Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 050 On The Songhe Tower! Joe Feng Is Here!

Go to Song Kingdom?

Hearing Ye Ling's arrangement, although there were doubts in the eyes of the girls, none of them objected.

Ye Ling chuckled and sighed that the training was effective.

Afterwards, Ye Ling turned to look at Duan Tianya and Wan Sanqian who were full of respect and fear.

Immediately following, he opened his mouth and commanded the two of them.

Although Ye Ling planned to go to Song country, it did not mean that he would give up the power of Daming.

After thinking for a while, Ye Ling finally decided to keep Wanqiansan and Duan Tianya.

Needless to say, Wan Sanqian, as a wealthy Ming Dynasty, is also an extremely successful businessman.

If you leave thirteen thousand, you can let him manage the business and deliver the funds for him.

And at the same time choosing to stay with Duan Tianya, Ye Ling naturally has his own considerations.

On the one hand, Duan Tianya's strength is not bad, and he can be responsible for protecting thirteen thousand.

On the other hand, if he wants to successfully train Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya still has to survive.

After the arrangement, Ye Ling shook the folding fan lightly, and let the accompanying girls go down to pack their luggage separately.

After eating dinner in a blink of an eye, I looked at the girls who had changed into light clothes again.

But suddenly a thought arises.


Looking for someone to practice a peerless stick tonight?

It's better to just Liu Sheng Piao Xu.


The old departed from the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks descended to Yangzhou in March.

dozens of days later.

The territory of the Song Dynasty, the boundary of Jiangnan.

The most famous Songhe Restaurant in Suzhou City.

Second floor.

Ye Ling was sitting with the girl groups, and the table was full of delicious snacks from Jiangnan.

There is also a daughter of 20 years, Hong Piaoxiang is overflowing.

While listening to Jiangnan minor, while flirting and laughing with the girls, Ye Ling toasted and drank happily.

Such a relaxed and unrestrained attitude immediately attracted the discussion of other guests in the restaurant.

"Where did this rich boy come from? As soon as he came, he went to the famous dining table, lavish!"

"Hey, 80% of them are the sons of officials from the north, tsk tsk, these girls around him are so pretty!"

"It's not just beautiful. Last year, I met Li Huakui from the Tianqing Tower in Gusu City. Compared with others, she is a village girl!"

"Hey, what is Li Huakui, I once met that Li Shishi in Daming, and I want to say that Li Shishi can't compare to these girls!"

"Well, it's good to be reincarnated. If I were a rich daddy, I'd have to get ten or eight of the same girl!"

"Fool, take a closer look at that young master, he is definitely a master!"


Seeing Ye Ling drinking, everyone was very happy. In the Songhe Tower, some people envied, some hated, and some whispered.

“Good wine!”

"This wine is suitable for you to drink when you practice sticks, spirit!"

Seeing everyone talking, Ye Ling had already become accustomed to it. He drank all the sake in his cup and made fun of the girls around him from time to time.

"Ye Ling, you have traveled thousands of miles to Gusu for more than ten days. What do you want to do?"

"Don't tell me, you worked so hard. It's just to drink on this Songhe Tower."

Among the girls, Zhong Ling was the youngest, and was the first to lose his temper and looked at Ye Ling curiously.

Facing Zhong Ling's curiosity, Ye Ling just chuckled lightly, shook the folding fan, and then simply dropped two words.



Who are you waiting for?

There are actually people who Ye Ling has to wait for when she travels thousands of miles? !

The girls had already seen Ye Ling's peerless demeanor in defeating Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Ignore, and knew that this person was a lecherous and scoundrel.

But it is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Someone who can make Ye Ling wait.

Will definitely be a peerless romantic character!

Ye Ling's voice just fell, only to hear very calm footsteps from downstairs.

Following the sound of farsightedness, Ye Ling's eyes flashed a gleam of light, and she said proudly.

"The person I'm waiting for is here!"

When the girls heard this, they all followed Ye Ling's gaze and turned their heads.

I saw a burly man walking slowly at the corner downstairs.

Dahan estimated that he was only in his thirties.

He was wearing an old gray robe, which was already slightly tattered.

He turned his head, but he had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose and a wide mouth.

A Zhongzheng Guozi face, although it has the color of wind and frost.

But when he looked up, he was extremely powerful.

"What a big guy!"

All the women have extraordinary origins, and they have met many peerless characters in their lives.

But at this moment.

After seeing the demeanor of this big man, their eyes lit up and sighed in their hearts.

"Everyone in the world says that Nan Murong and Bei Qiaofeng are the double walls of the Great Master of the Song Dynasty."

"But in Ye's opinion, he, Murong Fu, He De and He Neng can be compared with Qiao Feng and Qiao Daxia!"

"I don't know what you think about this humble opinion, what does Qiao Daxia think?"

At this time, Ye Ling picked it up with one hand and was caught, gently shook the folding fan with the other, and at the same time as he opened his mouth, he looked directly at the big man in front of him!

"What, he is Qiao Feng!"

Hearing this, all the girls were surprised and exclaimed again and again.

The name of Beiqiao Peak is not only very famous in the Song Dynasty, but even people in the Rivers and Lakes of the Ming Dynasty and other dynasties have heard this name.

Now I see Qiao Feng in person.

The girls had to sigh, it really lived up to their reputation!


At this time, Qiao Feng happened to be going upstairs, when he heard someone mention his own name, and when he looked up, he happened to see Ye Ling surrounded by all the girls.

Ye Ling was born very good-looking, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and the fragrant crowd around her, each with its own beauty.

This made Ye Ling more and more unusual.


What a hero Qiao Feng is!

Although Ye Ling broke her identity as soon as they met, her demeanor was even more extraordinary.

But Qiao Feng just nodded with a smile on his face, then found a spot and sat down.

"Little Er! Serve the wine, and come with five catties of cooked beef!"

Qiao Feng sat down and raised his hand to let the boss serve the wine and food.

Soon, a large plate of cooked beef, a large bowl of soup, and two jars of wine appeared on Qiao Feng's table.


Qiao Feng gulps alcohol and eats meat.

His food is not good-looking, it can even be said that he devoured it.


It happens to be on Qiao Feng, but he is very heroic!

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