Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 209 Cooperation reached! In Bianjing City! Undercurrents from all parties are surging!


After hearing what Ye Ling said.

Whether it was Su Meng pillow on the bed or Wang Xiaoshi standing beside Ye Ling.

The expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and they looked at Ye Ling on the opposite side with a bit of surprise and confusion.

You must know that Ye Ling, as the Eternal Devil Emperor who has been in the limelight recently, can completely rely on the power of his own Demon Sect to achieve what he needs.

[Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] Although it has a great influence in the Bianjing of the Song Dynasty.

But in the face of Ye Ling's active cooperation, Su Mengzhen and the two suddenly fell into doubt.

"Ha ha!

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and immediately informed the two of Cai Jing's plan.

However, in the process, Ye Ling has weakened Guan Qi's figure a lot, intentionally or unintentionally.

In this way, although Su Mengzhen learned about Cai Jing's plan, Ye Ling's plan was not exposed because of this!

"I see!

Su Mengzhen suddenly realized Cai Jing's plan from Ye Ling.

"That's it!

"In the next time, I [Golden Wind Drizzle Building] will all obey the orders of the Devil Emperor Ye!""

Originally, Su Mengzhen wanted to get some help from Ye Ling.

At this moment, first saw the olive branch thrown by Ye Ling, and then learned of Cai Jing's conspiracy plan.

Under the consideration of all parties, how could Su Mengzhen give up such a good opportunity.

What's more, if you can really cooperate with Ye Ling to get things done.

After successfully getting the "Book of Changes", there may be a certain turning point for own injury!

Thinking of this, Su Mengzhen couldn't help but express some serious admiration for Ye Ling, as if she was very convinced!

"very good!

Seeing that the two sides had reached a preliminary cooperation, Ye Ling nodded, then got up and walked towards the door.

Wang Xiaoshi wanted to give Ye Ling a gift, but Ye Ling stopped him in front of the door.

"Take care of your landlord! 35

"In the next few days, the whole Bianjing will not be peaceful!"

After saying that, Ye Ling stepped out one step, and took the girls to the outside of the [Golden Wind Drizzle Building]!

at the same time!

Because Ye Ling didn't deliberately hide her whereabouts.

Therefore, when Ye Ling appeared in [Golden Wind Drizzle Tower].

Among the major forces, the hidden piles lurking in each other passed this important news back to their own forces.

For a time, all the forces in Bianjing City were shaken.

West of Bianjing City, Liufenbantang Headquarters

"You mean, (becf) that Devil Emperor Ye Ling went to the headquarters of [Golden Wind Drizzle Building] this morning, and stayed there for a long time? 35

In the hall of the headquarters, Di Feijing still maintained that extremely strange posture.

His face was downcast, but his questioning voice was directed towards the black-robed subordinate on the opposite side.

"Yes! To the Hall Master, according to our report in the [Golden Wind and Drizzle Building], Devil Emperor Ye Ling most likely met with Su Mengzhen privately."9

"However, we don't know exactly what we were talking about!

Like this?

Hearing the reply from the subordinates of the black robe.

Under the lowered head, Di Feijing's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

An eternal Devil Emperor.

A dream pillow red sleeve first knife.

Never heard of the two being related before.

Now that they are suddenly connected, what is the reason behind this?

What are these two talking about?

All of a sudden, Di Fei's heart was filled with doubts.

When his eyes flashed, Di Feijing stood up from the chair, bowed his head, and headed towards the residence of Leishan's father and daughter behind.

North of Bianjing City, Caijing House!

"grown ups!

"Then Ye Ling's private meeting with Su Mengzhen may have a certain impact on our plan, please let me know!"

In the secret room of the mansion, Wen Xue'an, who was wearing a gray robe, was cupped fist with both hands, very respectfully reporting to the middle-aged man above the main seat in front of him.


Hearing Wen Xue'an's report, the middle-aged man sitting on the main seat silently opened his eyes.

Under the candlelight, the man's features were all revealed.

In terms of age, the middle-aged man above the main seat is estimated to be in his forties.

However, an aquiline nose was embedded in the atrium, dressed in a dark purple robe, although he did not speak, it added a bit of unpredictable power to the man.

Especially the black goatee under his chin made the middle-aged man look even more mysterious!

And this person is no one else!

It is one of the actual rulers of the Song Dynasty, the prime minister of the dynasty, Cai Jing!

Hearing the report of "Seventh Under Heaven" Wen Xue'an, Cai Jing opened his eyes suddenly, but there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

"The plan has come to the most critical time now. 39

"No matter what Ye Ling's intentions are, the previous plan cannot be aborted because of him. 35

"How to do it, I shouldn't have to teach you!"

Cai Jing's face was calm, and when he spoke indifferently, it was mixed with the majesty of a superior!

Seeing this scene, Wen Xue'an's eyes narrowed, and then he cupped his fist again!


"Subordinates know!"

To the south of Bianjing City, the Mansion of the Marquis of God!

Holding the information note in his hand.

In the flower hall, the Marquis Zhuge, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned slightly, apparently thinking about something.

half an hour!

He looked down at the ruthlessness of one of the top four famous arrests.

Divine Marquis Zhuge's eyes flashed, and he immediately spoke to Ruthless.

"Heartless! That Devil Emperor Ye Ling has already come to Bianjing, and looking at his actions, it seems that it is not as simple as passing by!""

"You had a relationship with him when you were in Shaoshi Mountain, so it's better for you to come forward and find out what he is.

Hearing that, Iron Hand, Chasing Life, and Cold Blood were all stunned for a moment, and they all turned their surprised eyes to the ruthless front.


The ruthless face on the wheelchair did not have much expression, and when the two fists embraced, it was already a light drink!


"Disciple set off now!"

Bian capital, within the Great Song Palace.

In the supervisor of Li, Mi Cangqiong, who was sitting on the main seat, also had a thoughtful look on his face, listening to the report from Xiao Huangmen at the bottom of his hand.

"One Cai Jing has already made the Bian capital a mess, and now there's another Devil Emperor Ye Ling?

"Isn't it possible, it's really an eventful season right now?

Although he was a servant, his years of experience in the center of power instantly made Mi Cangqiong aware that something was wrong.

Mumbling to himself, Mi Cangqiongxuan even looked at Xiao Huangmen who was on the side.

"Take my token and go out of the palace to look for the magician."

"Let's just say tonight, our family invites him to a drink!""

Just when the various forces in Bianjing City reacted and shook.

After coming out of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Building], Ye Ling was taking Fu Junchuo and Xiaolongnu all the way back to the inn where they were staying.

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