Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 069 This place is secluded, why don't we fight again?

However, Ye Ling and A Zi are having fun.

Behind him, A Zhu and Ruan Xingzhu, the mother and daughter, looked at the backs of the two, the expressions in their eyes were a bit complicated, and the expressions on their faces were neither happy nor sad.

Thinking of Ye Ling's absurdity with her mother and daughter last night, the mother and daughter were just like Wang Yuyan's mother and daughter, and when they met, they were a little embarrassed.

Just as he was teasing with Azi, Ye Ling's hands kept moving.

The seeds of Tianxiang Cardamom had already been put into the Shenmu King Cauldron, but then Ye Ling took something out of his bosom, which was the Tianshan black soil treasured in the Mantuo Villa.

Cover the Tianshan black soil on the seeds of Tianxiang cardamom and bury them carefully.

Next, with the magical effect of Shenmu Wangding, the seeds of Tianxiang Cardamom will germinate soon.

At the same time, Ye Ling's ear also sounded a system prompt.

【Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully cultivating cardamom seeds. During the growth period of the seeds, they will continue to emit a charming fragrance, which has a 100% attraction effect on all kinds of poisonous insects! 】

Hearing this prompt from the system, Ye Ling couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

With the Shenmu Wangding, and the unique fragrance of cardamom, which has a fatal attraction to poisonous insects when it grows, is it still worried that Kunlun ice silkworms can't be caught?

According to the current game progress, the next thing you need to do is go to the vicinity of the Minzhong Temple in Dayuan Kingdom in the north, and then use the Shenmu King Cauldron as an attraction, and you will definitely be able to get the second item you need to advance, the Kunlun Ice Silkworm.

"However, it seems that Dayuan is also very hot right now!

With a flash of eyes, Ye Ling couldn't help recalling it in his mind.

Although it was a dynasty dominated by the prairie peoples, there were many Great Masters in the Yuan Dynasty.

For example, Zhao Min in Yi Tian Tu Long Ji and a group of Mongolian masters under his command.

Or Pang Ban, who has cultivated the top Cultivation Technique "Dao heart cultivating magic", and his teacher, [Mozong] Meng Chi Xing.

In addition, there are also top Great Masters such as Ba Shiba and Si Hanfei, all of whom are one of the Great Yuan National Pillars.

Therefore, apart from obtaining the Kunlun ice silkworm, Ye Ling really wanted to join the fun in Dayuan.

After making the decision to go to Dayuan in his heart, Ye Ling was in a good mood. He put away the divine wood king ding, which was planted with cardamom, and Ye Ling turned his head to look at the girls behind him.

"I found that the scenery by the lakeside of Xiaojing Lake is not inferior to that of Mantuo Mountain Villa. 35

"Why don't you ladies continue to change into some cooler clothes, let's go to the lake and continue to fight? 55'

Hearing Ye Ling's words, all the girls in the bamboo forest had different expressions and different reactions.

Qi Qi snorted.

But then, at the urging of Ye Ling, he slowly walked towards the shore of Xiaojing Lake.

a time.

All I could hear was the sound of fighting between the people on the shore of the mountain spring and the lake, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Chilechuan, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields.

On the outskirts of Yanjing City in Dayuan, a magnificent and huge carriage was running on the road, and laughter of men and women was heard from time to time.

Outside the carriage, the driver was wearing a green robe, and it was the female sword attendant unique to Mantuo Villa.

In the car, it was none other than Ye Ling and the daughters of Dao Baifeng.

After a few days of rest and play at Mantuo Villa, Ye Ling did not indulge in the gentle water town in the south of the Yangtze River. After ordering the girls to pack their luggage, they headed north all the way to Dayuan.

After dozens of days of itinerary, Ye Ling and the others were about to arrive at the destination of the trip, Dayuan Minzhong Temple.

In the carriage, all the women's groups sat, Yingying Yanyan, very lively.

At this time, Ye Ling was surrounded by the girls in the middle, with his head resting on Dao Baifeng's slender legs, and his feet were placed in the arms of Aju Abi's pair of flowers. Cozy.

Behind Ye Ling, Mrs. Wang and Wang Yuyan, the mother and daughter, were on the left and one on the other, pinching Ye Ling's shoulders in tacit understanding.

Beside his legs, Liu Sheng Piaoxu was dressed in Dongying costumes, half kneeling on the wooden board, very meek and pinching his legs.

Zhong Ling and A Zi each held fruit snacks and fed them into Ye Ling's mouth one by one.

Beauty is on the side, very fragrant.

"Unexpectedly, this Great Yuan is different from the Great Ming Dynasty and the Great Song Dynasty. Among the pedestrians walking outside, they are all people from the grasslands, and I haven't seen a few Han people in the Central Plains."

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers

At the same time, Shangguan Haitang, who was sitting on the edge of the carriage, raised the corner of the car window and couldn't help but feel it.

"This is normal."

Ye Ling swallowed a grape, and then continued to explain to the girls.

“This Great Yuan Kingdom was a dynasty established by the grassland people, and naturally the grassland people were the mainstay.”35

"The country implements a four-class system, with the prairie people having the highest status, and the Han people from the south having the lowest status. They are not even comparable to a single livestock in the prairie family, and can be bought, sold or even killed at will."5


All the girls were born in the Han Dynasty, and when they heard Ye Ling's words, they all had different expressions, and their eyes were slightly shocked.

But just when the girls were surprised, there was a vulgar scolding from the rear of the carriage.

"Huh? Someone?"

Ye Ling's heart moved slightly, then got up from Dao Baifeng's arms, lifted the curtain of the car, and looked outside.

I saw behind the carriage, a group of prairie men and horses were coming.

Ye Ling looked back, but found that among the pair of people, the leading man was a little bright.

Unlike other men, the man in the lead had a complexion that was white and jade, as soft as snow. A pair of eyes are bright and bright.

Although he wears men's clothes, he has a graceful figure, free and easy and elegant, and his every move shows the charm of a woman.

Women dressed as men?

Ye Ling smiled and saw through the disguise made by the leading woman.

It turned out that this person was not the son of a wealthy family, but the daughter of King Ruyang of Dayuan, who was titled Minmin Temur, Lord of Shaomin County.

She also has a commonly used Chinese name, Zhao Min.

Zhao Min liked martial arts in the Central Plains, and often disguised himself into Song and Ming countries to learn martial arts stealthily.

Unexpectedly, on the way home today, Zhao Min and the others happened to meet Ye Ling and his party.

At this time, three people followed closely behind Zhao Min.

The two old men in black behind him were Zhao Min's personal bodyguards, Luzhangke and Hezhongxian, known as "Second Elders of Xuanming".

As for the person beside him, it was a burly head Tuo with long hair and a shawl. Everyone didn't know his name, but because he was a mute, they called him Ku Tu Tuo Gan.

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