"I'm sorry! God Hou, you are so late!

There was a playful smile in the corner of his eyes.

Ye Ling clapped her hands and immediately exposed Cai Jing who was behind her in front of everyone's sight.

Hearing this, when everyone was surprised, they quickly turned their attention to Cai Jing behind Ye Ling.

At this time, Cai Jing's purple round-necked official robe was already covered with bright red blood.

And its head was twisted off by Ye Ling.

Falling into the grass, Cai Jing's eagle eyes stared blankly, looking quite frightening.

"Cai... Cai Jing is dead?

Seeing that Cai Jing's body was already separated, his death was terrifying.

All the Rivers and Lakes knights present were amazed.

"I didn't expect this guy Ye Ling to be so ruthless. That's the prime minister of Song Dynasty! Kill it if you say it! 39

"Hey! Although it's good that Cai Jing died "690", Ye Ling's method is too vicious!

"I twisted my head abruptly, and sucked Wen Xue'an into a human being, I don't dare to mess with this guy!

When everyone was discussing, there was a little more fear in the eyes that looked at Ye Ling.

"It's over, it's over! Your lord is dead! Run, run!

"This guy is a big devil, how far the big guy runs!""

"Ah ah ah ah! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!

But Cai Jing's men and all the generals of the Xiang army saw Cai Jing's death.

It even screamed again and again, and they all sat on fish, birds and beasts, and ran away to the foot of Wuyi Mountain.

In an instant, the blockade of Wuyi Mountain was unraveled with Cai Jing's Death.

However, the situation on the battlefield has changed a lot.

But the gazes of the masters looking at Ye Ling also became subtle.

Seeing that Ye Ling acted so decisively, Zhuge Zheng, who had just arrived, could not help frowning, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Zhuge Zheng, the reason why I chose to join the battlefield at this time.

Its purpose is to save Cai Jing's life at a critical moment, so as to maximize his own interests.

I know Zhuge Zheng.

Although Cai Jing did not know martial arts, his identity was after all the prime minister of the dynasty, and he was a veteran of the four dynasties and emperors of the Song Dynasty.

The old and the old spread all over the Song Dynasty, and Cai Jing's political influence is evident.

However, at this time, Ye Ling had already executed Cai Jing at the moment of disagreement.

And Cai Jing's Death will inevitably have a huge impact on the entire Song Dynasty.

Thinking of this, I looked at Cai Jing's corpse in front of me again, and Zhuge Zheng I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

After all, the dead cannot be brought back to life.

Cai Jing's Death has become a foregone conclusion, and the only thing he can do next is to find a way to clean up this mess.

at the same time.

Just as the Marquis Zhuge frowned.

Seeing that Cai Jing was already dead, all his subordinates fled.

Whether it is Yuan Shisan in the sky, or Mi Cangqiong nailed to the hanging wall by Guan Mudan.

When the expressions of the two changed, it was Qi Qi's intention to retreat.

First, Mi Cangqiong struggled to slowly climb up from the hanging wall.

Afterwards, Yuan Shisan in the sky wanted to use the method of "shrinking the ground into an inch" again to retreat from the encirclement.


Just when Yuan Shisangan and Mi Cangqiong were about to withdraw from the battlefield.

In the crowd, a Daoist figure appeared out of thin air and directly blocked the two of them.

It is Ye Ling!


"I didn't go just now, but I can't go now!

With the folding fan in his hand dancing lightly, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and then Chaoyuan Shisanjian and Mi Cangqiong spoke.

Seeing that Ye Ling was blocking him in front, and behind him were Guan Mudan, Zhuge Zheng and other masters.

And there is only a half-crippled Mi Cangong left on his side.

When Yuan Shisanxian's brows were slightly wrinkled, he had to quickly think of a way to escape in his mind.


At this moment, a loud roar was issued again!

I saw Guan Mudan, who was still standing in the center of the battlefield and looked at each other from a distance, suddenly attacked Ye Ling at this time.

turn out to be.

When Cai Jing was arguing with Ye Ling just now, although Guan Mudan was crazy, he also had some doubts.

At this moment, Ye Ling stopped the seriously injured Mi Cangqiong and Yuan Shisanjian who wanted to retreat.

Guan Mudan was a bold man, and he was very disgusted with this kind of clean killing.

At the same time, he had a little distrust of Ye Ling, and with the mixture of the two sides, Guan Mudan was angry with Ye Ling.

When he roared up to the sky, Guan Mudan had already killed Ye Ling right in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Mi Cangqiong and Yuan Shisan didn't dare to stay where they were, and they all scattered in different directions...

In an instant, the seat in front of Ye Ling was already a big vacancy.

If Guan Mudan was attacked, he would definitely be killed or injured.


In the face of Guan Mudan's thunderous attack, Ye Ling, who was standing on the spot, was still not panicking.

When his eyes flashed, Ye Ling spoke coldly!

"Lei Chun!"

A cold drink just fell.

Before everyone in the room could react and understand, among the [six and a half] crowd, Lei Chun, who was wearing a white dress, stood in front of everyone impressively!

And as Lei Chun stood up, Ye Ling raised her head again, and went straight to Guan Mudan, who was in front of her, to drink!

"Guan Mudan! 35

"Don't you want to know the whereabouts of your daughter!

"The woman below is your daughter! 95


Lei Chun turned out to be Guan Mudan's biological daughter!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, including Zhuge Zheng and me, the expressions of all the knights changed drastically, they were dumbfounded, and their expressions were extremely surprised.

at the same time!

Guan Mudan, who was still furious just now, froze in place.

Turning his head to look at Lei Chun below, the battlefield killer also hesitated.

Just when everyone was surprised, Ye Ling's voice rang again.

"Guan Mudan!"

"Not only do I know that Lei Chun is your daughter, but I also know about the whereabouts of your wife Wen Xiaobai! 35



Wen Xiaobai!

As if he heard the most crucial three words, Guan Mudan turned around suddenly and looked at Ye Ling again.

In his originally empty eyes, there was a hint of urgency at this time.

There is no doubt that the Wen Xiaobai mentioned by Ye Ling is the person Guan Mudan is most concerned about!

"Ha ha!

Seeing that Guan Mudan was already attracted by his own condition, Ye Ling chuckled, and then continued to speak.

"If you still want to know the whereabouts of Wen Xiaobai!"

"Just kill these two people for me!"

With cold eyes, Ye Ling's folding fan danced lightly, and pointed directly at Mi Cangqiong and Yuan Shisanjian below!


Or do you want to kill them all?!

All of a sudden, everyone present was shocked!

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