Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 033 Hidden Quest, God-Level Cultivation Technique!

With only a jade pendant, and a similar face.

Not enough to win the trust of the ancient three links.

Ye Ling's original plan was to guide Gu Santong little by little during the conversation.

Let him figure out his identity.

However, 20 years of dark imprisonment seems to have affected Gu Santong's intelligence.

Before Ye Ling could guide him, he thought of his son.

Perhaps, in the bottom of Gu Santong's heart, there is hope that he still has blood left in the world.

As for that question, it was just the last temptation.

In Gu Santong's cognition, not long after Cheng Zhengfei was born, Su Xin died in the duel that he and Zhu ignored.

It is only reasonable that Cheng Zheng does not know who his mother is.

Ye Ling's subconscious, dazed reaction is actually in the hands of the ancient three-way!

This is also his greatness.

Very good at trying to figure out people's minds!


"Zhu ignore, you damn!"

After being excited, Gu Santong suddenly became extremely angry.

Obviously, he regarded Ye Ling's arrival as another conspiracy that Zhu ignored.

Based on the ancient three-way understanding of Zhu's ignorance.

Even without this jade pendant, the other party would infer many things just from that face.

Deliberately sending his own son to the ninth floor of the Sky Prison must be to let their father and son annihilate each other, and then reveal the truth and destroy his will!

call! ~

Gu Santong suppressed his anger and took a deep breath. After staring at Ye Ling for a long time, he said in a low voice, "You must live!"

Gu Santong, who was thoroughly enraged, decided to fight back.

He was limited by his oath and could not ignore Zhu.

But as long as his own son becomes stronger, he can take revenge!

But until then, the child cannot be told the truth.

"Come here, sit down!"

Gu Santong nodded his chin in front of him.

After Ye Ling came to sit down with an inexplicable look on his face, he said in a deep voice, "I said, listen, if you remember, the old man will send you out of here, if you can't remember... the old man will eat you!"

If you don't remember, I will stab you all.

Gu Santong added a sentence in his heart.

The reason why he didn't tattoo directly is because he just wanted to take a look. His son did not inherit the advantages of his extensive knowledge and strong memory.

Ye Ling sat quietly, her face always bewildered.

The heart is secretly funny.

This trip to heaven is equivalent to lying down and winning!

If you meet someone who is too smart and conceited, just give them a hint.

No need for him to do anything, the other party can make up a universe by himself!

"Gu Santong taught you the essence of the eight schools of martial arts, do you accept it?"

As Gu Santong spoke, Ye Ling immediately received a system prompt.


"Gu Santong taught you the Dafa of Qigong, do you accept it?"


"Gu Santong taught you Vajra's indestructible magic, do you accept it?"



"Congratulations, player, you have successfully learned Qigong Dafa. You can check the specific information by yourself."

"Congratulations, player, you have successfully learned Vajra's Indestructible Magic. You can check the specific information by yourself."

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Ye Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Some sense of relief.


Vajra's two great powers, the Undestructed Magical Art and the Absorbing Gong Dafa, finally fell into his hands!

As for the martial arts essence of the eight major factions, it can only be regarded as an addition.

After choosing to study.

Before Ye Ling could feel it, she was taken aback by the sound of the system prompt.

"Congratulations player, open the advanced hidden quest of Cultivation Technique, do you accept it?"

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Ling wondered secretly.

However, it's just a surprise.

Advanced Cultivation Technique, he knows it.

For example, a yang finger.

As long as it is combined with high-quality and matching martial arts, it will be advanced after success.

On the other hand, Ye Ling heard about this advanced Cultivation Technique and hidden quests for the first time.

After silently choosing to accept, with a bit of curiosity, I checked the content of the task.

[Cultivation Technique advanced task requirements: Collect Qi Beiming Magic, Wedding Dress Magic, Absorbing Power, Absorbing Stars, Huagong, no time limit. 】

[Trigger Condition: Simultaneously learn Beiming Divine Art and Qigong Dafa]

[Quest Reward: God-level Cultivation Technique—— Kunpeng, Devouring Heaven and Earth]

hiss! ~

Ye Ling sucked in a breath of cold air and almost blurted out the words 'fuck!'!

"God-level Cultivation Technique?"

At this moment, no matter how determined Ye Ling was, he couldn't bear the excitement in his heart.

Almost jumped in place.

This is a god-level Cultivation Technique!

Under the circumstance that the top grades of heaven only exist in legends, a god-level Cultivation Technique suddenly appeared. How can Ye Ling remain calm?

not only that.

More importantly, the requirements of this hidden mission are in addition to a wedding dress magic.

For the rest, there is no difficulty in obtaining it.

God-level Cultivation Technique, almost at your fingertips.

"This time... it's really going to take off!"

Ye Ling sighed in her heart.

However, the surprise is not over yet.


"Have you written down all my words?"

Hearing Gu Santong's question, Ye Ling had to temporarily look away from the god-level Cultivation Technique.

After a moment of contemplation, he nodded heavily, and asked in a puzzled way:

"I remember it, but I don't understand what you said at all. Can you tell me what it means?"

Gu Santong nodded slightly and said casually: "You don't need to understand now, when you should know, you will naturally understand."

Then, start asking tough questions one by one.

But they were all answered calmly by Ye Ling.

At this point, Gu Santong finally showed a satisfied smile.

Snapped! ~

Gu Santong's palm suddenly patted Ye Ling's shoulder.

Immediately, a deep stream of Internal Energy poured into Ye Ling's body frantically.


Gu Santong's expression changed suddenly, as if he had noticed something abnormal.

Ye Ling responded quickly.

Immediately run the qigong qigong method he just learned, covering up his only flaw, which is his internal energy.


Immediately, Gu Santong's complexion changed from cloudy to clear, and he laughed heartily.

own son, who is a genius like himself.

After just listening to the mantra once, I learned the Dafa of Qigong!

"No, he's more genius than me!"

Gu Santong thought excitedly.

Ye Ling didn't know what Gu Santong was thinking, and didn't bother to pay attention to it.

At this time, his attention is on the rapidly soaring skill!

And, that continuous system beep!

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