Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 214 Defeat the assassin neatly! Relentlessly invite! Go to the Shenhou Mansion!

Just when Ruthless in the wheelchair wanted to ask questions.

In the Xifang market, among the bustling merchants, dozens of masked black-clothed assassins appeared out of thin air.

The breath of these assassins is not too weak, and they all have Realm above the first-class.

If placed elsewhere, these first-class masters are at least the guardians of small gangs, elders and the like.

However, at this time, they were just small pawns under a certain big power.

"Ahhh! Who are these people!"

"Run! Someone's going to kill!"

"Mom! Mom! Where are you!

When the black-clothed assassin shot, the entire Xifang Shi was in an instant chaos!

However, chaos is chaos.

These black-clothed assassins also seemed to know that they were not Ye Ling's opponents.

When Qi Qi came out, he didn't care about the life and death of the people around him.

Obviously, with the desperation of death, he went towards the ruthless on the wheelchair, and Fu Junchuo and Xiaolongnu behind him!

The first-class masters already have a little strength.

At the moment of the sudden attack, in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of Fu Junchuo and other women!

In an instant, the situation of the girls behind Ye Ling became precarious!



At this critical moment, Ye Ling's eyes narrowed, and when he raised his wrist horizontally, Internal Energy all over his body erupted!

"Heavenly Devil force field!

With a light drink, Ye Ling even used the "Heavenly Devil force field" in the "Heavenly Devil Dafa"!

As once Zhu Yuyan's famous stunt, Yinkui School's town school Cultivation Technique.

After conquering the Six Demons of the Tang Dynasty, Ye Ling naturally mastered the "Heavenly Devil Dafa"


at this time!

Just like when Zhu Yuyan performed "Heavenly Devil Dafa" in Yang Gong's treasure house!

When Ye Ling Fang cast it.

Before the black-clothed assassins could react, they only felt that the space in front of them seemed to collapse!

Not only is the Internal Energy unable to function, but even the external forces around the body are useless.

at the same time!

Severe headache and dizziness are directly flooded!

Only for a moment, just now was still aggressive, and all the black-clothed assassins who came from bad people rolled to the ground, screaming again and again.

"Humph! Year

"Give me death!"

Ye Ling would never let these black-clothed assassins go like a Virgin.

When his eyes flashed, Ye Ling's palm squeezed slightly!


Just listen to a few explosions one after another!

Ruthless, when Fu Junchuo waits for the girl to look again.

Without exception, these dozens of black-clothed assassins were all heart-shattered by Ye Ling's "Heavenly Devil force field"!

All of a sudden, the entire Xifang City was filled with blood, like a purgatory on earth!

Seeing that Ye Ling had dealt with all the assassins in black so neatly.

On the wheelchair, ruthless heart suddenly shakes!

"This guy!"

"How does it feel that compared to the time of Shaoshi Mountain, it is more than a little bit stronger!"

There was a hint of surprise on the indifferent face, and in the ruthless eyes, there was a look of disbelief.


After all, she is the most famous female head catcher in the world.

In an instant, Wuqing suppressed the shock in his heart, pushed his wheelchair, and came to the front of a group of corpses.

Although Ye Ling's heart was crushed with "Heavenly Devil force field".

However, the bodies of the black-clothed assassins were relatively intact.

He casually lifted the veil of one of the assassins in black, and when he saw the tattoos on his face, his ruthless expression changed slightly!

"Tattoo, black face!"

"These people, 80% should be outlaws under Cai Jing's hands!"

When he suddenly raised his head, Wuqingxuan even spoke to Ye Ling.

"People from Cai Jing?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling raised his brows slightly.

The own plan has not been exposed, and Cai Jing has no reason to target himself at this time.

Thus, the real purpose of this attack is only one.

That is the prime minister Cai, who is above ten thousand people, and wants to use this to test his own attitude!

When his eyes narrowed, Ye Ling had already figured out where the joints (becf) were.

at the same time!

Looking at the corpses of assassins all over the ground, the ruthless light on the wheelchair flashed.

Since Cai Jing had already taken the lead, why didn't he just take the opportunity to express the intention of the Shenhou Mansion to Ye Ling!

Thinking of this, Ru Qing sent an invitation directly to Ye Ling.

"In any case, Cai Jing has already made the first move this time, and it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no other follow-up moves!"

"If that's the case, why don't you go back to Shenhou's mansion with me and see what Shenhou thinks!"

Between the words, the ruthless and beautiful eyes flashed, and there was a rare sense of expectation in the cold eyes.

Go to Shenhou Mansion?

Ye Ling's eyes flashed, but there was a flash of light in the corner of his eyes.

After waiting for a while, I finally got the chance to get in touch with the Divine Marquis Mansion and the Six Gates.

In this case, how could Ye Ling have any reason to refuse?

"All right!

"Then I'll have to interrupt! 35

With a look of hesitation, Ye Ling nodded and agreed to the ruthless invitation.

Immediately after.

Under the ruthless leadership, Ye Ling and his party turned towards the Shenhou Mansion!


Under the ruthless leadership, Ye Ling took Fu Jun away, and the two Xiaolongnu came to the Shenhou Mansion.

Fang Yi entered the flower hall, and Ye Ling began to look at it as soon as he glanced at it.

As the chief instructor of the 180,000 Imperial Forest Army, he was the imperial master.

Although the Shenhou Mansion is not too large, the interior layout is not bad at all.

I saw inside it, exquisite halls and pavilions, like white jade.

And under the light yellow candlelight on the tabletop made of a whole block of marble, sixteen scrolls of ancient paintings were listed for visits.

Ye Ling's eyes moved up, when he looked up

Just above the front of the table, another old man was standing with a smile, looking out at himself and the ruthless two.

The old man's beard was silver and white, but his demeanor was very leisurely.

On his face, although there are many many wrinkles, he still has a handsome face like a child.

Because of his age, he looked thinner.

It can be seen how comfortable and excited, how lofty and proud, and how handsome he was in his youth.

And this person is no one else.

It is Zhuge who is known as the "six and five gods" and is me!

Behind him, three masters with different expressions stood guard.

Obviously it is the iron hand, the cold blood, the three famous arrests!

at the same time!

When I saw Ye Ling and his group coming from outside, Zhuge Zheng and I smiled, and immediately walked over from the table.

"My little friend must be Devil Emperor Ye Ling!""

"Please sit down!

As I said that, Zhuge Zheng and I raised my hand gently and greeted Ye Ling on the first seat on the right.

"Thank you Lord God! 35

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Facing Zhuge Zheng's kindness, Ye Ling cupped his fist slightly, and immediately began to look at this long-known top Great Master!.

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