Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 182 Ye Ling Appears! Facing the Loose People Ning Daoqi!

Sichuan fat Jia Anlong originally wanted to restrain his disciples.

But I never thought that the overwhelming momentum along the way had already made all the disciples of the Demon Sect lose their most basic rationality.

Including the Tianlian Sect disciples under the Sichuan fat Jia Anlong.

At this moment, whether it is the Great Tang Demon Sect, or the ordinary disciples of the Demon Sect of other countries are all fanatical.

Seeing that there is no one defending the outside of Cihang Jingzhai.

A group of fanatical demon disciples became even more energetic, and then one after another, they rushed into the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai!

Seeing this scene, Sichuan fat Jia Anlong has a strange heart.

However, he had to follow the rest of the crowd, and also rushed into the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai.


A group of demon masters broke through the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai and came to the Cihang Hall.

at the same time!

According to Fan Qinghui's previous arrangement, a group of righteous masters also walked together in formation, guarding the innermost floor of the Great Hall!

As a result, at the Cihang Hall, at this moment, there are actually experts from the entire Tang Dynasty.

Both sides are full of anger and confront each other!

In an instant, when Emperor stepped on the mountain, the atmosphere was extremely tense!

at the same time!

Whether it is a master of the right way, or a top-notch Devil Dao.

When looking at each other, both sides have a common doubt in their hearts!

Devil Emperor Ye Ling, why hasn't 660 appeared yet?!

And this question is also the reason why the two sides did not make a move.

However, seeing that the master Ye Ling did not show up, all the masters of the righteous path couldn't help feeling that they had gained the upper hand.

The proud eyes looked at the masters of the Demon Sect on the opposite side, and someone made a provocative statement.

"Yo yo! The Devil Emperor hasn't come yet, why are you here? Could it be that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry?"

"Hahaha! From what I see! He Ye Ling probably wouldn't dare to come, so he called this little scoundrel to die! 35

"As expected of Devil Dao, his brain is too stupid. Could it be that he Ye Ling asks you to do what you have to dare to do?""

Hearing that the opposite party was actually using Ye Ling as an excuse to mock him and others, the expressions of all the demon masters changed slightly, and their eyes flashed red.

I was already suffocating on the mountain.

Now I hear a few righteous fellows dare to arrange themselves and others, how can the hot-tempered demon disciples hold back, even if they are yelling back!

"What are you talking about? With just your troops, so many of us, we will drown you all!

"Humph! You are the little ones, and your whole family is the little ones!

(becf) "Wait for me and let you hypocrites know why the flowers are so red!"

When they opened their mouths and cursed, all the demon disciples had red and swollen necks, obviously furious.

However, because the main lord Ye Ling did not show up for a long time.

Everyone in the Demon Sect could only shout furiously, but no one took the initiative to attack.


Right at this critical moment.

In the Demon Sect, no one knew who shouted aloud!

"Damn! Since ancient times, demons have been at odds!

"Brothers, fuck him!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Demon Sect, who had always been incompetent and furious, couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts, and they all responded.

"That's right! Brothers! Kill me!"

"Let's go together! This Sacred Land will be slaughtered today!"

"Kill all kill all! Not one left!"

Anger erupted, and in the blink of an eye, a huge number of people from the Demon Sect attacked the line of defense built by a group of righteous masters!

In a blink of an eye!

The tension of the original confrontation was broken in an instant, and it turned directly into a massive melee!

Yinkui School, Huajian School, Demon Xiangzong!

Cihang Jingzhai, pure meditation!

The True Demon Sect, the Martial Forest family, and the local gangs all joined it under their own banners.

In an instant, the vast Cihang Hall was filled with corpses and blood flowed into rivers!

Relying on the advantage in numbers, the Momen side first took the advantage, and the momentum was high.

The line of defense built by a group of righteous masters had to retreat step by step.


Among Rivers and Lakes, strength is the biggest fist.

Although there are many people in the Demon Sect, there are not too many masters among them.

Right here are all elite masters mobilized!

Coupled with the scattered people Ning Daoqi, the top masters such as Fan Qinghui, the master of Cihang Jingzhai Zhai, were in the middle to support.

After overcoming the initial wave of fierce attacks from the Demon Sect, Zhengdao launched a counterattack.


The Demon Sect side, who was still high-spirited just now, showed a downward trend, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing that everyone in the Demon Sect was already invincible.

In the right way, there are inevitably some people who speak and ridicule!

"Hahaha! It turns out that these Devil Dao thieves are just like this!

"Too weak! I can beat ten of them by myself!

"Haha! Even the little Devil Dao dares to be so arrogant. Today, you will be beaten all over the place!"

Listening to the extremely mocking words on the other side, the disciples of the demon sect gritted their teeth, but they could only retreat back and forth.


Just when the masters of the right way thought that the victory was in their hands, a slightly magnetic male voice rang from the sky outside the mountain!

"How about the Demon Sect! I can't allow you to talk about it!"


Hearing this voice, all the masters of the right path changed their expressions slightly, and immediately turned to follow the voice!

I saw a young figure outside the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai.

That figure was nothing but a young man in his early twenties, dressed in a white robe and looking handsome.

The expression on the face is extremely calm, but between the steps, it is like a fairy walking, showing a sense of chic and elegant!

And behind her, the eight women are graceful in figure, but they are the beauty of the country, the beauty that is hard to see in a thousand years!

"Ye Ling?!"

As soon as the youth appeared, someone in the crowd shouted loudly, apparently recognizing the identity of the person who came!

It is Ye Ling and the girls behind her!

at the same time!

On the battlefield of Cihang Hall.

During the fierce battle, many ordinary disciples were killed and injured, especially the people from the Demon Sect, who were at a disadvantage, suffered heavy casualties.

But on the other hand, the masters of both the righteous and the devil have almost no losses.

However, although the number has not decreased.

But after all, the fierce battles continued, whether it was the Demon Sect or the Right Way, the experts on both sides were injured, and there were countless people who exhausted Internal Energy.

Under such circumstances, Ye Ling, who suddenly appeared, suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention!

"Damn! This guy is finally here! Fortunately, daddy's life is big, and he didn't explain it just now!

"Devil Emperor! It's the Devil Emperor! The Devil Emperor is here, we will definitely win!

"It's great, great! We also have top-level experts here, and now I can't believe it and can't beat the turtle grandson on the opposite side!"

Seeing Ye Ling's arrival, everyone in the Demon Sect, whether they were masters or ordinary disciples, was elated, and their confidence rose again.

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