Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 228 All parties gather in Wuyi Mountain! The Wuji elixir is officially born!

"After Caomin's investigation, the "Wuji elixir" should be hidden in Wuyi Mountain!""

With a slight cupped fist, Ye Ling blurted out when his eyes flashed.


In Wuyi Mountain?

After hearing what Ye Ling said.

On the dragon chair, Song Huizong Zhao Ji immediately opened his eyes wide.

With both palms leaning on the jade table tightly, Zhao Ji lost his voice slightly.

"Is this true?"


Ye Ling cupped fist again, and there is no fake color in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ji had doubts in his heart, but he believed Ye Ling's position by seven points!

"Good! Good! Good!"

After saying three "good" words in succession, Zhao Ji's expression was filled with excitement.

"In that case!"

"Then I will take up the post of Daxia Ye as my special envoy, and on the way to search for pills, officials of various institutions will obey your orders!

Without doubt of him, Zhao Ji readily agreed to Ye Ling's request under the temptation of the "Wu Ji elixir".

Afterwards, Zhao Ji waved his hand even more, and directly appointed Ye Ling as the imperial envoy, special envoy.

In this way, Ye Ling changed his body and possessed the power to control officials of all parties.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling raised her eyebrows slightly, and her heart moved slightly.

turn out to be.

Regarding the "Wu Ji elixir" 690, Ye Ling only knew that it was hidden in Wuyi Mountain, but did not know the specific location.

According to the original plan, the reason why Ye Ling chose to enter the palace, asked Zhao Ji to ask Ying, and went to find the "Wuji elixir"

Its real purpose is to pass on the position of "Wuyi Mountain" to Zhao Ji.

It was then passed on to Cai Jing indirectly by Zhao Ji, thus leading Cai Jing out of Bianjing without leaving any trace.

However, what Ye Ling didn't expect was.

For the news he gave, Zhao Ji not only had no doubts at all, but even gave himself the power to control all places.

"With this status, it saves me the effort to arrange."

Successfully communicated the news, and received unexpected joy from Zhao Ji.

When the two parties were happy, Ye Ling did not hesitate, and immediately said goodbye to Zhao Ji and left the palace smoothly.

And after Ye Ling left the palace.

Sure enough, Zhao Ji ordered his servants to summon Cai Jing to the palace urgently.

After Cai Jing entered the palace, Zhao Ji informed Cai Jing of the exact location of the "Wuji elixir".

"Then the "Wuji elixir" is in Wuyi Mountain?"

Hearing the news of the "Wuji elixir" from Zhao Ji's mouth, Cai Jing (becf)'s complexion changed slightly, and there was a somewhat puzzled expression in his eyes.

I want to operate in Bianjing for decades, and I have countless intelligence information at hand.

Even so, they still haven't been able to find the specific location of the "Wuji elixir" from the complicated news.

Ye Ling heard that there was no power in the Song Dynasty, so why was he able to determine the specific location of the "Wuji elixir" ahead of him?

For a moment, thinking of Ye Ling's figure, Cai Jing's eyes could not help but become solemn.

However, just as Cai Jing was thinking about it, Zhao Ji on the dragon chair spoke up.

"Master! Looking at Ye Ling's expression, I'm afraid this news will not be fake."

"Although I ordered him to search for the "Wu Ji elixir", Ye Ling is not an official of my Song Dynasty, so I don't trust him very much.

"Among the confidants, only the Grand Master has my heart the most, why not let the Grand Master personally go out and get the elixir for me this time?

With a sincere tone, Zhao Ji said his own idea, that is, he wants to arrange Cai Jing to set off at the same time, and go to Wuyi Mountain to find elixir!

out of Beijing?

Looking for Dan?

Hearing Zhao Ji's arrangement, Cai Jing, who was next, was slightly stunned.

Since he became prime minister, he has never encountered a task that needs to be done outside Beijing.

Hearing the words suddenly, the suspicious Cai Jing subconsciously wanted to reject Zhao Ji's arrangement.

However, at the thought of Ye Ling, he was already heading towards Wuyi Mountain.

In case he really found the "Wu Ji elixir" for him.

Whether it is the fame of Rivers and Lakes, or the status of the court, wouldn't he face the threat from Ye Ling head-on.

Thinking of this, although Cai Jing hesitated several times, in order not to affect his next plan, he finally chose to compromise.


"I will take people to Wuyi Mountain immediately, and I will definitely find the "Wu Ji elixir" for His Majesty! 35

Kneeling to the ground, Cai Jing immediately followed the order!

With Ye Ling and Cai Jing, the two men set off separately.

In Bianjing City, the forces of all parties also moved when they heard the sound.

a few days later.

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain, various forces are mixed.

Among them are such wealthy gangs as [Six and a Half Halls] and [Golden Wind Drizzle Building].

There are also small local gangs such as [Haisha Gang], [Xingyitang], [Fuwei Escort Bureau], and [Lianyun Village].

Of course, in addition to various NPCs, naturally there are also players who are mixed with each other.

When the rivers and lakes organizations from all sides gathered, the Wuyi Mountains were very lively.

In the woods on the side, Cai Jing and everyone in the Youqiao Group acted differently, just quietly watching the Practitioner from all sides.

turn out to be.

After following Zhao Ji's arrangement, although Cai Jing led Wen Xue'an and others from Li to Bianjing.

But in the face of Wuyi Mountain, which covers an extremely large area, Cai Jing certainly would not be foolish to find a needle in a haystack.

After negotiating with Mi Cangqiong and others, Cai Jing released the news of Wuyi Mountain, and wanted to use the forces of various people to search for the "Wuji elixir".

Once someone finds the "Wuji elixir", Cai Jing, Mi Cangqiong and others will take action and grab the elixir from others.

I have to say, Cai Jing's idea is perfect.

As soon as the news was released, the forces of all parties swarmed, and there were thousands of people scattered.

Although the area of ​​Wuyi Mountain is large, it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before the "Wu Ji elixir" is found under the joint search of so many people.

But unfortunately.

After waiting in the dark for a day and a night, none of the major gangs found any clues about the "Wuji elixir".

As a result, Cai Jing couldn't help but be suspicious.

"So many people searched everywhere and found no clues all night. 99

"Is it possible, who is Ye Ling's guy really? I'm not?"

Frowning his brows, he touched the small goatee under his chin, and Cai Jing's expression turned serious.


Just when Cai Jing was about to retire.

In the crowd in front, there were several exclamations.

"Found! Found!"

"Someone found it just now, just behind the cliff on the mountainside, it seems to be the "Wu Ji elixir"! 35


Found the Promise Elixir? Just behind the mountainside?

Hear this exclamation.

In an instant, no matter how big or small the gang is, where the teacher is, the NPC or the player.

When the people at the foot of the mountain exclaimed in surprise, they all stood up and rushed straight towards the position of the voice!

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