Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 190 Smashing the Sea Ship! Unexpected Joy! Discovery of Xia Ke Island!

I saw that there was no clear flag on the sea-going ship, but it followed Ye Ling and his party closely. It was obviously a bad visitor.

Seeing this situation, although no one panicked, they all turned their attention to Ye Ling in the center.

"Hehe! 35

Ye Ling sneered as she looked at the unfriendly ship from behind.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of garbage!

at the same time!

Inside the ship of unknown origin at the rear.

When a group of people gathered on the deck, their eyes kept on looking at the ship of Ye Ling and his group, and they were talking about each other.

"Honey, who the hell is this man? There are so many women, and all of them are beautiful women!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Those women around him, if you give me any chance, they will die!"

"One or two are a little bit ambitious? I'll grab the money from this group of people and kill the man, how do you want to play and not play casually?!

"Hey! When you were in Quanzhou before, you didn't want to be with me! Now you have other thoughts?"

"Brother's tricks are a little brighter, and if you hijack this ship later, you will eat and drink spicy food for the rest of your life!"

When everyone was discussing, the eyes that looked at Ye Ling and his party were all greedy.

It turned out that these people were not some Rivers and Lakes knights who wanted to eliminate demons, but a group of notorious pirates.

Back in Quanzhou, Ye Ling actually bought a very expensive ship with huge sums of money, and even brought a group of beautiful beauties on board.

This group of pirates believed that Ye Ling was a fat sheep and was profitable.

Therefore, from the time Ye Ling went out to sea, this group of pirates closely followed the ship of Ye Ling and his party.

Waiting for the opportunity, is to want to kill more goods!

"stop fighting!"

Seeing that the quarrel among the people on the deck became more and more fierce, the one-eyed pirate leader turned his head sharply, and warned everyone at the bottom of his hand.

The pirate leader gave a cold glance, and immediately, the pirates on the entire deck became much quieter.

"Now is the best time!"

"Sail with all your strength! Big guy kill me!

With an angry shout, the pirate ship at the back accelerated towards Ye Ling and his party with all their strength!

at the same time!

Seeing that the pirate ship in the back suddenly accelerated, rushing towards his party!

In an instant, on the deck, Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu and the girls saw that something was wrong, and immediately started chattering.

"Follow me! These people must be pirates who are used to it!

"Pirates? Humph! It's enough to live, (becf) dare to stare at us, and send them all to the west later!"

"Brother Ling! The pirates on the opposite side seem to have attacked, what should we do next?"

The women reacted differently, but they all turned their attention to Ye Ling.

Under the gazes of the girls, Ye Ling's expression remained unmoved, and he walked straight to the back of the deck and looked at the pirate ship behind!

Right now!

The pirate ship with many sails and extremely fast speed was already infinitely close to Ye Ling's group.

The pirates on the opposite side were extremely excited and screamed when they saw the beauties behind Ye Ling.

"Whoa whoa whoa! That woman is in a great shape! I'll want her later, and no one will rob me! 35

"Good guy, so how are you? I don't want beautiful women, those girls, who wants to be with my brothers later! 35

"That little white face on the boat! It's too late to surrender now, you can leave your whole corpse!"

"Right, right! Hand over the woman, hand over the treasure, and keep your whole body! If you don't listen, you will be dismembered and fed to the fish later!"

On the deck of the pirate ship, a group of pirates were clamoring, as if they had already regarded Ye Ling and his party as their belongings!


Looking at the pirate opposite, Ye Ling was too lazy to laugh.

With no expression on his face, Ye Ling raised his left hand slightly, turning it into a palm gesture!


Facing the pirate ship on the opposite side, Ye Ling slammed it out with a palm!


When only a loud bang was heard, the water column that filled the sky directly smashed into the sky.

Between the sky and the earth, the originally intact pirate ship was smashed into two halves!


Seeing that Ye Ling actually split the huge pirate ship in half with one palm.

On the deck, except for Shi Fei Xuan, Zhu Yuyan and other women.

The rest, like Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Madam Wang, and the other girls who stayed behind at the Spirit Vulture Palace, were all stunned and stunned.

at the same time!

On the pirate ship opposite, all the pirates who were still clamoring non-stop were all stunned in place, their eyes full of disbelief.

But before the pirates could react, the pirate ship that had already been split in half suddenly sank into the sea!

"It's over, it's over! The boat is about to capsize, everyone jump into the sea! 39

"Who the hell is this kid, and why can he cut our boat with one palm!"

"Who said he was a liar, stand up for daddy! Daddy promises not to kill you!"

"Heroes! Heroes on the opposite side! I was wrong! I was wrong! Help me! Help me! I'll be a bull and a horse for you in my next life!"

Standing on the deck, looking at the sea water gushing out all around, a group of pirates drowned, ran, begged for mercy, where is the half Fractionated Divinity just now?

Look at the pirates below who are extremely embarrassed.

On the deck, Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Li Mochou and all the girls couldn't help but laugh.

Who is it to offend?

Do you have to mess with this killer?

"Let them do their thing!"

"Never mind, let's keep going! 35

Without even looking, Ye Ling turned around and brought the girls back to the cabin.


At this moment, among the drowning ships, someone shouted and begged for mercy!

"Heroes! Help me! Help me!"

“I know the location of a Mysterious Island, guaranteed to please!”


Mysterious Island?!

Hearing this voice, Ye Ling couldn't help but raised his brows, then turned around and looked over in an instant!

Following the sound, Ye Ling quickly found the pirate who was begging for mercy!

"Go!" 5

With a flash of eyes, the "Dragon Capture Art" shot out into the sky, Ye Ling directly ingested the pirate onto the deck!


"If you are satisfied! Spare your life!"

Throwing the pirate in front of him, Ye Ling immediately asked.


First, he choked a lot of water, and then the pirate spoke in a very embarrassed manner.

"Revelation heroes!"

"The villain knows about a Mysterious Island called Chivalrous Island!""


Knight Island?!

Hearing these three words from the pirate's mouth, Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and immediately grabbed the pirate's collar.

Then he asked again.

"Knight Island?! What you said is true? Do you have any proof?!"

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