Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 063 Yan'er, I will teach you alone!

"Humph! The frog at the bottom of the well dares to say that he knows the martial arts in the world? 99

“Although it is also quite mysterious, it is not unique. 35

Ye Ling shook his head, and then, in the confusion on Murong Bo's face, he said.

"Not to mention the great shift of the world of the Persian Mingjiao, not only can it use force to fight like a star, but it can also copy the enemy's martial arts and create flaws in the opponent.

"Besides, Xiaoyao School's Xiaowuxianggong can also copy the enemy's Cultivation Technique, and even surpass the original.

"There are so many martial arts in the world, what does your Murong family count?"

After all, Ye Ling took out a three-corpse brain pill from his arms again, squeezed Murong Bo's mouth open, and sent the poison pill into it.

"It's over! Even Dad can't defeat this villain.

"It seems that today, God is going to destroy my Murong family!"

Not far away, seeing Ye Ling feeding Murong Bo the Three Corpse Brain Pill, Murong Fu suddenly became desperate, his legs went weak, and he slumped on the steps.

His eyes were empty, as if he was insane.

After taking the Three Corpse Brain Elixir, although Murong Bo was the Great Master, he only resisted a few breaths.

After 563, Murong Bo's pupils shrank, and he felt a sharp pain starting from his lower abdomen.

Soon, Murong Bo's whole body was biting like ten thousand insects, and he immediately screamed with a distorted expression.

"Want an antidote?"

"If you want, hand over the seventy-two Shaolin stunts!"

Ye Ling squatted down and shook the white porcelain bottle in his hand in front of Murong Bo, who was in great pain.

"To... to!

"I give...I give!"

At this time, Murong Bo was already tortured to the point of unconsciousness, his white lips trembled and he spat out a few words, and then he tried his best to pull out an unnamed book from his arms.

Ye Ling took over the nameless book, and after flipping through a few pages, she was overjoyed.

I saw that there were seventy-two stunts of the Shaolin town school gathered there, all of which were mainly pictures and supplemented by words.

There are Vajra finger, Ananda finger, Nianhua finger, Wuxiangjie finger, Great Vajra finger and other fingering martial arts that Ye Ling needs, and there are also wonderful martial arts such as one beat and two scattered, the universe inside the sleeve.

It turned out that after hiding in Shaolin for thirty years and stealing seventy-two stunts, Murong Bo secretly made a copy according to his recollection, in order to pass it on to future generations.

Unexpectedly, his son Murong Fu was a waste at all, so in the end it was cheap Ye Ling.

With the stunt, Ye Ling naturally chose to learn it without hesitation.

【Congratulations to player, you have successfully learned the Heavenly Shaolin Cultivation Technique—Seventy-two Shaolin Techniques!】

"It is indeed one of the Secret Techniques of the town school, and if you take it out, it will cause a lot of people to rob!"

After confirming that the 72 Shaolin stunts were correct, Ye Ling stood up and pinched Murong Bo's head with two fingers.


Murong Bo's complexion changed, but Ye Ling didn't react, but Ye Ling tried a little harder, and then he smashed Murong Bo's head into pieces!

Then, Ye Ling turned around again and looked at Murong Fu on the steps behind.

After experiencing major blows one after another, Murong Fu at this time was already in a state of madness. He sat slumped on the steps, crying and laughing for a while.

"Just this father and son still want to try to restore the country.""

"Go and live your Spring and Autumn Dream!""

After all, Ye Ling was a little empty again, and a six-pulse divine sword shot out, directly piercing Murong Fu's heart.

Murong father and son, all dead!

At the same time, Ye Ling's ear sounded the system's boost sound again.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully destroying the Gusu Murong Clan, gaining 200 reputation points in Gusu and 50 reputation points in Rivers and Lakes]

Ye Ling nodded slightly, obviously expected.

Immediately afterwards, the second system prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully reading and learning the three collections of Huanshui Pavilion, Langhuan Blessed Land, and Shaolin Sutra Pavilion at the same time, and obtained the achievement——【Expo (becf) Hundreds of Homes】!】

Hearing this prompt, Ye Ling was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood.

In the Shishui Pavilion, there are almost all the martial arts manuals in Lang Huan Blessed Land. Ye Ling has read the books here, and he has already learned the martial arts of these two treasures.

Seventy-two stunts are already one of the secret techniques of Shaolin Temple. Although Ye Ling is still short of Yi Jin Jing, Ye Ling can also be regarded as the essence of martial arts who have learned Shaolin Temple.

Therefore, Ye Ling has learned all the books in the three places, and this achievement is not abrupt.

With a thought, Ye Ling opened the system panel again, and looked at the achievement she had just obtained.

[Expo Hundreds of Homes (Wearable): It can increase the wearer's reputation and power by 100 points, and can participate in the selection of some lists! 】

Can I participate in the ranking list?

This effect is interesting!

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Ling's eyes, apparently satisfied with this title.

At the same time, the sound of the world announcement sounded in the ears of all players in Rivers and Lakes.

[World announcement: Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully killing Murong Bo, Murong Fu and his son. Completely destroy the Gusu Murong family! 】

As soon as this announcement came out, whether it was the world channel or the regional channel, the player group was boiling again.

"I'm going, the Murong family? Is it the family of "Nan Murong" in the Song Dynasty?"

"No, no, no, didn't Ye Ling just make a big fuss in Xingzilin?

"Last time I was in Xingzilin, I saw Ye Shen capture Murong Fu with my own eyes, but I didn't expect to destroy the Murong family so quickly!"

"Fuck, ruthless! As expected of Ye Shen, kill if you say it! I like it!"

"I'm crying, this is the game people are playing!"

"666, who is this Ye Ling, does anyone know, I have a friend who wants to give birth to a monkey for him.

All the communication channels exploded directly, and Ye Ling once again became the focus of everyone's discussion.

Taihu Lake, on a painting boat.

Ye Ling was lying leisurely on a deck chair on the deck, with Aju Abi kneeling at his feet, pinching Ye Ling's calf from left to right.

On the other hand, Wang Yuyan was holding a fruit plate and feeding the grapes one by one into Ye Ling's mouth.

As for Dao Baifeng, Zhong Ling and others, Ye Ling let them stay in Mantuo Villa and instructed them to practice martial arts diligently.

"Yan'er, it's hard to have a good chance today."

"I'll give you some advice later, the next time you're with your mother, she'll be amazed at how much you've grown."5

Putting Wang Yuyan's weak and boneless fingers in her hands, Ye Ling couldn't help but teased.

Although Wang Yuyan is a young girl, she and her mother have been fighting Ye Ling countless times in the past few days, so she naturally understands what Ye Ling means.

Immediately, two blushes reflected on the fair and delicate face, like a ripe peach.

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