Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 204 Return to the Central Plains! Guan Qi Appears! Officially Arrives in Bianjing!

"Good guy! There is such a thing!"

Looking at the text introduction about "Tianxiang Powder" in the backpack column, Ye Ling couldn't help but feel a little moved.

You must know that even though there is a top-level poison like Sadness and Breeze in your hands.

As well as rare and exotic poisons such as Kunlun ice silkworm, blood rose, love flower and so on.

But such poisons as Sadness and Breeze have been upgraded twice or even three times.

Poisoning the disciples under the Grandmaster realm world may be simple.

But for the high rank Realm in the Great Master and even the masters of the Grand Great Master Realm, it can't play much role, at most it can contain one or two.

But at this time, with the supplement of Tianxiang Powder, the situation has become extraordinarily different.

If only from the text introduction of "Tianxiang Powder".

"Tianxiang Powder" can not only block the enemy's Meridians' luck, but more importantly, it can create a huge temptation for the Great Master and the Realm powerhouse above the Great Master.

With such a feature, it is possible to combine it with one or two operations.

Ye Ling believes that even if she meets the Grand Great Master later, she may not be too passive!

"Not bad!"

Nodding slightly, Ye Ling put the "Tianxiang Powder" into her arms, waiting to find a suitable opportunity to use in the future.

At this moment, A Zijiao's pretty voice came from behind Ye Ling.

"Brother Ling! Brother Ling!

"Why don't we go back to Changchun Island to play for a few more days, and why are we in such a hurry to return to Da Song?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Ling turned around.

At this moment, the quirky A Zi was blinking his big smart eyes, and asked Ye Ling curiously.

And beside Azi.

Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Madam Wang and the other daughters also looked at Ye Ling, obviously wanting to know the reason.

"Hehe! You! 35

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, touched A Zi's petite head, and immediately spoke to the girls.

"Good question!"

"The reason why I suddenly decided to return to Da Song is all for one person"!

Having said that, Ye Ling raised her head to look at the girls, and when her eyes narrowed, she slowly spit out two words!

"Close seven!

There was nothing strange about the women's inquiries.

You know, according to Ye Ling's original plan.

After Ye Ling successfully collected "Tianyi Shenshui".

Either set out to look for "Seven Star Begonia" or "Jinbo Xunhua" according to the experience of the previous life

In order to complete the [Poison Immortal] series of promotion tasks as soon as possible.

Or just keep wandering overseas and try your luck.

Let's see if we can find a few more inner Cultivation Techniques similar to "Wedding Dress Magic", so as to complete the fusion of Cultivation Techniques of "Bei Ming Magic".


The reason why Ye Ling gave up both options at the same time.

The reason is a message in an exchange channel.

Two days ago, when Ye Ling and others were still in the Shenshui Palace.

Since the collection of "Tianyi Shenshui" has been completed.

With nothing to do, Ye Ling started flipping through the communication channel.

With Ye Ling going overseas, the popularity in the communication channel is only about half of the peak period.

However, although the popularity is not high, the news sharing between players has not stopped because of this.

In this way, Ye Ling really found a piece of valuable news among the junk messages.

This news is a series of traces about God of War "Guan Qi"!


It was during the time when Ye Ling went out to sea to find Changchun Island.

In the Great Song Kingdom and Bianjing City, the forces of all parties are surging, and small-scale martial arts are emerging one after another.

But in such a chaotic situation.

Some players claimed to have found traces of Guan Qi and posted on the communication channel.

And just saw this post.

Ye Ling made a decisive decision to stop the voyage.

While temporarily giving up the search for poisons and inner strength, choose to go directly to the Bian capital of the Song Dynasty!

There is no reason for him!

Compared with "Seven Star Begonia" and "Jinbo Xunhua"!

Ye Ling felt that the "Innate Sword Qi" in Guan Qi's hands might make his heart even more exciting!

Close Seven?!

at the same time!

on the deck of the ship.

When Ye Ling said Guan Qi's name, all the girls present had different expressions and different reactions.

When all the women were discussing, only Huang Rong in the corner frowned.

"You said Guan Qi, is it possible that he is the Seven Lords of the Rivers and Lakes sect [Mitian League], Guan Mudan, known as the "Guan Qi" of God of War?"

After pondering for a while, Huang Rong asked Ye Ling.

"Not bad! As expected of a female Zhuge!

Ye Ling nodded and looked at Huang Rong in the corner with some admiration.

And the same moment!

Seeing that Ye Ling has already confirmed it, except for the old people like Dao Baifeng and Ruan Xingzhu who have followed Ye Ling for a long time.

Like Shi Fei Xuan, Zhu Yuyan, and new women who will join in the future, their complexions changed slightly, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Although they didn't know the situation of Song Martial Forest as well as Huang Rong.

However, there are only a few words about Guan Mudan.

Concubine Xuan, Zhu Yuyan and other women also heard about it.

You know, that Guan Mudan seems to have reached the realm of Grand Great Master.

At this time, Ye Ling actually listed such a Grand Great Master as the primary goal of the plan.

Suddenly, the eyes of Zhu Yuyan and other women looking at Ye Ling became extremely complicated.

Ye Ling's image, in their hearts, once again became more mysterious and unpredictable.

After several days of voyage, Ye Ling and his party finally arrived safely in the southern part of the Song Dynasty.

Just after arriving in the Central Plains, Ye Ling made corresponding arrangements for everyone on board.

Except for people like Fu Junchuo and Xiaolongnu who didn't really have a partner with Ye Ling.

The rest are like Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Madam Wang and the newly subdued Zhu Yuyan, Shifei Xuan, Wanwan, and other women in the future.

They were all temporarily arranged by Ye Ling to return to the Vulture Palace.

After arranging all (Wang Zhaohao) women properly, and instructing everyone to practice ".~Shen Foot Sutra" diligently.

Ye Ling took Fu Junchuo and Xiao Longnv, the three of them lightly traveled, and immediately set off for the Bian capital of the Song Dynasty!

Three days later!

Great Song Dynasty, Bian capital!

The cold drizzle drifted with the wind, and there were hardly any pedestrians in the bustling and bustling street market.

At this time, in the Vermillion Bird Square.

But it is completely different from this ghost weather.

On the wide street of Vermillion Bird Square, there were crowds of people and flags waving in the wind.

On the street, in the store, in front of the building.

Up and down are all master knights in strong suits standing or standing.

All of a sudden, the entire Vermillion Bird Square was full of excitement!

Looking carefully, when the flags of each road were waving, there were two people facing each other in the rain and standing close.

When the drizzle fell, the atmosphere in the street suddenly became tense.

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