Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 031: A Leaderboard That Only Belongs To One Person

in the original plot.

Cheng Zhengzheng was deceived by Zhang Laosan, and he had the opportunity to enter the palace and enter the heaven prison to see the ancient three links.

From there on to the pinnacle of life.

So when Ye Ling saw what was right and wrong, he immediately had the idea of ​​replacing it.

Taking the opportunity to infiltrate the palace as a right and wrong.

The special effects with the title of "Secret Land Explorer" are supplemented by a human skin mask refined by [Poison Immortal].

As long as Ye Ling wants, he can impersonate anyone!


Zhang Laosan moved quickly.

After a while, he ran back with a package in his arms.

"It's settled. When you're up to the top, brother, don't forget my brother!"

While talking, Zhang Laosan led Ye Ling to the back of the casino.

By this time, the plan has been preliminarily completed.

Ye Ling can completely ignore Zhang Laosan.

However, in order not to make mistakes, he was patient, as if right and wrong, and boasted to Mr. Zhang.

"Brother, I'm in a rush to urinate. You wait here first, the noble person will be here soon."

Zhang Laosan brought Ye Ling into a room, made a random excuse, and left in a hurry.

It didn't take long.

Bang! ~

Three strong men with fierce faces kicked in.

"Why? I'm not afraid to tell you, we are about to do a big business, and the money owed to your casino is a piece of shit. After the daddy has grown up, I will give it back ten times to you!"

Ye Ling looked at the three with a look of disdain, and asked with her chin raised.

It's the face of a villain.

"Hey, old man, does this kid really think that a noble person really likes him?"

A younger brother among the three said with a sneer.

The leading strong man was also amused, and said gloatingly: "It's right or wrong, you probably don't know yet? Your friend has already sold you to the official family. We are here to send you to the palace. A eunuch."

After speaking, with a grin, he stretched the rope in his hand, ready to tie the person.

This kind of work, he did not know how many times, very familiar.

People who are often sold will make a fuss after learning the truth.

And the three of them like to see how others look when they are desperate.

However, this time was a little different.


Ye Ling glanced at the three of them lightly, and said as if talking to herself, "It's not bad to be a eunuch in the palace. If you have food and shelter, there is still a chance to soar into the sky."

Immediately, he grinned at the leading man and said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly, if I can make a name for myself in the palace... There will be a great reward!"


The leading man was stunned for a while, before he squeezed out a smile without embarrassment, raised his hand and said, "If that's the case, then please, please."

As soon as the voice fell, the younger brother behind him immediately said in surprise: "Boss, is this... not tied?"

As a result, he was slapped by the leader.

Tie a fart!

If people understand what they say so clearly, and then tie it up again, isn't it going to cause trouble for themselves?

"Are you stupid? If this kid really makes a name for himself in the palace, do you think our three brothers still have a life?"

The leading man lowered his voice and said quickly.

Then, he muttered again: "I always underestimated this kid before."


Ye Ling was invited by the strong man into a closed sedan chair.

As soon as the curtain fell, he was cut off from the world.

This is exactly the result he wanted.

Instead of being tied up and being stared at all the time, it is better to cooperate a little bit and do something else while you are free.

"I wonder if there are other players on the list besides me?"

Thinking in his heart, Ye Ling opened the ranking list that had just started.

The first thing that catches the eye is the player Realm list.

It is also the most critical level list in most games.

[Realm list (player): (anonymous), first-class Realm]

On the entire page of the list, there is only such a line.

no way.

A player must reach a second-tier Realm in order to be on the Realm list.

Right now, except for the outlier Ye Ling.

No one player is eligible to be on the list.

It can only be himself, in an anonymous way, guarding the Realm list alone, not leaving the list empty.

"Hey, someone as amazing and talented as me is the only one in the world after all!"

Ye Ling touched her chin and sighed to herself.

Suddenly there was a feeling of loneliness that was beyond the cold.

"Perhaps, this is the pain that every invincible strong must experience."

After sighing with emotion, Ye Ling restrained the curvature of the corners of her mouth and clicked on another list.

[Rivers and Lakes reputation (player): (anonymous), reputation 330]

The threshold for this list is 100 Rivers and Lakes reputation.

So, this is another Ye Ling's self-appreciation.

"Tsk, it's tasteless!"

Staring at the list for a while, Ye Ling shook his head slightly.

It's so boring without the feeling of an opponent!

Then, click on the next list.

[Weapon List (player): Canghai Sword (sharp weapon), holder (anonymous)]

"Didn't you even get a sharp weapon?"

This time, Ye Ling didn't mean Versailles, it was really a surprise.

The weapon list is the easiest for players to get on.

Because in [Rivers and Lakes], there are many high-grade weapons that are in a state of abandonment.

As long as you are lucky, you can dig a hole in the ground and pick up a weapon of high quality.

Just like him.

And the threshold for the list of weapons is the weapon.

"Oh, wouldn't it be those world announcements that misled some guys?"

Ye Ling thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

He remembered that someone in the previous life obtained a weapon very early.

According to that person's companion, when he entered the game for less than a week, he had an extra sharp-edged sword in his hand.

Today, only Ye Ling is on the list.

It is conceivable that the other party must have been affected and changed the trajectory of his life.


After turning off the weapon list, Ye Ling flipped the page and switched to the NPC list area.

There is really nothing to see in the player's leaderboard, and he is the only one who dominates the rankings.

"Gan, as the leader of the list, it's not free?"

As soon as he opened the NPC list, Ye Ling immediately cursed in a low voice.

The leaderboard, only the player list is free to view.

If you want to view the list of NPCs, you have to pay!

Not only that.

The NPC list is not the same as the player list, not the total ranking.

Rather, it is divided into countries.

It's obvious that he's taking the player's money!

Fortunately, Ye Ling is the list opener, so he still has some privileges.

Looking at the cost, it is only half of the original - fifty taels.

The looting of Tianlong Temple allowed him to get a lot of money, but it didn't get to the point where the money was too much to burn.

Ye Ling chose to consume rationally and only checked two lists.

Tianbang, Daming Volume.

As well as the Qunfang List, which belongs to the Daming Scroll.

The Heaven List, also known as the Grand Great Master List, is made up of the world's top powerhouses.

This is what every player must pay attention to at all times.

As for the Qunfang list.

As the name suggests, it is a beauty list.

And it is also a beauty list that includes many countries and forces, which can be said to have everything.

A 'serious person' like Ye Ling even has memories of previous lives.

Don't hesitate to buy another one.

What if there are omissions?

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