Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 207 Visit Su Mengzhen! Ye Ling: Do you want to return to normal?

Seeing the old man Tianji disappearing into the rain, Ye Ling couldn't help but wonder again.

The mysterious old man who has always been mysterious, why did he find himself at this time?

Is it really possible to ask for yourself?

While thinking about it, Ye Ling felt a bit puzzled.

However, at this moment, Fu Junchuo's voice rang in Ye Ling's ears.

"The Tianzihao room has been opened, you can go up!"

Following the sound, Ye Ling turned to look over.

Fu Junchuo and Xiao Longnu, who had just been sent away by him, had already returned.

The luggage in the hands of the second woman was taken upstairs in advance by the store's second, and it was obviously arranged!

"Okay! Then let's stay here first!"

Ye Ling nodded and simply put the doubts about the old man Tianji behind.

Immediately afterwards, with "Six Seven Three" Fu Junchuo, the two Xiaolongnv went upstairs.

Two days later.

After a period of exploration, Ye Ling has already figured out the locations of [Six and a Half Halls] and [Jinfeng Drizzle Building].

At this moment, sitting in the room, Ye Ling lowered his head and closed his eyes, obviously thinking about a new plan.

Two days ago, Ye Ling learned of Cai Jing's plan from the mouth of the old man Tianji.

However, although Ye Ling already knew this secret, Ye Ling was not in a hurry to take action.

As someone who has gone through two lifetimes, Ye Ling knows the importance of intelligence.

Therefore, Ye Ling made a plan only after he had figured out all the matters in the Bian capital.

It turned out that it was just a few days ago.

[Golden Wind Drizzle Building] and [Six and a half halls] have had a large-scale fire.

And according to the news Ye Ling got from the communication channel.

During this fire fight, all the masters of [Golden Wind Drizzle Building] and [Liufen Bantang] were all temporarily hidden.

In the past, the number of armed fighting incidents in Bianjing City was also much less because of this.

It is precisely because of this situation, whether it is a player or an ordinary NPC.

Everyone thought that the battle between the two sides had drawn a temporary end.


as the only insider. ;

Ye Ling knew very well that this kind of calm was not just a peaceful ending, but the last light before the storm.

Therefore, Ye Ling, who had been silent for two days, finally decided to enter the game at this time.

"Since the behind-the-scenes dignitaries of [Six and a Half Halls] are Cai Jing."

"Then this time, let's see if we can reach a cooperation with [Golden Wind Drizzle Building]!

After thinking for a while, Ye Ling had already made the final choice.

Think of it and do it.


Ye Ling called Fu Junchuo and Xiaolongnu.

The group immediately left the inn and went straight to the headquarters of Jinfeng Drizzle Building!


Ye Ling brought Fu Junchuo and Xiao Longnv to the headquarters of Jinfeng Drizzle Building very openly.

A very formal greeting.

And the members of Jinfeng Drizzle Building learned about Ye Ling's identity.

In addition to being horrified, he did not dare to delay.

He immediately welcomed Ye Ling into the mansion.

After waiting in the flower hall for a while, someone finally came to contact Ye Ling.

The visitor was none other than Wang Xiaoshi, who was handsome and had the air of a boy.

"Is your Excellency really Devil Emperor Ye Ling?

Coming from the aisle, Wang Xiaoshi's cupped fists were facing each other, and his clear eyes looked straight at Ye Ling, obviously quite curious.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Wang Xiaoshi's expression, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and when the folding fan in his hand shook lightly, he immediately started talking.

"Acacia in the air, ecstasy sword in the air.

"Your Excellency must be Xu Xiaoyi's disciple, Wang Xiaoshi! 99


How could he know me so well?

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoshi was suddenly shocked, and there was a little more shock and solemnity in his eyes when he looked at Ye Ling.


Before Wang Xiaoshi could react, Ye Ling, who was sitting in the guest seat, spoke up again.

"Although you are the third head of the [Golden Wind and Drizzle Building], you are not qualified for what I want to say.

"Where is Su Meng's pillow? I want to interview him.

Ye Ling's tone was incomparably indifferent, but the confidence in it made everyone present, including Wang Xiaoshi, stunned.

Looking at Ye Ling, Wang Xiaoshi's expression turned solemn.

Hesitating for a moment, thinking about Ye Ling's rumors, Wang Xiaoshi finally agreed to Ye Ling's request.

"it is good!"

"I can take you to see Brother Su! 35

Wang Xiaoshi nodded, then took a step ahead and walked towards the backyard of the mansion with Ye Ling and his party...

Seven turns and eight turns.

After a while of walking.

Ye Ling and his party just came to a room deep in the mansion under the leadership of Wang Xiaoshi.

Across the door, Ye Ling could already smell the smell of Chinese herbal medicine in the air.

Ye Ling frowned slightly, vaguely guessing something in her heart.

as predicted!

Just when Wang Xiaoshi brought Ye Ling into the room.

What caught my eye were countless jars of soup and medicine, as well as the Su Meng pillow lying on the bed.

different from a few days ago.

Because of the fire with [Six and a Half Church] two days ago.

Su Mengzhen, whose body was already deteriorating, could no longer support normal physical movements.

At this time, Su Mengzhen, who was seriously ill, was unable to get up and could only lie on the bed halfway.

His face was so vain that he couldn't see the slightest bit of blood.


Even Su Mengzhen like this, when he saw Wang Xiaoshi bring Ye Ling in.

There was still an extremely sharp cold light in his eyes.

Obviously, the serious illness only took away Su Mengzhen's body, but it didn't kill the ambition of this red-sleeved first knife.

sit there!

He is still the owner of the [Golden Wind Drizzle Building], a proud Su Meng pillow!

at the same time!

Seeing Wang Xiaoshi bring Ye Ling into the room.

When Su Mengzhen's eyes flashed, she wanted to sit up straight, so that she could have a talk with Ye Ling.

Previously, Su Mengzhen had already heard the news of Ye Ling's arrival from the servant's mouth.

Although I don't know what Ye Ling's purpose is here.

But when I thought about the [Golden Wind and Drizzle Building] that might face the killings from [Six and a Half Halls] and Cai Jing after I left.

Therefore, Su Mengzhen also wanted to try to get in touch with Ye Ling.

Even if no cooperation is reached, it is best to leave a good relationship or something.

After all, with Ye Ling's title [Eternal Devil Emperor], even if someone from [Six and a Half Halls] wants to do it, they should think about it first!

Wanting to be here, Su Mengzhen was already struggling to sit up.

His face was white, and the red-sleeved first knife was about to speak.

But he never thought that Ye Ling, who was on the opposite side, had already spoken first.

"You! 35

"Do you want to get back to normal?"

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