Seeing that one person flew out of the field, with a "bang", it smashed directly onto the stone brick beside him.

But he didn't know whether the loser was Ye Ling or Zhang Wuji.

Everyone's heart was tight, and they quickly stretched their necks to look at the ground.

After seeing the person lying on the ground clearly, whether it is the six sects or the people of the Ming sect, a heart sank instantly.

I saw that the person who fell to the ground was none other than Zhang Wuji.

At this time, Zhang Wuji's whole body was actually a little bit of good meat.

The entire left arm and shoulders burst open at the same time, with a grim expression on his face, he couldn't stop screaming on the ground, and he was already dying!

When everyone turned around, they saw Ye Ling standing proudly in the center of the original square.

Not only is there no scars on the body, but there is not even a single bit of dust!

Everyone on both sides was horrified, and there was another explosion in the player's communication channel!

"Fuck! Leaf God, the only true God of Rivers and Lakes!

"This is unscientific, it's fine if this guy Ye Ling is unscathed, what's the matter with the shape?

"Boss! Ye boss! You still lack a pendant on your leg, I can wear a sailor suit!"

"This is Rivers and Lakes, sailor suits your sister! Ye Shen, don't listen to her, accept me, I can do anything!

"Damn it, let this guy pretend again! Why not me!

"I cried, I thought this NPC was hanging, but I didn't expect Ye Shen to be the real hang!"

In the communication channel, countless barrages directly filled the screen. Among the players, there were envy, jealousy, praise, and shock.

"No! We can't sit still!"

"Let's go together! There are so many of us that we can't believe this kid! 35

Seeing Zhang Wuji's fiasco, everyone in the six sects and the Ming sect was already in despair.

At this moment, all the masters couldn't care about the influence of the sad breeze, they gritted their teeth, and they all attacked Ye Ling together.

He Taichong shouted angrily and rushed out with his wife, Ban Shuxian.

The combination of two swords is exactly Kunlun's Secret Technique - the two instruments Sword Technique!

At the same time, the two elders of the Huashan faction, tall and short, also rushed out.

The two elders, the tall and short, both used a soft knife.

When slashing and slashing straight, the moves are fast, and it is his two famous stunts - anti-liang instrument Saber Technique!

I saw these four people standing in the four directions of Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermillion Bird at the same time.

On the occasion of the joint efforts of the positive two-meter Sword Technique and the anti-two-meter Saber Technique, it turned out to be a dangerous and strange killing formation!

And this killing array, it is the well-known positive and negative two instrument Sword Technique in Rivers and Lakes!

There are eighty-eighty-sixty-four kinds of changes in the Secret Technique of these two factions. When they work together, Saber Technique and Sword Technique complement each other, and can evolve into four thousand and ninety-six kinds of changes. The martial arts in the world are unparalleled.

Its formidable power is also very huge, and in a serious comparison, it is not inferior to the two Taiyi points lightsabers of the Tianji Palace Gongyangyu and Hua Wuli in the Great Song Dynasty!

These four people, relying on the Sword Technique, both positive and negative, quickly killed Ye Ling.

But Ye Ling was still not in a hurry. After taking a look at the Sword Technique, he nodded slightly and pointed out at the same time.

In an instant, the Divine Sword of Four, Five Paths and Six Veins shot straight at the four of them.

He Taichong and his wife, the tall and short, the old and the old, were not the top combat power of the six sects.

Even the pros and cons of the two swordsmanships are exquisite, but they can't make up for the huge gap between these four people and Ye Ling.

There is no need for "Shrouding the Heavens" at all, just the six-pulse sword, and the four of them were knocked out!

"You devil!

Seeing that Ye Ling has killed Kunlun, Huashan's master again, how can the rest of the people sit still?

Among the six major sects, Song Yuanqiao shouted angrily, and immediately used the Ti Yun Zong to kill Ye Ling with his sword along with his son Song Qingshu!

Immediately following, the five elders of Kongtong did not hesitate, and with a grim face, they cast the Seven Wounds Fist, and also called Ye Ling.

And behind these people, the head of Huashan is Xian Yutong, and the remaining abbots of Shaolin Emei also used their own skills, obviously wanting to fight Ye Ling to the death!

"This Ye Ling is too ruthless!"

"First clean up him, and then clean up the six sects!"

Seeing Ye Ling defeated Zhang Wuji, the last hope was dashed.

The Mingjiao side couldn't care about the battle with the six sects for the time being, so they chose to take action together and dealt with Ye Ling first and then the rest.

Hearing Yang Xiao's order, he took a few steps in the air, and dozens of pebbles danced in his hands, and shot directly towards Ye Ling's body acupuncture points.

Beside Yang Xiao, the green-winged bat king Wei Yi smiled, and the white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng rushed out at the same time.

.....for flowers.......

And behind these three people, it is Zhou Dian, who can't wait for the masters of the five scattered people to hold weapons, followed closely behind.

In an instant, the six factions and the Ming Cult, who had been fighting so hard just now, actually stood together in tacit understanding at this moment, only to go for Ye Ling in the center of the square!

In an instant, Ye Ling was surrounded by two factions of masters!

But Ye Ling's face was still calm, and when his eyes flickered, his footsteps lightened again.

When Ling Bo swam with a small step, Ye Ling disappeared like a ghostly afterimage in an instant!


When the masters were surprised and shocked, they heard a chuckle again.

Since Ye Ling fell straight down from the sky, at the same time, he was performing Beiming magic.

When he landed, Ye Ling directly absorbed all the masters from both sides, and then absorbed the Internal Energy of the masters together.

Impossible! It is impossible!

Realizing that their Internal Energy was overflowing frantically, all the masters were horrified, trying to break free but found that they were already unable to move.

However, within dozens of breaths, Ye Ling had already sucked up the Internal Energy of more than a dozen masters in the field.

The two masters instantly looked withered and slumped on the ground, their eyes full of despair and pain!

Do not!!!

Seeing that all the masters of various factions were easily defeated by Ye Ling, Zhang Wuji, who was already on the verge of death, was instantly furious and completely fainted.

On the other side, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao and the other women were also shocked, and instantly froze in place.

Afterwards, Ye Ling brought the masters from both sides, plus a comatose Zhang Wuji, to the Bright Summit.

Ye Ling started from Mie Shitai, and one by one, he began to question the martial arts Secret Technique of various schools.

Although these masters know that they are alive and well, they are all unwilling to hand over their Secret Technique.

But with the help of the enhanced version of the Three Corpse Brain Pill, even if he was as tough as Shi Tai, he couldn't stand Ye Ling's torture.

Soon, the masters of various factions, Mingjiao people and Zhang Wuji all screamed and handed over their Secret Technique.

Everyone's Secret Technique was in hand, Ye Ling didn't have the interest to continue torturing these people.

When he raised his hand, it directly shattered the boulder on the top of Guangming.

When the boulder fell, the six sects and the Ming sects all turned into meat mud!

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