Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 035 The Filthy Palace! Achievement Achieved!

"Now I have obtained eight martial arts Secret Techniques."

"And my strength has reached the peak of Innate Realm."

"It seems that there is only one Tianxiang cardamom left that has not been obtained!"

After simply running the martial arts Secret Technique that he had mastered at the moment, Ye Ling felt that his state was extremely good.

Afterwards, Ye Ling made a slight leap and returned to the ground again along the entrance of the hole where he came.

"If I remember correctly, the last cardamom should still be in the palace!"

Looking at the high-rise jade towers in the red palace walls, Ye Ling did not continue to waste time in place.

Instead, he took advantage of the night to go directly into the interior of the palace.


At the same time, the bedroom of the Yunluo County Master was brightly lit.

As the pro-Little Sister of the current emperor, although Princess Yunluo has not left the cabinet, her treatment in the palace is not low.

If nothing else, the Shangyun Pavilion where she lived was an extremely luxurious side hall with a large area.

It's just that this Yunluo County Master doesn't like to be lively by nature. Although Shangyun Pavilion occupies a very large area, there are only dozens of people in the palace, which makes it seem a bit empty.

At this moment, Yunluo, who had just returned from playing outside, went straight back to the room where she fell asleep, and beside her was the princess's personal servant girl.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there are not only so many great masters in the Master Hall, but also various martial arts Secret Techniques."

"Look, little slave, does the Emei Secret Technique of this county master have a little taste!"

In the room, a master and a servant were sitting around the round table, chatting about what happened today.

When it came to the Master Hall, which kept the royal guards, the Daming County Master seemed to be full of energy. As he spoke, he immediately practiced.

I saw Yunluo County Master waving his hands, slashing left and right, and his moves were quite tasteful.

It turns out that although Yunluo is a noble princess, he has a lively nature and especially loves the martial arts of Rivers and Lakes.

Although the talent is average, but with the royal family's heritage for many years, he will also be able to use the top three moves and two styles.

"Master, is it really good to learn martial arts every day like this?"

"Don't our daughter's family pay attention to the three obedience and the four virtues, the husband and the child? Is it possible to fight and kill all day long?"

But although Yunluo was full of interest, the little slave opposite saw that his county master was addicted to martial arts all day long. Obviously, he couldn't sit still, and he couldn't help but complain.

"Hey? Good, you slave, dare to talk about this county master?"

Hearing Xiaonu's complaints, Yunluo also stopped the movements of his hands, and when his mouth pouted, he gently grabbed Xiaonu's ears.

"What daughter's family pays attention to three obedience and four virtues? I am not Yunluo!"

"What a man knows, why can't this county master learn it!"

Seeing that Yunluo took up the stance of the unruly county master, the little slave also understood, and he kept begging and shouting for mercy.

"Fortunately, this county master is in a good mood today, so I'll spare you for the time being! It's not an example!"

"I'm a little hungry, so I'll punish you for running errands today, and go to the imperial kitchen to get some of my favorite dishes!"

Yunluo didn't mean to embarrass his own maid, and after a few simple reprimands, he sent the little slave to prepare dinner.


The little slave naturally understood what Yunluo meant, and immediately agreed, then turned around and left the room, leaving only Yunluo alone.

But not long after the little slave left the room, Yunluo, who was going to take a nap on the bed for a while, had his ears pointed, and vaguely heard the sound of tiles coming from outside the door!


Yunluo County Lord turned his eyes, and instantly became alert, his eyes flashed, but the movements of his hands were synchronized, and the fierce Feifeng piercing palm slammed directly towards the source of the sound!


A dull sound of breaking the air sounded, Yunluo thought that he was about to hit with a single blow, and quickly stood up from the bed happily.

However, he never thought that the candles around him flickered, and then a figure passed by, and a man in black appeared in front of Yunluo out of thin air.


Yunluo was so frightened that just as he was about to scream in shock, he was pointed in the air by the man in black, clicked on the middle school degree, and was directly set in place.

"Ghost? I'm much scarier than a ghost!"

I only heard the man in black in front of Yunluo simply smile, and then raised his head, revealing a handsome and evil face, it was Ye Ling who sneaked into the palace!

"Tell me! Where did you hide the little mermaid pearl?"

Ye Ling got straight to the point and asked directly at Yun Luo, who was locked in place.

You know, in the original plot, there are a total of three Tianxiang cardamom.

Among them, the first one has been ignored by Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, and used on his lover Su Xin.

The remaining two, one originally belonged to the Queen Mother, but were later stolen by Cao Zhengchun for the design.

The other one was hidden in the Mermaid Pearl by Yunluo's biological mother, Concubine Shu, and gave it to Princess Yunluo.


Facing Ye Ling's question, Yun Luo did not answer. On the contrary, after a cold snort, there was disdain in his eyes when he looked at Ye Ling.

"Bold madman, you dare to break into the palace privately, and even hijack this princess, do you know that you have committed a serious crime of punishing the Nine Clan!"

"The masters in the palace are like clouds, you are sure to die!"

"If you know each other, let go of this princess quickly, and then hand over your Qinggong just now. If this princess is in a good mood, maybe she can beg you for mercy and leave you a whole corpse!"

Unexpectedly, Yunluo County Master not only did not have the slightest fear, but turned around and threatened Ye Ling at this moment.

Good guy, is there something wrong with this girl's IQ!

Hearing Yunluo's "threat", Ye Ling almost couldn't help laughing.

"Alas! All right!"

"Since you don't want to say it, don't blame me!"

Blinking his eyes meaningfully, looking at Yunluo's beautiful face and graceful figure under the moonlight, Ye Ling's mind moved, and she pressed it to her lap.

"Clap" sound.

With the sound of the collision between the palm and the skin, the Yunluo County Master froze in place, and then his face was instantly covered with blush.

"Dengtuzi, you..."

After half an hour, Ye Ling finally stopped the warm-up exercise at night, sat down at the table, poured herself a cup of tea, and sipped it for herself.

But at this moment, the system beep sounded.

"Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement [The Palace of Chaos], which increases the reputation of Rivers and Lakes by 30 points. Would you like to announce the name?"

Ye Ling held the teacup for a while, but still chose not to announce her name.

"I didn't expect that a warm-up exercise can still complete the achievement, what a surprise!"

With a simple smile, Ye Ling put down the teacup in his hand, and then changed to another face, looking at the Princess Yunluo who was still breathing on the bed with a dark face.

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