Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 231 The battle is in full swing! Ye Ling took the opportunity to enter the hole! Get the Pro

I saw Cai Jing gave an order.

Wen Xue'an, who was standing in front of the prison car, stared at it, and immediately took out a piccolo from his arms.

When holding the piccolo, Wen Xue'an blew his sleeves slightly, and he played the piccolo directly!

The whistling piccolo sound instantly filled the entire Wuyi Mountain!

Next up!

Under the watchful eyes of the public, among the fans in the prison car, Guan Mudan, who was still drowsy just now, actually moved slightly!


Like a wooden puppet, he raised his head with a "Tang"!

Although his eyes are still so empty, the aura of Guan Mudan's whole body is clearly revealed!


The strength of this man!

The whole body trembled lightly, and when their faces were horrified, all the masters present felt a decidedly different powerful pressure from Guan Mudan!


Haven't waited for everyone to react.

I saw Guan Mudan in the prison car suddenly look up to the sky, and let out a shrill and strange roar!


With a roar, the prison car in front of Guan Mudan turned into powder.

When countless sawdust was flying, a black shadow suddenly burst out!

God of War level seven!

Jump into the battlefield!

God of War Guan Qi was originally half-idiot and half-stupid, but when he was suddenly awakened, 14 was even more furious!

With monstrous anger and endless killing intent, Guan Mudan was like a giant beast that had just woken up from hibernation, and instantly attacked everyone!

No camp, no Realm, no gender.

Wherever Guan Mudan went, blood splattered everywhere, and corpses were scattered everywhere!

"Bad! This guy has lost his mind, let's go together, we must not let him go crazy here!

"Unconsciously, there is still such strength! It is necessary for everyone to work together!

"Everyone come with me, you have to take down this lunatic first!

Seeing that Guan Mudan on the battlefield was still in a state of no one.

For a while, all the Rivers and Lakes masters who were still fighting separately just now gathered together in a group.

With a shout, dozens of first-class peaks and even a few beginner-level Great Masters formed a formation and attacked Guan Mudan!

at the same time!

Seeing that Guan Mudan still has such a terrifying lethality even in the midst of madness.

In the crowd, Su Mengzhen and Wang Xiaoshi also realized that something was wrong.

The two looked at each other.


In a single stride, Su Mengzhen and Wang Xiaoshi jumped into the air.

Su Mengzhen holds the [Red Sleeve Sword], and Wang Xiaoshi holds the [Retention Sword]!

The two Realm are not bad, mixed with fierce momentum, they turned into a streamer in the blink of an eye, and they killed Guan Mudan in the center of the battlefield!

There are [Haisha Gang], [Fuwei Escort Bureau], [Lianyun Village], [Xingyitang] and many other masters blocking it.

From the front, he was directly facing Su Mengzhen and Wang Xiaoshi.

All of a sudden!

Guan Mudan was actually surrounded by heavy siege!

Su Mengzhen, Wang Xiaoshi, join the core masters of the rest of the big and small gangs!

Such a luxurious lineup, if it was replaced by other people, I am afraid that the soul will go back to the West on the spot!


"God of War Guan Qi" Guan Mudan is already famous.

At this time, although he himself was unconscious, he was able to perform his martial arts without fear!

I saw a group of masters attacking in unison!

Guan Mudan on the battlefield did not hide at all, and there was no fear in his empty eyes!


"How is this going?

Seeing that Guan Mudan had no intention of evading, in the volley, Su Mengzhen's expression changed slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But in the next second, Guan Mudan's actions surprised Su Mengzhen!


Suddenly, Guan Mudan in the center of the battlefield let out a violent roar again.

When everyone's faces were distorted, they looked up again.

I saw that in the volley, the weapons of the masters had already hit Guan Mudan at the time.

However, Guan Mudan, who lived in it, was unscathed.

On his body, there is a faint black ray of light that faintly appeared, actually blocking all the swords of the Rivers and Lakes knights from the outside!

"Innate body care qi!

Seeing the light black light on Guan Mudan's body, Su Mengzhen's complexion froze, and she couldn't help exclaiming!

It's been a long time since I heard that God of War Guan Qi is the legendary top Sword Technique "Innate breaks the body and invisible qi"


But I never thought that Guan Mudan's body protection method is so strong!

When his face condensed, Su Mengzhen already vaguely realized that something was wrong!

It's a pity that it wasn't until Su Mengzhen noticed that something was wrong.

On the battlefield, the situation has already changed dramatically!

After resisting the attacks of a group of Rivers and Lakes knights with "Innate Bodyguard".

Guan Mudan seemed to be completely irritated, and when he released his qi, he swooped straight at a group of Rivers and Lakes masters!

In an instant, several first-class peak masters both fell!

On the battlefield, the scene once became chaotic!


Just when the battlefield situation was chaotic, halfway up the mountain, a white figure jumped into the Xuanbi cave like lightning!

Seeing that someone was taking advantage of the chaos, all the rivers and lakes experts around the cave exclaimed in surprise!

"Who is that person! He actually took advantage of this time to get the Baodan!"

"Shameless! It's shameless! Didn't we agree to deal with these imperial eagle dogs and then distribute them? How could some people not keep their promises!"

"Damn it! When daddy takes care of this lunatic, he must be cut to pieces!"

Angered and scolded, all the Rivers and Lakes masters were furious.

690 However, Guan Mudan's threat is still unresolved, and although the masters are anxious, they can't spare their hands to take care of one or two.

He could only watch the Daoist shadow jump into the cave on the hanging wall.

"Fight, fight.

"If you don't fight, how can I get the "Wuji Elixir" so easily!

As the fire Zhezi lit up, a handsome appearance suddenly appeared in the cave.

The one who just jumped into the cave in the chaos was none other than Ye Ling, who was among the ordinary disciples!

After successfully entering the cave, Ye Ling saw the simple iron box quietly placed on the stone platform in front of him under the illumination of the fire zhezi.


Seeing the iron box on the stone platform in front of him, Ye Ling hurried forward and grabbed the iron box in his hand.

With a heavy hand, Ye Ling's heart moved slightly, and then he opened the iron box in his hand.

With a "click", Ye Ling looked down by the faint light of Huo Zhezi.

I saw that in the palm-sized iron box, there were twelve round Medicine Pills neatly placed, and there were even more fragrant aromas constantly volatilizing!

It is the legendary "Promise Elixir"!

"Good guy!

"I really bumped into it by mistake!""

Seeing the "Wu Ji elixir" in his hand, Ye Ling couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

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