Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 071 Kunlun Ice Silkworm? Bring it to you!

At dusk and dusk, in the woods not far from the Minzhong Temple.

Ye Ling was constantly fiddling with the position of Shenmu Wangding, and beside him was the excited girl A Zi.

At this time, in the divine wood king cauldron, Tianxiang Cardamom had been grown and cultivated for dozens of days, and the aroma in the cauldron was even stronger than before, even if it was far away, it could still be smelled.

Therefore, Ye Ling can attract the Kunlun ice silkworm with the characteristics of Shenmu Wangding and Tianxiang cardamom as long as it is placed in a suitable position.

Ye Ling and A Zi are constantly adjusting their positions in the woods,

In the carriage on the side, Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu and the other girls did not get off the carriage because they knew what Ye Ling was going to do next, but waited quietly in the carriage.

Outside the entrance of the carriage, Zhao Min was tapped on the acupoints all over his body, so he could only lean against the edge of the door. Silently looked at Ye Ling not far away.

At the same time, Ye Ling, who was not far away, finally found an excellent position. After placing the Shenmu Wangding on it, Ye Ling lifted the wooden cover above the Shenmu Wangding.

Immediately, a strange fragrance came to the nostrils and quickly dissipated in all directions.

It didn't take long for 597 to hear rustling sounds in the distance, Ye Ling and A Zi hid not far from Shenmu Wangding and looked forward.

At this time, in the originally peaceful forest, there were countless poisonous insects crawling out, scorpions, centipedes, long insects, spiders and other poisonous insects were all densely packed, and they quickly crawled towards the position of Shenmu Wangding.

All the girls on the carriage saw their scalps go numb, but A Zi was the only one who was not afraid, but a bit of excitement appeared in their eyes.

Suddenly, an inexplicable cold wind suddenly blew towards the two of them. Ye Ling raised his head and looked intently. He saw a line of fire burning from the northwest corner, and it was already approaching the Shenmu Wangding in a short time.

But when the line of fire got close, Ye Ling realized that it was not a line of fire, but something crawling over from the grass.

It's just that the grass immediately becomes scorched when it encounters it, so it looks like a line of fire.

Ye Ling took a few steps forward again, but felt the cold wind around him intensified again. When he looked down, there was a silkworm among the scorched yellow grass under Shenmu Wangding!

This silkworm was as pure as jade, with a slight hint of cyan. Compared with the ordinary silkworm, its size was more than double the size. The whole body was like an earthworm, transparent and shining like a crystal.

Ye Ling was overjoyed, this silkworm is the Kunlun ice silkworm.

However, the Kunlun ice silkworm is a strange insect in the world. It is quite spiritual and has its own thinking.

Previously, it was attracted by this strange fragrance, but it did not recklessly enter the Shenmu King Cauldron. At this time, it was aware of the extremely dangerous existence around it, and did not dare to move forward. Retreat outside the woods.

"No! It's going to run!

Seeing this, Azi quickly stood up, trying to catch up with Kunlun Ice Silkworm.

"Don't worry!

However, Ye Ling on the side stopped A Zi and did not choose to startle the snake.

After letting A Zi look at Shenmu Wang Ding on the spot, Ye Ling walked with wings and followed the trail of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, trailing all the way.

Not long after, Ye Ling followed Kunlun Ice Silkworm to the gate of Minzhong Temple.

At this time, the evening was approaching. The sound of bells, chimes, wooden fish, and chanting sutras in the Minzhong Temple came one after another, as if a group of monks were doing evening classes. Ye Ling immediately performed Lingbo Microsteps and leaped into the wall softly.

I saw that the Kunlun ice silkworm had already crossed a large muddy field and came to a vegetable garden, and stopped.

Seeing this, Ye Ling did not appear in a hurry, but hid in the dark and quietly observed.

"Damn it! daddy brought you from Kunlun all the way!

"You're running around like this, when will you be able to make it?"

"In the future, you will destroy your future, and see who will truly (becf) you!

Not long after, a scolding sounded, Ye Ling turned his head to look, and saw a strange-looking chubby monk scolding Kunlun ice silkworm in a strange tone, but he was educating his junior.

Ye Ling's heart moved slightly, presumably this person was the original owner and breeder of Kunlun silkworms, monk Huijing.

Seeing that the monk Huijing had appeared, Ye Ling immediately walked out of the darkness and stood in front of the monk Huijing.

"You! Who are you?!

Seeing Ye Ling's sudden appearance, the monk Huijing was taken aback and immediately wanted to call out to other monks.

However, how could Ye Ling do what he wanted?

He lifted his wrist lightly and pointed a finger in the air, and Monk Huijing was instantly frozen in place, unable to move.

Stopping the monk Huijing, Ye Ling turned to look at the vegetable field behind.

On the ground, Huijing had already drawn a yellow circle with medicine, and in the circle, Kunlun ice silkworm seemed to draw the ground as a prison, but when he slammed left and right, he couldn't cross the yellow circle, obviously because he was afraid of the yellow medicine.

"Yes, it saves me the trouble of catching bugs!"

Ye Ling chuckled in satisfaction, then turned his head back and looked at the monk Huijing opposite, took out a three-corpse brain pill from his bosom, and fed the monk to eat it.

"Quickly hand over all the good things on you, and I can spare you the pain!"

Not long after, the poisonous medicine pill attacked, how could the monk Huijing endure such pain, and while begging for mercy, he had to struggle to hand over all his rare worms and all kinds of precious medicines.

"I didn't expect a monk to have so many good things!"

Looking at the dozens of rare worms in front of him except the Kunlun ice silkworm, as well as the Tianshan snow lotus, thousand-year-old snow ginseng and other ingenious good things, Ye Ling nodded with satisfaction.

"Master! I have already handed over everything!

"Please let me go!"

The monk Huijing knelt down in front of Ye Ling at this time, tears and snot flowing into a stream, and kept begging for mercy.

"Did I say not to kill you? 39

Ye Ling's face was calm, and then he raised his hand again, and when he pointed a finger in the air, one move and one yang finger penetrated the heart of the monk Huijing.

"Monks should recite sutras well, and have nothing to do with bugs!"

Standing up, Ye Ling first put away the rest of the Zerg herbs, and then took out a cyan jade box from his arms and placed it in front of Kunlun Ice Silkworm.

The ice silkworm was trapped by the yellow circle, and was already exhausted. At this time, a road appeared out of nowhere. After hesitating for a while, it finally climbed along the edge and climbed into the jade box.

Ye Ling saw this, and immediately locked the Kunlun ice silkworm in the jade box.

Kunlun ice silkworm, get it smoothly!

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