Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 212 Rewards? Come and visit Bianjing with me!

"Don't be distracted!

"Just follow the instructions for the operation of the "nerve foot nerve"!"

At this time, just when Ruthless was distracted, Ye Ling in the back also issued a reminder!

"Uh, good!"

For the first time since I was a child, I lost my chain in front of others.

In an instant, Wuqing felt like he was being caught.

When his face turned slightly red, Wuqing didn't dare to think about anything else, so he hurriedly raised his anger again.

While guiding Ye Ling's extremely majestic and powerful Beiming True Qi, he also started the universe operation again according to the instructions of the "Spiritual Foot Sutra"!

at the same time!

Ye Ling, who was sitting behind Wuqing, also had a twinkle in his eyes.

To know.

The merciless injury was the result of the damage to Meridians as a child, which resulted in paralysis of the lower body and unconsciousness.

The powerful True Qi of Beiming Shengong can temporarily simulate Meridians and temporarily restore consciousness to the ruthless lower body.

However, want to really completely heal the ruthless leg injury.

"Yi Jin Jing" must be used!

Only with the special effects of washing the meridians and cutting 14 marrows and reconnecting the broken limbs in the "Yi Jin Jing", can we truly heal completely.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling didn't hesitate!

When he lifted his breath again, a Beiming True Qi rose from within Ye Ling Dantian and entered directly into the ruthless and tender body.

However, Ye Ling did not let Ru Qing continue to control and guide this True Qi as before.

Instead, it was led by Ye Ling, who started wandering among the key acupuncture points in the ruthless body according to the key points in "The Classic of Yi Jin"!

"Hi! 35

"He was able to run both Cultivation Techniques at the same time without letting the confusion affect me at all!""

At this time, Wuqing also felt the True Qi of two different operating modes in the body.

In addition to being shocked, Ye Ling's image was complicated by a ruthless heart!

However, Ye Ling at this time didn't know what the ruthless heart was thinking.

On the one hand, the "Yi Jin Jing" dominates the key acupuncture points in the whole body, and on the other hand, it separates the mind to assist the operation of the ruthless "Nerve Foot Meridian"!

With the blessing of the enhanced version of "Bei Ming Divine Art"!

Not long after, the ruthless body was actually surrounded by faint white mist!

at the same time!

Wuqing also felt the strangeness of the lower limbs, which changed from the indifferent calm of the past, and exclaimed again and again.

"My legs! My legs!

"So heavy! So heavy!

After many years, it was the first time I felt the sensation from my lower limbs, and I kept exclaiming in ruthless mouth.

Hearing this, Ye Ling was overjoyed!

Since Ruthless has completely felt the sensation from the lower limbs, it proves that the medical effect of own has already taken effect!

When his eyes flashed, Ye Ling withdrew his hand.

In addition to leaving a hidden True Qi mark among the ruthless Dantian, he even withdrew his own Beiming True Qi!

Immediately after.

Ye Ling stood up, turned around and walked in front of the ruthless, slowly opening her mouth.

"Now, you can stand up!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, although Wuqing was speechless, he looked up at Ye Ling in front of him, his eyes full of solemnity.


Ruthlessly turned his head to look at his own legs.

There was a hint of perseverance in his eyes, and when the ruthless hands were slightly supported, he stood up directly from the wheelchair.

After many years, I once again felt such a down-to-earth feeling, and countless different emotions rose up in my heartless heart!

Excited! Excited! Surprise!

All kinds of emotions came together, and there were faint tears in the ruthless beautiful eyes.


"I can stand up!"

After some walking and running.

The ruthless has just recovered his calm from the joy of being disabled.

And this moment.

I don't know if it was because I felt gaffe in front of Ye Ling, or because I didn't expect Ye Ling to really heal her leg injury.

The ruthless face was no longer the indifference that he had when he first saw him, but on the contrary, there was a bit of a girl's exclusive tenderness.

Correspondingly, when he looked at Ye Ling, his ruthless gaze changed slightly from when he first saw him.

However, as the ruthless leader of the four famous arrests, how could he disturb his own thoughts because of such a thing.

After adjusting for a moment, Ru Qing looked directly at Ye Ling.


"Since you have healed my leg injury, according to the original agreement, I have to repay you with a condition."

After hesitating for a moment, ruthless spoke slowly.

Although Ye Ling didn't mention anything in return.

But Ruthless is not a person who likes to owe others.

However, even the current ruthlessness is not clear.

Whether this reward is a continued trial, or is it a sincere desire to repay Ye Ling.

When his mood was complicated, Ru Qing couldn't help but worry when he looked at Ye Ling.

First, he was worried that Ye Ling would directly reject his own return.

The second is whether Ye Ling will make any rude demands.

After all, Ye Ling's reputation has been too loud during this period of time.

It's hard to know anything about him!


Just as he was ruthlessly thinking about it, Ye Ling's light laughter could be heard in his ears.

"Ha ha?"

"You really want to repay me? Then..."

Having said that, Ye Ling's voice stopped abruptly.

At the same time.

Ruthless also felt Ye Ling's gaze in his direction.

"This guy, won't really have any intentions against me!"

Feeling Ye Ling's gaze, Ru Qing's heart trembled slightly.

Although the guy in front of him healed his leg injury.

However, it doesn't mean that...

For a while, Ru Qing’s heart was in chaos.

There was also a rare trace of panic on the cold and fair face.

But at this time again, Ye Ling's voice sounded again.

"If you really want to repay me!"

"Just accompany me around the capital of Bian! You grew up here, you should be very familiar with it!


Just strolling around?

Hearing this, in addition to being ruthlessly surprised, he raised his head and looked at Ye Ling at the same time.

Only then did he realize that Ye Ling's gaze was not looking at himself, but at the scenery outside the window behind him.

"This... of course this is possible!"

A stone in my heart suddenly fell.

While ruthlessly nodding, there was a hint of disappointment in the subconscious.

"it is good!"

"It just happened that it didn't rain this afternoon, so let's get ready to go! 39

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

Ye Ling was not interested in visiting Bianliang City at all.

The ruthlessness in front of him was what Ye Ling really wanted to achieve.

However, Ye Ling also knew.

With a ruthless character, I am afraid that he will not simply surrender himself because of this healing.

In this way, detour tactics are the best way to tune.

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