one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect, Sichuan Fatty Jia Anlong stepped forward abruptly, wanting to compete for the Evil Emperor's relic.

However, seeing Sichuan Fatty's shot, in the right way, there are also people who block it!

"Die Fatty! Never try to get the Evil Emperor's relic!

The affectionate son Hou Xibai shouted loudly, danced with a folding fan in his hand, and displayed the "folded flower white style", which was flying towards Sichuan fat Jia Anlong!

"14 Don't be surprised, I just want to take a look at the "Evil Emperor Relic"!"

A long roar came from outside the hall, and immediately, an elegant figure rushed straight into the Great Hall, heading straight for the Evil Emperor's relic.

He is also one of the eight masters of the magic door, Ziwu Sword Zuoyouxian!

Zuo Youxian's figure is elegant, Qinggong is very good, and in the blink of an eye, he is already in front of Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan.


Among the crowd in the hall, another figure flashed out! It was directly in front of Zuo Youxian!

"Jing Nian Zen! Protecting the Dharma is not greedy, I came here to experience a lesson or two!

"Ha ha!"

"This seat is not interested in the Evil Emperor's relic, it's just that Sister Yuyan is in trouble, so of course I want to help! 35

The eight masters of the magic gate are in the forefront, the magician Zhao Deyan laughed loudly, the Secret Technique "blood nerve" broke out, and the goal was directed at Shi Zhixuan!

Right now!

Master Liaokong, who has been silent for a long time, finally made his move!

"Amitābha! Why should the benefactor do this?!

After all, when the air is lifted and the Qi exercise is carried out, the meditation practice of pure thinking appears immediately!

Under the temptation of "Evil Emperor Relic" and the entanglement of Righteous & Evil grievances.

Wanwan, Zuo Youxian, Jia Anlong, Zhao Deyan, Xi Ying and other experts from the Demon Sect were dispatched one after another.


Yang Xuyan, Hou Xibai, neither greed nor anger, Master Liaokong and other masters also stood up, just to stop everyone from the Demon Sect!

In a moment, the two masters of Righteous and Evil were fighting together.

You come and go on both sides, Secret Technique appears frequently, and everyone outside the hall was dumbfounded and shocked!

"Fuck! Is this a fight between masters? No one can see clearly! Luo

"Where is the black-clothed man who came out from here, and he can actually fight the witch Wanwan!

"Affectionate son Hou Xibai is also very strong! Just using a fan, he actually fought a tie with Sichuan Fatty!

"This Zhao Deyan is worthy of being a master who is as famous as the Queen of Yin and the Evil King. He has fought against Master Kong, but he is not inferior!"

"Jingnian Zen is still strong! There are several decent top masters who participated in the war, and many of them belong to Jingnian Zen!"

As the battle situation in the hall became more and more white-hot, everyone outside the hall was discussing.

As for Lu Xiaofeng, Sikong Zhaixing, a national master, was very excited even though he didn't join it.


Righteous and Evil masters fought for hundreds of rounds, and still no one was defeated.

And at the top of everyone's heads, the battle between Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan also came to the most tense moment.

At this point, the two had changed from close combat just now to Internal Energy competition.

"Heavenly Devil Dafa" is matched with the "Dharma Seal of Immortality".

The top Cultivation Technique's head-to-head confrontation is only to be able to grab the "Evil Emperor Relic" one step ahead of the other party.

"Heartless man!"

"What exactly do you want to do?!"

After fighting for a long time, seeing that Shi Zhixuan obviously did not want to let go, Zhu Yuyan's eyes were cold, and even she spoke angrily.

"Evil Emperor Relic! I must get it!

Hearing this, Shi Zhixuan's eyes were firm, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Seeing that Shi Zhixuan not only did not have the slightest expression of guilt, but he was determined to compete with himself for the "Evil Emperor Relic"


The brows were slightly wrinkled, and all kinds of things in the past came to Zhu Yuyan's mind.

When she looked up, Zhu Yuyan's eyes quickly flashed a decisive look!

"Okay! Heartless man, since you want to rob! Then we don't want anyone! 35

After saying that, Zhu Yuyan gritted her teeth, raised her hand and slapped it with all her strength, and she actually bombarded the "Evil Emperor Relic" on the side!

What? Not good!

Seeing that Zhu Yuyan actually wanted to smash the "Evil Emperor Relic", Shi Zhixuan's expression suddenly changed, and he was extremely shocked!

Before he had time to think about it, Shi Zhixuan raised his qi and luck again, because he wanted to defuse the monstrous Internal Energy of Zhu Yuyan's palm.


Although the "immortal seal method" can use force to fight, resolve the enemy's internal strength.

But Zhu Yuyan made a decisive palm, and the inner strength contained in it was very terrifying.

Even though Shi Zhixuan had already dissolved most of his strength, there was still a lot of internal strength fluctuations overflowing!

And the two were very close to the "Evil Emperor Relic", when the fluctuations were turbulent, it was inevitable that the "Evil Emperor Relic" would be affected!

Affected by the fluctuation of external forces, the "Evil Emperor Relic", which was not stable at all, became violent again!


Several earth-shattering dull sounds sounded, and the "Evil Emperor Relic" actually changed directly!

The Primordial Essence of the Sage Monarchs of the past dynasties spilled out, and immediately formed a huge energy vortex in the center of the Great Hall 660!


How is this going?!

The energy vortex appeared out of thin air, and before Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan could react, they were directly pulled into it!

Immediately after.

Wanwan, Zuo Youxian, Zhao Deyan, Jia Anlong and other demon masters.

As well as Hou Xibai, Master Liaokong and other righteous masters, all of them were also sucked into the energy vortex.

In an instant, as long as the masters who got too close to the Evil Emperor's relic because of their participation in the battle, were all sucked in by the "Evil Emperor's Relic", trapped in it, unable to move.

In mid-air, a group of masters one after another, biting the title stock, like the legendary human-headed centipede.

Seeing such a scene, in the shadows, Ye Ling's eyes suddenly shot a bright light.

Don't start at this time! When will you wait?!

His eyes flashed, and when his figure moved slightly, Ye Ling, who had been dormant for a long time, suddenly rushed out!

"Bei Ming Divine Art!"

As he leaped into the air, Ye Ling let out a soft drink, and moved towards the masters of Righteous & Evil.

In an instant!

Ye Ling's majestic and powerful Internal Energy suddenly entered the field, and the incomparably powerful suction force immediately sucked out in all directions!

In just a few breaths, the "Evil Emperor Relic", who was still holding everyone down just now, was actually moving slowly towards Ye Ling at this very moment!

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