Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 220 Lost the sesame seeds, picked up the watermelon! Successfully obtained the waiting beads

in the past.

Ye Ling heard the news of this [Xuanyuan Sword] through hearsay.


【Xuanyuan Sword】is made by Transcendent’s refined Powers who mined copper from Shoushan Mountain.

The sword body is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains and rivers and trees on the other side.

At the hilt of the sword, on the one hand, the art of farming and breeding is written, and on the other hand, the strategy of unifying the four seas.

In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor used this sword to kill Chiyou, the demon god, and then passed it on to Xia Yu. It is the sword of the human race!

However, rumors are always rumors.

Incorporate specific context for Rivers and Lakes.

For a long time, Ye Ling could not imagine Magic Treasures like 【Xuanyuan Sword】~.

It can even be said that it is a fairy-like existence, and it will appear in the world of [Jiang-Lake] with martial arts as the background.

However, with the peak of this life, more secrets of immortality were obtained - later.

Ye Ling was vaguely guessing.

The legendary [Xuanyuan Sword] should be a real thing.

Specifically, it should be an extremely powerful Divine Armament weapon!

“There are so many secrets in the world of Rivers and Lakes!”

"As far as I know, it's just the tip of the iceberg!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Ye Ling jumped off the platform with ease.

Stepping on the ground, Ye Ling immediately put the [Chengying Sword] in his hand back into the distance.

Just now on the high platform, Ye Ling had already seen the seven swords stored clearly.

On the hanging sword pillar, not only are the top three swords [Chi Xiao], [Zhan Lu], and [Xuanyuan] missing.

In addition, even the four swords [Gang Jiang], [Mo Xie], [Qi Xing Long Yuan], and [Tai A] are imitations cast based on rumors.

At best it can only be regarded as ornamental.

And the remaining [Chengying], [Fish Intestine], [Chun Jun] three swords.

Although it is genuine, it is only famous.

When it comes to the real power, it is also a little short of treasure weapon-level weapons.

"I thought I found a treasure, but it turned out to be some face goods."

"Is there really nothing good in this treasure house of the Song Dynasty?"

Thinking of this, Ye Ling could only sigh, and then walked towards the rest of the hall.

However, as the saying goes, "Kung fu pays off."

Although the "Ten Famous Swords" is not very true, the other treasures in the treasure house of the Song Dynasty are real.

After searching in the treasure hall for a while.

Really let Ye Ling find a pretty good treasure!

"Huh? 35

"This is?

At this time, looking at the peak of the fake mountain in front of him, Ye Ling couldn't help but stare in surprise.

I saw the deepest part of the treasure hall, on the top of a rockery.

A night pearl about the size of a fist was sitting firmly on it.

The whole body of the night pearl was pure white, but the light was unabated, and under the four rays of light, it actually illuminated the entire treasure hall.

And this time.

Ye Ling discovered just now that the light in the hall was not caused by candles everywhere.

On the contrary, it was the night pearl in front of me that illuminated the entire magnificent palace!

More importantly.

While exuding a dazzling light, an extremely strange aura appeared on the night pearl from time to time!

"The luminous night of the Xuanli, decorated with beads as candles..."

"Could it be that this is the legendary "Waiwanzhu"? 55

The word "Suihou Pearl" appeared in his mind, Ye Ling's eyes narrowed, and he took a shot in the sky, and immediately grabbed the Ye Mingzhu in his hand.

As soon as the Ye Mingzhu Fang started, a coolness entered the heart and spleen, Ye Ling suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

Immediately after.

Before Ye Ling could react.

There were several strange fantasies in front of him, just like when he got the "He Shibi" that night.

Although it was disturbed by illusions, Ye Ling at this time was not what it used to be.

When Ye Ling was attentive for a while, all the fantasies in front of Ye Ling's eyes completely disappeared.

"This! Really the legendary "Sui Houzhu"! 35

At this time, Ye Ling looked at Suihou Zhu, who was extremely white and shining brightly, again, and Ye Ling couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

Follow Houzhu!

It is also called the two treasures of the Spring and Autumn Period with the "He's Bi".

As the so-called "pearl combination", it describes the "He's jade", which is also a heavenly treasure, and the "suihou pearl" in Ye Ling's hands at this time!

The origin of Suihou Zhu is extremely strange, and it was a gift from the big snake.

However, its effect is real.

Ye Ling had heard about it in a previous life.

Some people used "Suihouzhu" powder as medicine, which successfully brought people back to life.

Although I don't know the authenticity of this matter, I can see the importance of this heavenly treasure from the side.

"This "Sui Houzhu" is actually a jade of the Tonghe family that can disturb people's hearts.35

.....for flowers.......

"Although there is no strange energy like He's jade, but after all, they are both "Spring and Autumn Two Treasures", so there must be some secrets!

Holding the "Suihou Pearl" in his hand, Ye Ling finally chose to put it in his arms when he thought about it.

At this moment, although he has not figured out the real purpose of this "Suihou Pearl".

But after all, the name of "Spring and Autumn Two Treasures" is placed there, so Ye Ling can't let it go.

"Although there is no real top ten famous swords!"

"But with this "Sui Houzhu", this trip is not a return empty-handed!"

When you reap an unexpected joy, when you are sure that there is nothing in the treasure trove that makes you tempted.

Ye Ling left the Great Song Treasure House very decisively.

Obtained the "Suihou Pearl" from the treasure house of the Song Dynasty.

After being able to read the "Dao Zang Quan Shu" in the imperial study room again.

Ye Ling also kept his promise and handed over the original "Longevity Secret", that is, the seven vague pictures to Song Huizong Zhao Ji.


"It's the legendary longevity formula!"

Get the original longevity formula from Ye Ling's hands.

On the dragon chair, Zhao Ji's hands trembled slightly, and the expression on his face was even more surprising.

After all, since ancient times, what emperor could resist the temptation of immortality?

In addition to being extremely pleasantly surprised, Zhao Ji naturally no longer cares about what Ye Ling took from the treasure house of Song Dynasty.

With a wave of his hand, the Song Emperor even gave Ye Ling an additional reward.

"Send my will! 35

"Ye Ling has done a good job in offering treasures, giving him a thousand taels of gold, three thousand silk and satin, and medicinal materials..."

"In addition, give him my license token. After that, when entering and leaving the palace, there is no need to notify the inner servant, but report directly to me!"

Having said that, Zhao Ji on the dragon chair turned his gaze to Ye Ling below, his eyes were full of smiles.

"That, Ye Shaoxia!

"From now on, if I don't understand anything when I Insight "Longevity Technique", I will ask you for help!"

With a slight smile, Zhao Ji spoke directly to Ye Ling.


License Token?

Hearing this, Ye Ling didn't wait for Ye Ling to react.

In the imperial study, whether it is Cai Jing below, or Mi Cangqiong behind Zhao Ji.

The expressions of the two old foxes changed slightly, and their eyes revealed a look of surprise.

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