Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 048 The Grapes Are Sweet! Worth A Lick!

[World Announcement: Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully killing Zhu Shishi, Cao Zhengchun, and Tajima Yagyu, and his prestige has greatly increased, and he is famous for Rivers and Lakes! 】

[World Announcement: Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully capturing a lot of wealth and obtaining the title [Rich Enemy Nation]! 】

This time, due to the influence of the title [Famous Rivers and Lakes], Ye Ling could not continue to choose anonymity in the announcement.

The personal ID is therefore displayed by default by the system.

The World Announcement was repeated three times in a row, and the entire Rivers and Lakes were thoroughly boiled over these two news.

"I'll go! I just looked at Daming's ranking in the sky, Zhu ignored it, Cao Zhengchun and the two seem to be Great Masters!"

"What!!!! Great Master, you are right, I just broke through the fourth-rate Realm yesterday, and now you tell me that someone killed the Great Master master, it's not fair!"

"Damn it, who is this Ye Ling! The anonymous person on the Realm list can't be him!"

"Why! God, can you tell me why someone can kill the Great Master, I can't even beat a dog here!"

"RNM! Refund! Oh no! Retreat like this again!"

Countless players called it unfair.

You must know that in the current game process, most of the players are still in the third-rate or even unpopular stage.

Now I suddenly tell everyone that some players have been able to kill the strong Grandmaster.

This makes all players feel bad.

And with the issuance of these two world announcements, countless people were shocked, and at the same time, they began to frantically collect all the news about Ye Ling.


Thousand-year fog capital, under Qingcheng Mountain.

"What! The famous Rivers and Lakes are the same person as the wealthy!"

"What the hell! It's not fair! Why is this guy playing so easily, Rivers and Lakes designer, explain it to me!"

Looking at the world announcement in front of him, Su Buping was extremely depressed, and wished he could throw the long sword in his hand on the ground.

Thinking of all the hard work and hardships, I finally entered the Qingcheng School and stepped into the road of martial arts.

Su Buping thought that he was already a long way ahead of the others, but he didn't expect that someone had already outdone the rivers and lakes.

This allowed Su Buping, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, to calm down.

"Didn't the Sect Master say that he was going to go to the Lin Jiafu Prestige Escort to get some swordsmanship!"

"Seeking wealth and danger, this time I must grab more good things!"

With a frown, Su Buping clenched the long sword in his hand, his eyes widened.


In Zijin City, Jinyi Guard Office

"No, Zhu ignores it, isn't Cao Zhengchun a top master in Daming? Now there are players who have reached such terrifying strength?"

After spending countless resources, Fang Xianyu, who had just joined Jinyiwei and became one of the bottom ones, smacked his tongue, his face full of unbelievable expressions.

As a player born in Zijin City, Fang Xianyu naturally has a certain understanding of the major forces in Zijin City.

However, now, the top player is actually killed by the player, which is undoubtedly far beyond his imagination of Rivers and Lakes.

"No, I have to inquire and find out what's going on. Who is this Ye Ling!"


On the four islands of Eastern Ying, a bald-headed samurai was waving a sword in his hand, but the moment he heard the world's announcement, it stopped abruptly.

"Baga! My Dadongying Sword God was actually killed by the Dragon Kingdom player!"

"Who is Ye Ling! It seems that I have to go to the Dragon Country!"


Yanjing, Jinfeng Drizzle Building.

"Who is this Ye Ling? Maybe I can use the power of the gang to find out."

A young man muttered to himself and walked out of the secret room.


Outside Kunlun, the capital is under the emperor.

"There are actually people with such strength, it seems that I have to gather all the eight martial arts as soon as possible!"

The woman in white slowly raised her head, and above her, the portraits of the eight patriarchs had different expressions and solemn appearances.


"It's over, it's completely famous now!"

Hearing these two world announcements, Ye Ling also smiled lightly, with a gleam in her eyes.

As you can imagine with your toes, as soon as these two world announcements without anonymity come out, your own name will definitely become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Fortunately, I still have the title of [Lawless], which can prevent others from knowing my trump card."

"In this way, you don't have to worry too much about being famous."

Ye Ling shook her head with a smile, and then looked at her two new titles again.

[Famous Rivers and Lakes (wearable): 1. The wearer is not anonymous in world-class announcements by default 2. The wearer gets a certain charm bonus, which can increase the chance of NPCs being captured]

[Rich to the enemy (wearable): The wearer can enjoy a 20% discount during the purchase of certain items]


Seeing the specific functions of these two titles, Ye Ling's eyes suddenly lit up.

It goes without saying that the role of [Rich Can Enemy the Nation], although there are not many discounts.

But if the number of purchases reaches an order of magnitude, it can save Ye Ling a lot of resources to a certain extent.

And the attribute bonus of [Famous Rivers and Lakes] is not bad.

In addition to being a negative attribute of not being anonymous, it is undoubtedly what Ye Ling needs to get a charm bonus and increase the chance of NPC subduing.

"With this title, are you still worried about not being able to train these young women and girls?"

Ye Ling then put away the system panel and started to pack up the battlefield.

After absorbing all the elite Internal Energy of Dongchang and Hulong Villa, Ye Ling digested it, and then led Dao Baifeng, Shangguan Haitang and the others to leave the battlefield.


A few days later, in another luxurious manor in Wansanqian.

Ye Ling was lying on the spacious bamboo couch that could accommodate no one, squinting and basking in the sun lazily.

Behind Ye Ling, Zhong Ling, who was dressed in a pink dress, was holding out her slender hand and pinching Ye Ling's shoulders reluctantly.

On one side, Dao Baifeng on the left was dressed as a Taoist nun, holding a plate of cut fruit, followed by feeding it into Ye Ling's mouth.

On the right, Shangguan Haitang in cyan tulle held up the Luo fan with a cold expression, constantly fanning the cool breeze for Ye Ling.

As for Liu Sheng Piaoxue, she was wearing a kimono at the moment, half kneeling on the ground, but she could only quietly squeeze Ye Ling's calf with murderous intent.

Not far away, Wan Sanqian, the owner of the luxurious manor, lowered his head and eyebrows, like an obedient pug, standing under the scorching sun but did not dare to make any noise.

Ye Ling lay on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

There are all kinds of beauties in the world, and there is magic in hand.

And Wan Sanqian, a wealthy Ming Dynasty, also crawls at his own feet.

Such days.

It's called wanton Rivers and Lakes!

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