"Kao Baifeng... first get familiar with it."

Ye Ling followed Xiao Daotong and thought to herself.

His plan to make money is nothing more than abduction.

This is also impossible.

The player first entered [Rivers and Lakes], which is no different from ordinary NPCs.

Even, in terms of survivability, it's not as good as those NPCs who don't know martial arts.

In the early stage of the game, if you want to make money, you have to work part-time.

Or... just like Ye Ling, cheating.

As for the task?

Today's players simply don't have the strength to do the task.

Even the simplest task of delivering letters is limited to one village and one town.

The road is a little farther, and you will still die tragically on the road.

No way, this is Rivers and Lakes.

Danger is everywhere!

This time Ye Ling chose to deceive Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan.

He wanted to pretend to be a messenger sent by a certain woman on the other side.

The plan is simple, but not everyone can do it.

Only someone like Ye Ling, who has detailed information in hand, can successfully deceive money.

Otherwise, you will only be beaten to death with a stick!

The plan to cheat money is not in a hurry, Ye Ling has to do a little preparation.

Before that, it's okay to see Dao Baifeng.

Duan Zhengchun is not so easy to fool.

Having had a painful experience, Ye Ling would never underestimate an NPC in a mission.

When it is time to be cautious, you must be cautious, especially in the early stage.

"In case the matter is exposed, you can take out the sword Baifeng to block the sword, and there will be miraculous effects!"

Ye Ling was convinced of this.


The two walked through several courtyards and finally stopped in front of a quaint Great Hall.

The little road boy informed the inside.

Immediately, he signaled Ye Ling to go in by himself, and he himself was waiting outside the hall.

Ye Ling walked into the Great Hall and found that it was unusually deserted.

The huge hall was empty.

Only a woman dressed as a Taoist nun stood quietly in front of the statue.

"In this small Yuxu Guan, there will be outsiders coming, and I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

Dao Baifeng turned around, glanced at Ye Ling, and said lightly.

There was a hint of indifference in his deep voice.

Outsiders is the name given to players by NPCs.

However, not every NPC has such cognition.

For example, that little Taoist boy, he just thought Ye Ling was a new Taoist boy.

NPCs with such cognition must have particularity in some respects and belong to high-level NPCs.

And senior NPCs have different attitudes towards players.

Some are friendly, some are neutral, and some are hostile to the peasants.

Dao Baifeng is obviously a neutral type.

Although the attitude is indifferent, he will not refuse a thousand miles, and he is willing to communicate.

Ye Ling's eyes narrowed, looking at Dao Baifeng up and down, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The willow leaves have curved eyebrows, the skin is like cream, the temperament is like iceberg snow lotus, noble and cold.

Plus mature charm, Taoist nun and other bonus points.

It's no exaggeration to praise a "man killer"!

No wonder that Cao thief...cough.

Ye Ling restrained the distracting thoughts, and with a thought, the interface appeared.

【Name: Dao Baifeng】

【Dao name: Yuxu Sanren】

【Realm: Third-rate (peak)】

【age:? 】

【Gender: Female】

[Identity: Yuxu Guan Guanzhu, Zhennan Princess]

【Talent: Superior】

【 martial arts: ? 】

[Mind: ? 】

【other:? 】

【characteristic:? 】


Ye Ling blinked, looking at the interface in front of her, she was surprised.

Not because of those question marks.

In the game [Rivers and Lakes], the player's detection function is not easy to use, and there are great limitations.

Most of the time, only the NPC's name will be displayed.

Especially high-level NPCs, sometimes even their names are not displayed.

And a high-level NPC like Dao Baifeng who can see so much information at once is a very rare special existence!

This represents two things.

First, Dao Baifeng's attitude towards the outsiders.

In other words, the attitude towards Ye Ling was not as cold as it appeared.

Rather, be friendly.

Second, and most important.

This shows that Dao Baifeng is the kind of high-level NPC that can be subdued.

Still the easier one.

At least for Ye Ling, seeing so much information is definitely not too difficult.

【Rivers and Lakes】This game also has a "capture" function.

It's the same as recruiting pets in other games.

However, there are various ways to take it, and it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine according to the situation of the NPC.

The player subdues the NPC, which is different from the characters in the game.

As long as there is no trait of rebellion, there can never be betrayal.

It is an absolutely loyal and reliable partner!

"What did I miss in the first place?"

At this moment, Ye Ling was very heartbroken.

The bowels of regret are all green.

Knowing that Dao Baifeng had a friendly attitude towards him, he would never leave Yuxuguan so soon.

"The third-rate peak, the size is also a master, it is a hundred times stronger than my own running around, not to mention..."

Practitioner starts from not entering the stream, and goes up to third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, acquired, Innate, Great Master, and Grand Great Master.

Only the third-rate peak Dao Baifeng, placed on Rivers and Lakes, is only slightly stronger than the weak chicken at the bottom.

But in any case, the third-rate peak, at least has a little self-protection ability.

Ye Ling, who is not even better than boxing and kung fu, is more than a thousand times stronger!

Furthermore, in addition to the identity of Yuxu Guan Guanzhu, Dao Baifeng also has the identity of Zhennan Princess.

With her financial resources, if Ye Ling can subdue it.

Not to mention a Thousand Li Horse, even hiring a group of experts to escort them would be a breeze.

"The trip to the Zhennan Palace, you can give up."

Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and her heart was secretly excited.

With such a huge golden mountain in front of us, why should we seek the distance?

The scorching gaze made Dao Baifeng unhappy, and a fierceness flashed in his eyes.

After a while, he said indifferently: "Even if you are an outsider, you can't eat rice in this view. If you want to stay in this view, you must do things."

A warning omen flashed in his heart, and Ye Ling quickly retracted his gaze.

Dao Baifeng is a woman of the Yi ethnic group, a ruthless person who dares to threaten Duan Zhengchun with a knife!

When martial arts are inferior to the opponent, it is best not to be too presumptuous.

This is the master who can really kill at every turn.

"Dare to ask Guan Zhu, what kind of errands are there in Guan Guan, which can be used next?"

Ye Ling restrained her thoughts, cupped hands asked in a serious tone.

"Guard, handyman and cook, choose one for yourself."

Dao Baifeng still looked like he was refusing others for thousands of miles, and added with a cold snort: "Although the monthly money for guarding is large, it will also be accompanied by certain dangers. Do what you can, and don't want to harm others and yourself!"

"Thank you Guanzhu for your suggestion. You have self-knowledge, and you are not suitable to be a guard. Instead, you have confidence in the position of a cook. Please also ask Guanzhu to fulfill him."

Ye Ling rolled her eyes and replied without hesitation.

If Dao Baifeng didn't say it, he wouldn't be a guard either.

Danger comes next.

The point is, in his next subjugation plan.

The kitchen will be the most critical part!

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