Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 176 Violent reaction! Three Grand Great Masters come out!

Liaodong, Goguryeo!

Although it is early spring, Koguryo is still covered with snow as a place that has been bitter and cold since ancient times.

At the foot of Miaoxiang Mountain, there is a very inconspicuous sword cottage.

The two sat opposite each other, as if they were playing a game!

"You mean, there was a Devil Emperor in the Central Plains, called Ye Ling, who captured my disciple Fu Junchuo?!"

Zhi Bai fell, and the old man on the left slowly raised his head.

I saw that this old man had an unusually long and narrow face.

What is even more unacceptable is that the above facial features are all shortcomings that no one wants to have.

At this moment, these shortcomings seemed to be in a hurry, all crowded into the atrium.

In this way, the whole face of the old man appears to be very shoddy.

Fortunately, there is also a long black hair with two shoulders, which reconciles the incongruity between the wide shoulders and the narrow face, so that it will not scare others.

And this unique-looking old man is none other than the only top expert in Goguryeo.

Fu Cailin, known as the "Master of Swordsmanship"!

Hearing Fu Cailin's question, the Goguryeo official on the opposite side nodded, raised his hand, and immediately said.

"Yes! Not only that!

"I heard that this Devil Emperor Ye Ling also opened the treasure house of Yang Gong and obtained the "Evil Emperor Relic"! He even severely damaged the two factions of the Tang Dynasty and the Six Paths!

Evil Emperor Shelley?!

Hearing this, Fu Cailin's eyes lit up, and the white child in his hand suddenly fell!

"Ow! 99

A faint roar of a tiger followed, and when the Goguryeo official raised his head, the chess piece in his hand rolled onto the ground with a "snap" sound.

I saw that behind Fu Cailin, there seemed to be a fierce tiger galloping, monstrous and dangerous!


"Evil Emperor Sherry!"

"Maybe we can meet this young man well!"

After that, Fu Cailin stood up from the chair, with his hands on his back, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the vast sky in the distance.

at the same time.

On the chessboard just now, white has already strangled black!

Steppes, Turkic tribes!

It is expected that in the cold spring, the East Turks who lived by water and grass once again returned to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains from the land of the North Sea.

Huge tents were erected, and countless horses galloped around the grassland.

In the distant mountains, a group of cavalrymen rushed from the Central Plains and entered the main tent in the middle of the pasture.

"According to what you said, this Devil Emperor Ye Ling who was born out of nowhere is actually so fierce"?"

On the main seat, Bi Xuan, the only top expert in the Eastern Turks, slowly turned around and looked at the messenger opposite.

Although there was no expression on Bi Xuan's face, there was a strange and inexplicable awe-inspiring aura all over his body, like the ancient gods and demons who secretly ruled the prairie in legends.

The wild hemp robe casually draped over his body fluttered in the wind, revealing Bi Xuan's dazzling bronze skin.

On Bi Xuan's head, jet-black hair was tied back into a bun.

Accompanied by his handsome and handsome face, although he is sitting on a straw mat, Bi Xuan's whole person is like a god statue cast out of bronze.

Quietly placed, but exudes an extremely dignified and shocking breath all the time.

Under such majesty, the next commander was trembling all over, and he couldn't even utter a complete sentence when he opened his mouth.

"Kai, Kai, Lord Martial Venerate, indeed, this is indeed the case."

Hearing this, Bi Xuan's eyes flickered, and the aura around him immediately ascended countless times!

The next commander was startled, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, trembling all over.

At this moment, behind Martial Venerate Bi Xuan was unexpectedly a prairie wolf with green eyes, crawling on the ground, as if hunting!

When the might of the Great Master was in full bloom, Bi Xuan immediately stood up, his eyes widened, and he only went in the direction of the Central Plains.

"What a Devil Emperor Ye Ling!"

"The deity wants to see what kind of waves a small Han Chinese from the Central Plains can create!

Embroidered Jade Valley, Move Flower Palace!

In the Hall of Dreams of Red Mansions, the Grand Palace Master, dressed in a celestial robe, invites the moon to sit on the throne, with peerless elegance and incomparable beauty.

On its right-hand side, Lian Xing, the second palace lord of the same national color and heavenly fragrance, was sitting upright, with an extraordinary temperament.

And behind Lian Xing, a handsome young man who was rare in the world stood quietly.

This young man is estimated to be less than twenty years old, although his face is extremely gentle and calm.

However, there is a look of courage and determination in his eyes from time to time, and there is a little more masculinity.

It is the young master of the Yihua Palace, Hua Wuque, known as "Young Master Wu Que"!

The three of them sat or stood, all listening carefully to the reports of His Highness's disciples.


"This Devil Emperor Ye Ling not only took away the "Evil Emperor Relic", but also took away the rest of the people from the two factions of the Demon Sect!"

Hearing the disciple's reply, Yaoyue, who was on the throne, could not help frowning, and a look of astonishment flashed in her eyes.

Below it, Lian Xing, the lord of the second house, also changed his face, as if he was shocked.

However, Hua Wuque on the side behaved differently.

Reading the basic information about Ye Ling, Hua Wuque's eyes lit up and seemed to be excited.

~About the same age as me, I have managed to get such a big name. "

"Looks like it might be possible to meet this Devil Emperor Ye Ling for a while!"

Changbai Mountain Tianchi, Shenshui Palace!

While holding the paper information in his hand, he listened to the report of the returning disciple below.

in the Great Hall.

Jellyfish Yinji's eyes were like cold stars, and under her heroic face, there was a hint of gloom and doubt.

"So many people, so many sects.

"Actually, Ye Ling took away the "Evil Emperor Relic", and also took away a group of demon masters! 99

"This title of "Devil Emperor" is truly well-deserved!"

With a condensed gaze, Jellyfish Yinji immediately looked at Hua Feibai, Yuexiu and other disciples below.

After pondering for a while, the jellyfish Yinji said.

"Send someone to the Vulture Palace!"

"This devil (the king's) emperor, we may be able to make friends!"

Great Song Dynasty Tokyo, Shenhou Mansion!

In the flower hall, Zhuge Zheng, dressed in a white robe with long braids hanging down his belly, had a calm expression on his face, and was sitting on the Taishi chair in the center.

Underneath it, the ruthless, cold-blooded, iron-handed, and chasing four famous arresters stood in the middle, their faces were different, but their eyes were all dignified.

"Devil Emperor Ye Ling made a riot in Chang'an and took away the evil emperor's relic!"

"What do you think about this?!"

On the main seat, Zhuge Zheng I looked at my four proud disciples and spoke slowly.

Suddenly asked.

Among the four famous arrests, Cold-blooded, Iron-handed, and Chasing Life were all hesitant and thinking.

Only the ruthless gaze in the wheelchair flashed, and then the cupped fist answered.

"Report to the lord!

"According to what I know about Ye Ling, this person is too dangerous, either to befriend him, or to fight against him with all his strength!

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