Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 180 Devil Dao Supreme Order! Encircle the Emperor!

Chapter 180 Devil Dao Supreme Order! Encircle the emperor and step on the peak!

Days go by in a flash!

Datang, Qinling Mountains, Emperor Tread Peak!

Sacred Land as the two righteous paths, which are called together with the Zen Buddhism.

Although Cihang Jingzhai is built on the top of the mountain, the overall area is not small.

Next to the stone stairs that go straight down the mountain road, two huge stone plaques stand quietly.

A line of small poems is engraved in block letters on the left and right sides.

It is "home is in this mountain, cloud is deep and I don't know where".

Behind the two stone plaques, there are seven wooden doors known as "Seventh Stage Gate", which are very peculiar as they go up the steps.

Each of the seven wooden doors has a knocker decorated with Lotus flowers.

The last jujube red wooden door is the real mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai.

Passing through this mountain gate, in the center of the elaborately carved buildings is the grand and spacious main hall of Cihang Jingzhai, the Cihang Hall!

Right now!

In the Cihang Hall, which was sparsely populated in the past, masters gathered, crowded with masters of the right way from the Tang Dynasty and other countries.

At this time, a group of righteous masters are discussing a lot, and the expressions on their faces are full of confidence!

"Humph! This time there are not only the righteous masters of my Tang Dynasty, but also the righteous Daoists of other allies. Are you afraid that you won't be able to win another Ye Ling?"

"That's it! We have so many masters, and the master of Ning Daoqi and Cihang Jingzhai, we must call him Ye Ling to come and go!"

"Hahaha! Still the Devil Emperor? This time, as long as Ye Ling dares to come, I will make him a "devil brother"!"

"That's right! Just kill Ye Ling this time, and we'll all be famous! What do you want and what do you want?"

At the time of the discussion, all the righteous masters were very excited, and they already regarded Ye Ling's head as something in the bag.

No wonder people are so confident.

You must know that there are many masters in the Cihang Jingzhai, and there are even legendary masters like Ning Daoqi, a loose person.

And in order to prevent Ye Ling from poisoning, the masters have already prepared a large number of antidotes.

With such adequate preparations, all the righteous masters are full of self-confidence and have no worries.

Not only that, but even the players who were among the NPCs held the same attitude.

"It's over, it's over! These NPCs have grown brains, so many antidotes, they can't even finish eating food!"

"It's not very good now! Without the restriction of poison, Ye Shen can't afford so many people even if he is single-handed!"

"How many people are you still using? I heard it! There are top-level old monsters here, and one-on-one Old Demon Ye is probably not an opponent!"

"Wuhu! Eat a feast! This time is not like before. If Old Demon Ye dares to come, he only needs to die!"

"It's his bad luck! Hanging for so long! That's what he deserves!"

In the communication channel, various barrages were flying constantly, and very few people were optimistic about Ye Ling.


Just when everyone in the hall was triumphant, thinking that they had the chance to win.

Outside the mountain gate, an ordinary disciple of Cihang Jingzhai rushed in in a hurry, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Not good! Not good!"

"A lot of people and horses suddenly appeared around the foot of the mountain, and they all seem to be people from the devil's door!"


The devil's man?!

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the righteous masters changed slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Isn't that the good Devil Emperor Ye Ling?

How did you become the Demon Alliance?

at the same time!

On the high platform in the center of the Cihang Hall, Hui Qingfan, the contemporary master of Cihang Jingzhai, frowned, and immediately looked at the ordinary disciple who reported the letter.

"what happened!"

"Don't worry, speak carefully!"

Under the appeasement of Hui Qingfan, after the ordinary disciple calmed down a little, he just started talking from the beginning.

"Reporting to Zhai Master, the disciple was just about to go up the mountain along the mountain road, and suddenly found that many people and horses in different clothes appeared in the distance..."

In a few words, the disciple of Cihang Jingzhai explained the situation under the mountain clearly.

Turns out, I don't know why.

The demon gates of the two factions of the Tang Dynasty and the Six Paths are all gathered at the foot of the Dita Peak.

In addition to this, there are other demons from other countries whose names are not recognized by the rest of the people, and they are constantly coming towards the Emperor Tread Peak!

And the moment I heard the news.

Above the Cihang Hall, just now, he was still full of confidence, and all the righteous masters who talked eloquently were all startled and suspicious!

"If it's really the Demon Sect Alliance, isn't it us who are surrounded?!"

"It's over! It's over! What are you going to do now! The Devil Emperor didn't come, and the devil disciples fell!"

"Who released false news! Tens of thousands of the allied forces of the Demon Sect will be beaten by the head!"

at the same time!

In the communication channel, a magic door player suddenly sent a message and began to break the news!

"Damn it! Old Demon Ye has launched the Devil Dao Supreme order! The demon gates within the range of the order, unite to encircle and suppress the emperor's footsteps!"


As soon as this news came out, the entire communication channel exploded in an instant!

"No way! What is the Devil Dao Supreme order? It can order NPCs?"

"Damn it! I have also received this state, and I have to go to Emperor Taifeng!"

Darling! I just saw the introduction of this item, and it is actually a Devil Dao sect that can command a certain range!"

"Heaven-defying! Old Demon Ye is too despicable to use such a thing if he doesn't come by himself!"

"Hahahahaha! If you're laughing to death, you are allowed to form a group, and my Ye Shen is not allowed to call people, right?"

"Yes, yes! You guys who are speculative, wait for you to be pacified by the demon army!"


Some are happy and some are worried!

In an instant, the players who supported Ye Ling once again had an absolute advantage!

at the same time!

Under the Emperor's Step Peak, a group of Devil Dao masters gathered!

Yinkui Pie, Flower Pie.

Evil Extreme Sect, Destroying Love Dao, Butian Pavilion, Tianlian Sect, Demon Sect, True Preacher.

In the Tang Dynasty, the masters of the two factions of the Six Paths were all gathered together.

In addition, Shenlong Sect, Blood Sword Sect, Five Poison Sect, Tianzong, Money Gang, Jagged Banner Sect, and many other demon sects, all came to the emperor under the summons of Devil Dao Supreme Order. Climb the peak.

A group of demon masters gathered at the foot of the emperor's footsteps, and naturally, they had to greet each other politely.

In an instant, the leaders of the major demon sects touted each other, and they became one!

"Sect Master Hong! I heard that the Dragon Sect has developed well recently! I, Shangguan Jin Hong, have to learn from the scriptures!"

"I didn't expect to see you here, Mo Shuai, I'm really lucky!"

"Ancestor of the blood knife! I didn't fight enough last time, and there will be time to let you see the poison of my Five Poison Sect!"

"Hahaha! Jia Fatty, I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you getting more and more sideways, come to my Tianzong when you have time!"

After the chat was over, the masters of the Demon Sect looked at each other in dismay, only to realize that the main lord Ye Ling had not come at all.

This time, these devils suddenly quit!

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