Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 052 In The Xingzi Forest! Down Joe Assembly!

Seeing the meaningful smile on Ye Ling's face, Qiao Feng immediately froze in place, and his heart had already set off a storm.

"Master Joe! Please!"

"The stage has been set up for you, just waiting for you to come on stage!"

Ye Ling chuckled lightly and shook the folding fan, then immediately stood up from the dining table.

After nodding slightly, Ye Ling walked ahead, and under the gaze of Qiao Feng and several Beggar Sect disciples, he walked downstairs and left Songhe Tower.



Looking at the back of Ye Ling leaving, Qiao Feng was still half-understood and kept talking silently in his heart.

"This guest!"

"Your friend has left. Did you pay for the meal together?"

Just when Qiao Feng was stunned, Xiao Er whispered in Qiao Feng's ear and asked Qiao Feng instantly.

Pay for meals?

Didn't I give my money long ago?

"Help Master... It looks like that friend of yours... He seems to have left without paying him!"

Just when Qiao Feng was puzzled, the little beggar beside him muttered hesitantly.

ha? what!

Being reminded by the little beggar, Qiao Feng turned around and looked back at Ye Ling's dining table.

On the dining table, all kinds of delicious food and wine have been swept away.

But after scanning all the corners and corners, Qiao Feng didn't see Ye Ling leaving a copper plate.


"This guy really didn't give money!"


Just when Ye Ling and Qiao Feng first met.

Xingzilin's fervor also attracted the attention of many players.

At this time, the regional channel had already been arguing about Xing Zilin's affairs.

"I'm going, guess what I saw, almost all of the Beggar Sects were dispatched, just outside the city of Gusu, in Xingzilin, as if there was something extraordinary."

"What? Gusu City? It's not far from me! It's true!"

"The above is true. I'm from Beggar Sect. I just received a call from the elder in the gang, and I'm rushing to Xingzilin now!"

'Good boy, Long Didong, is this something big going to happen? ’

"I understand! The plot is definitely a big plot with version changes! Brothers, hurry up and take the opportunity to take off!"

The news about Xingzilin was flying all over the sky, and countless players near Gusu City were gearing up for their preparations, and they began to march towards Xingzilin with confidence!


Outside the city of Suzhou, in the apricot forest.

In the former empty and secluded Xingzi Forest, it was crowded with people at this time, and it was very lively.

The Beggar Sect, composed of players and original disciples, is gathering in the apricot forest, apparently for a major event.

The Beggar Sect people are obviously the protagonists in the apricot forest, but not far from the crowd, there is another group of people waiting quietly.

Among the team, there were two men and three women standing at the front.

Needless to say, the two men, the one on the left was wearing a gray robe, with a stubborn and stubborn look on his face, but he was one of the four generals of the Murong family in Gusu.

On his right was a capable man in black, who was also one of the four generals of the Murong family.

Next to the two generals, the three beauties had different expressions and were quite eye-catching.

The woman standing on the left is charming and pretty, with a pair of round almond eyes that are very smart.

The skin is white and pink, and the body is petite and exquisite. When chatting with everyone, the smile on his face is like a blooming spring flower, which has its own moving charm.

Such a rare beauty in the world, and her identity is not ordinary. She is one of the second confidants of Murong Fu, the head of the Murong family, known as Miss Azhu.

The woman on the right, like Azhu, was another confidant of Murong Fu's second envoy, called Abi.

At this time, Abi was dressed in elegant green clothes and looked beautiful.

A pair of slender hands reflecting the blue waves are full of tenderness and delicacy.

And between Abi Yanran's smile, Wu Nong's soft words followed, making people sigh, Jiangnan Fengyue.

At the same time, the girl surrounded by the two women is not very old, but she is also naturally beautiful and beautiful.

I saw that the girl was wearing a plain white dress, her skin was snow-white, but it was faintly pink.

Under the light body, a shawl-long hair shakes out like a waterfall, and there is a pure Sacred in the manner.

This person also has close ties with the Murong family.

Her mother was Li Qingluo, the owner of Mantuo Villa, and she was Murong Fu's cousin, Wang Yuyan, including relatives.

These five people all belonged to the Murong family. Obviously, it was because there was a big event in the Beggar Sect today, so they came to the Xingzi Forest to watch.

Just when the voices of Xingzilin were noisy, several Daoist shadows walked slowly from outside Xingzilin.

All the Beggar Sect disciples turned their heads and looked at the visitor.

Among those who came, it was none other than Ye Ling who came from Songhe Tower.

At this time, the sky was already bright, Ye Ling was dressed in a capable white robe, with a piece of sapphire hanging from his waist, holding a folding fan, walking lightly, quite a classical gentleman's demeanor.

Behind him, the four daughters of Dao Baifeng, Zhong Ling, Shangguan Haitang and Liu Sheng Piaoxu followed in the footsteps, and they attracted the attention of countless people as soon as they appeared.

And standing next to Ye Ling is none other than the ninth generation leader of Beggar Sect, Qiao Feng!

"See the helper!"

"Help Master, you are finally here!"

"Master Joe! We are all following you!"

Seeing Qiao Feng coming, most of the middle and lower Beggar Sect disciples in the Xingzi Forest all had happy faces, and they rushed over to greet Qiao Feng eagerly.

In stark contrast, it is the Beggar Sect Elder standing in the middle of the disciples.

Seeing Qiao Feng's arrival, these people's faces showed displeased expressions, and there was a faint cold light in their eyes.

At the same time, the Murong family standing on the edge of Xingzilin also noticed Ye Ling and Qiao Feng who came.

"There is actually such a handsome and beautiful boy in the world! It's really rare!"

Seeing Ye Ling's extraordinary bearing, Azhu couldn't help but praised.

"Sister is right! This person looks gentle and gentle, compared to the son of a noble family who came out to experience!"

Abi on the side nodded again and again, obviously agreeing with Azhu's statement.

"This boy in white is so handsome!"

"Although Cousin Murong is also a rare beautiful man in the world, I have to admit that he is slightly inferior to this young man in appearance."

Although Wang Yuyan in the middle did not speak, there was a gleam in her eyes, and she secretly compared Ye Ling and Murong Fu.

"Hey! Miss Arjuna, it's not too bad!"

"Although this person looks good, there are so many women behind him. At first glance, he looks like a little white face being raised by others."

"This guy who eats soft rice is obviously not worth mentioning!"

Seeing that Aju and Abi are full of good feelings for Ye Ling at the first sight, but the bag on the side is different, but he can't stand it anymore, and retorted in a sour tone.

Just when the Murong family looked at Ye Ling and discussed it.

Ye Ling, who walked into the Xingzi Forest, also saw Aju Abi and others from a distance.

Seeing that they were looking at him, Ye Ling didn't think much of it. He chuckled lightly, nodded slightly, and said hello to everyone in the Murong family.

"Master Qiao, who are these people?"

"Could it be your friend again?"

At the same time, the elders of the Beggar Sect naturally noticed Ye Ling and the others, and asked Qiao Feng, with a hint of deep guard in their voices.

"Forget it, let it be!"

Qiao Feng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't hide it, and nodded immediately.

"Not even a friend of Gang Master Qiao!"

"Today is the day for the Beggar Sect to discuss important matters, and it's best not for outsiders to get involved!"

Seeing Qiao Feng nodding, Beggar Sect Xu Elder frowned slightly and said bluntly.

As he spoke, Elder Xu gestured slightly to his confidant, who actually wanted to drive away Ye Ling and others!

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