The original sad and crisp breeze.

However, it was made by collecting the poisons in the Xixia Snow Mountain and the Happy Valley.

The poisoned person's tears are like rain, which is "sorrow", and the whole body is weak, which is "crisp".

Poisonous water can turn liquid into gas, like a breeze blowing across the face.

Colorless, odorless and difficult to detect.

The enhanced version refined by Ye Ling not only increases the efficacy several times, but also has a faster attack time.



Zhong Ling was sleeping in a daze.

Suddenly, he was woken up by a strange sound.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open her eyes.

Eyelids weigh more than a thousand pounds.

"what happened?"

Zhong Ling was secretly anxious.

She could feel that if something happened, she would find it beside her.

You can faintly hear Dao Baifeng groaning repressedly.

Seems to be suffering something.

at the same time.

A strange smell penetrated into the nose, making Zhong Ling more and more panic.

"Damn it, isn't that murderer's poison technique very powerful? Even the reckless Zhu Ha can deal with it, how can we be poisoned."

Still with the strange smell and his state, Zhong Ling guessed that someone had poisoned him.

The movement lasted for more than half an hour before finally subsiding.

At this time, Zhong Ling was already in a deep sleep amid the drowsiness that hit him.

I didn't hear Dao Baifeng's anger that deliberately lowered his voice!


Early the next morning, Zhong Ling suddenly opened his eyes.

It happened to meet Dao Baifeng who was sleeping beside him.

After a moment of silence, Zhong Ling scratched his head blankly.

No matter what angle you look at, there is nothing unusual about Dao Baifeng's body.

It doesn't look like anything dangerous has happened.

Not only that.

But judging from the face, the other party's complexion is even better than yesterday.

"Sister Bai is early."

Zhong Ling said hello without embarrassment or embarrassment.

The corners of Dao Baifeng's mouth pursed tightly, without speaking, he turned around silently.

From Zhong Ling's reaction, she had already seen that the other party definitely knew something.

Just being inexperienced, not sure what's going on.

"That bastard, didn't you promise me that the little girl will never wake up?"

Dao Baifeng clenched his fists secretly, eager to find Ye Ling desperately.

"When you wake up, leave immediately."

Ye Ling's calm voice sounded: "You guys don't want to sleep in the wind, do you?"

Zhong Ling was shocked, stood up suddenly, shook his head quickly and said, "No, I don't want to sleep in the wild anymore!"

Then, her little face turned pale and leaned over to Ye Ling's side.

The mysterious whispered: "Murderer, I secretly tell you a secret, I seem to have encountered a ghost on the bed last night."

"I heard elder sister Bai's groaning in my dream, and I smelled a strange smell, which made me upset, like some kind of poison."

"But no matter how hard I try, I can't open my eyes. It really scared me to death!"

Seeing Zhong Ling's serious appearance, Ye Ling raised his brows and glanced at Dao Baifeng with a smile that was not a smile.

Immediately, he patted Zhong Ling's head and said, "I can't help you with this kind of thing. You should tell your sister Bai that she is a Taoist priest with profound Taoism."


Dao Baifeng snorted heavily, glared at Ye Ling, gritted his teeth and said, "That's right, Pindao specializes in taking care of those lechers who bully men and women, not wanting face!"

Ye Ling didn't care what the other party meant, she touched her chin, and asked with a smile, "How do you clean up? Are you riding under him..."


Dao Baifeng suddenly shouted, interrupting Ye Ling.

Immediately afterwards, he took off the soft whip from his waist and shouted angrily, "I'm fighting with you!"

This time she really couldn't bear it.

The bastard is really Damn it, not only bullying her, but also exposing her shortcomings in front of the little girl.

Snapped! ~

The soft whip was grabbed by Ye Ling, and looked at Dao Baifeng with half-squinted eyes, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Dao Baifeng's pupils shrank, staring at Ye Ling dazedly, with disbelief in his eyes.

Second rate!

At that moment, Ye Ling's surging Internal Energy was impressively second-rate.

"how is this possible?"

How long has it been?

When the scroll was obtained in the cave, the opponent was just not in the flow.

In the blink of an eye, he has surpassed her and stepped into a second-rate Realm.

Such a shocking promotion speed makes Dao Baifeng feel very unreal, and suspects that he has not woken up yet.

"There is nothing impossible."

Ye Ling threw away the soft whip and said lightly.

Beiming Shen Gong is worthy of being a peerless Cultivation Technique of the heavenly class.

Even the skill of a group of trash, with the addition of characteristics, allows Ye Ling to easily cross the third-rate.

From nowhere to become a second-rate Practitioner.

This at least reduced his leveling time by three years!


After the little farce ended, the three simply cleaned up and walked towards the way they came.

Two hours later, the group came to the town at the foot of Wuliang Mountain and temporarily repaired it.

Inside the inn.

While eating, Ye Ling casually asked Dao Baifeng: "Madam, do you know how to enter Tianlong Temple without killing anyone?"

His next goals are the One Yang Finger stored in Tianlong Temple, and...the Six Veins Divine Sword!

If you simply go to grab the secret book, with the poison Ye Ling has now, it can be done easily.

But in that case, it is bound to make a lot of noise.

Ye Ling didn't want to reveal the secret of her superb poison skills too early, it would attract the attention of many strong people and cause unnecessary trouble.

If you can get things quietly, that would be great.

"Why are you asking this?"

Dao Baifeng frowned slightly, and asked in a cold tone.

Clearly still mad at what happened in the morning.

"You don't need to know the reason, just answer my question, understand?"

Ye Ling squinted and said regardless of Dao Baifeng's mood.

Dao Baifeng's heart trembled for a moment, and he looked away subconsciously, not daring to meet Ye Ling's eyes.

After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice, "Tianlong Temple is the Sacred Land of Dali. It is even more strict than the guards of the palace. It is difficult for ordinary people to even approach the mountain gate. Only the children of the Duan family are qualified to enter it."

"It is almost impossible for non-Duan family members to sneak into Tianlong Temple. Even with your strength, it is difficult to sneak in silently."

Ye Ling nodded slightly.

He does not deny this.

However, the premise is that he did not use poison.

"If that's the case, then I'll pretend to be a child of the Duan family."

Ye Ling fixedly looked at Dao Baifeng and said with a chuckle, "As you, it should be easy to cover for me, right?"

Dao Baifeng fell silent again.


In her capacity, it is not difficult to help Ye Ling infiltrate Tianlong Temple.


"What are you doing there? Even if His Majesty the Southern Emperor is not in the temple, the elders are not easy to get along with."

"Especially Master Ku Rong. It is rumored that he is only half a step away from getting rid of the shackles and stepping into the acquired realm. Even if you are a second-rate master and have a good poison attack, you can only catch him when you meet him!"

Dao Baifeng actually is not worried about Ye Ling's safety.

She was afraid that after Ye Ling was caught, in order to protect herself, she would shake all her secrets out.

What am I going to do?

Of course, it is to relieve those monks!

A monk.

You should honestly eat fast food, chant Buddha, farm land and collect rent.

Mix what Rivers and Lakes, what court!


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