Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 217 Song Huizong Zhao Ji! The emperor's authority is suppressed!


Under the leadership of Mi Cangqiong, Ye Ling took the sedan chair and came to the entrance of the Great Song Palace, under the Xuande Gate.

Officially entering the big house, Ye Ling also got off the sedan chair, changed to walking, and continued to follow behind Mi Cangqiong.

Along the way, Mi Cangqiong took the opportunity to be alone with Ye Ling.

Between the side-by-side attacks, Ye Ling's purpose of this trip was also constantly inquired.

However, Ye Ling would not reveal too much in the face of Mi Cangqiong's temptation.

Three points true, seven points false.

While Ye Ling perfunctory Mi Cangqiong, his eyes couldn't help but look around to inquire.

Ye Ling had experienced the majesty and grandeur of the Daming Palace as early as the Daming Purple City.

When looking around, Ye Ling already knew the whole picture of the Great Song Palace by heart.

Although in terms of area, the Great Song Palace is far less huge than the Daming Palace, and it doesn't even have half the area of ​​the Daming Palace.


The area is small, but it does not lose the royal prestige, but it adds a bit of sophistication.

As far as the eye can see, Ye Ling's eyes are filled with 14-layered eaves-ridged beasts.

On the aisles on both sides, although there is no dazzling vermilion like the Daming Palace, they are all wall panels made of floating windows and jade.

Under the warm sunlight, the ground paved with white jade shone with a warm light.

In the distance, among the curling mist, there seem to be countless delicate and narrow palaces looming.

Looking from a distance, there is a trace of insubstantiality between the misty and misty.

The entire Great Song Palace seems to exist in a fairyland!

"As expected of the Song Dynasty royal family known for being "rich, noble and elegant," the palace layout is so unique.

Seeing such a fairyland on earth, Ye Ling sighed in his heart, but in his mind he involuntarily recalled the masters of the Song Dynasty Martial Forest.

Looking around the world, the Martial Forest master of the Song Dynasty.

No matter in terms of quality or quantity, it is the first among countries.

Let's start with the proximity first.

Right now, in the capital of Bian, there are top masters such as Zhuge Shenhou, Di Feijing, Su Mengzhen, Yuan Shisanjian, and the four famous arrests.

In addition to the power center of Bianjing City, there are also various famous rivers and lakes, and they live in seclusion.

For example, the sweeper monk of Southern Shaolin, Hong Qigong of Beggar Sect, and Dongxie Xidu and others.

Another example is the "South China Sea Hidden Dragon" Meng Zhonghuan, "Crazy Man" Hua Guhan and other celebrities who will appear in the future.

Even Guo Jing, Yang Guo and others who were supposed to be in the first place.

They are all outstanding martial arts geniuses, first-class heroes, Great Masters, and top masters.

Except Rivers and Lakes.

above the temple.

The Song Dynasty also had such famous battlefield legends as Di Qing, Yue Fei, and Han Shizhong.

Abundant talents are not weak.


It was the Song Dynasty who seemed so powerful. In his previous life, the game progressed for less than three years, but he was united by Yuan Jin to destroy the country.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.

"If you have money and people, the emperor can win even if he ties a dog!

"How did you lose at that time!"

And just when Ye Ling was emotional.

Beside his ears, the voice of Mi Cangqiong came.

"Ye Devil Emperor!""

"The emperor is waiting for you in the imperial study!

He was brought into the imperial study by Mi Cangqiong.

When Ye Ling subconsciously raised her head forward, she saw the Great Song Emperor sitting on the main seat.

The emperor looked like he was in his thirties.

Beneath the smooth forehead, a pair of phoenix eyes stared at him.

The face is round and white, and the comb is very neat, but the appearance is quite delicate.

However, unlike Mi Cangqiong, the official uniform is neat.

On the dragon chair, the emperor neither had the bright yellow dragon robe like the emperor of the Great Ming Dynasty, nor did he have the vermilion robe of the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty.

Instead, he was wearing a gray-white Taoist robe, which did not look like an emperor, but rather like a Taoist priest who had just descended the mountain.

And the identity of this man is beyond doubt.

It was the eighth emperor of the Song Dynasty, later known as Zhao Ji of Song Huizong!

"Report to Your Majesty!

"Ye Ling has been summoned by order! Please show your majesty!"

As soon as Fang entered the imperial study, Mi Cangqiong reported to Zhao Ji on the dragon chair.


"There is Lao Aiqing!

Zhao Ji nodded slightly, then turned to look at Ye Ling below.

Seeing that Ye Ling didn't bow down, Zhao Ji's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately asked.

"I am the ruler of a country, why don't you worship me when you see me!"

And with Zhao Ji's words.

Immediately after.

Ye Ling felt a powerful coercion coming towards him.

"Imperial authority?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Ling's mind was a noun.

To know.

In order to maintain the game balance of Rivers and Lakes, every monarch of a big country will have an innate characteristic - [imperial authority pressure].

By virtue of the [Emperor's Authority Pressure], even if the monarch does not know martial arts, he can resist the attack from the Martial Forest powerhouse.

It can even use the [Imperial Authority Pressure] to mentally deter and attack the enemy.

And Zhao Ji, as the orthodox emperor of the Song Dynasty, naturally possessed an extremely perverted [imperial authority].

It's just that the [imperial authority pressure] is strong.

But in front of Ye Ling, who had already condensed the power of the Great Master, he seemed to be scratching his head.

Under Zhao Ji's strong pressure, Ye Ling raised his head very easily.

"The temples have the rules of the temples, and the Rivers and Lakes have the rules of the Rivers and Lakes."

"The Caomin are from the Rivers and Lakes, so they don't know how to behave in temples. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!""

After all, Ye Ling had a slight cupped fist, and his expression was still indifferent.


This person is actually not affected by the [imperial authority pressure]!

Hearing this, Zhao 673 Ji on the dragon chair looked slightly startled, and immediately squinted a pair of Danfeng eyes.

A splendid light flashed, and Zhao Ji immediately looked towards the other side of His Highness.

"Ha ha!

"Cai Xiang, you are really right!"


Cai Xiang?

Hearing this, Ye Ling's eyes narrowed when he saw that there was a figure standing in the shadow between the pillars on the right.

The man looked about forty or fifty years old, dressed in a purple official uniform, with a black long-winged cap on his forehead!

The face is ravine, and there is a small goatee under the chin.

And above the nose, a pair of eagle-like eyes are embedded in it.

no one else!

It's Cai Jing!

"That's what the people of the Rivers and Lakes are like, don't think too much about your Majesty! 35

Walking out of the shadows, Cai Jing smiled and replied Zhao Ji, but turned his head like a wolf, and cast a sharp look at Ye Ling.

Feeling the gaze, Ye Ling didn't move.

At this moment, after Zhao Ji on the dragon chair gave a long laugh, he turned his gaze to Ye Ling below.

“Rivers and Lakes people, Rivers and Lakes things!

"Since you are so straightforward, I won't go around so many detours."

"Let's be honest, I want the "Longevity Secret" in your hand!"

Straight to the point, Zhao Ji directly asked Ye Ling for his own!

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