Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 084 Exit! Advance! Great Master high rank!

In the early morning, Ye Ling completed the one-to-two extracurricular tutoring for Shangguan Haitang and Liu Sheng Piaoxu.

As a top time management master, Ye Ling will not waste a minute or a second of his time.

Walking out of Shangguan Haitang and Liusheng Piaoxu's room, Ye Ling came to the bamboo hut behind the deserted village and announced Closed Door Training.

"Although Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu are a wonderful couple, their medical skills and poisoning skills are not bad.

"Just after reading this "Medical Classic", my medical skills have been greatly improved."

"I just don't know how much poison can be improved by this "Poison Sutra".""

In the bamboo hut, on the futon, Ye Ling sat in Lotus Position, holding the "Poison Classic" and "Medicine Classic" obtained from Zhang Wuji's hand.

On the small table beside him, there are a bunch of manuals confiscated from everyone in Bright Summit.

In addition to the martial arts Manual, there is no shortage of other subsets of classics and history.

Hundreds of schools of thought have everything.

However, these books are not meant for Ye Ling to relieve her boredom when she uses Closed Door Training.

On the contrary, like martial arts Manual, these books can also bring some improvement to Ye Ling's attributes.

You must know that, as a game that is almost the same as reality, in Rivers and Lakes, in addition to Cultivation Technique, various miscellaneous learning is also very important.

Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting may not have any effect in normal times, but in some special situations, it can bring miraculous effects.

For example, the top Cultivation Technique "Forgetting Love".

That is, only those who are proficient in qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and music theory, passion and nature, and martial arts talents can learn it.

However, although he brought various manuals, Ye Ling did not rush to read them all.

After reading the "Poison Classic" and "Medical Classic", which improved her the most, Ye Ling turned her head and started sorting out the Internal Energy in her body.

In the battle of Bright Summit, Ye Ling had a good time, but the six sects plus the Ming Cult people.

The Cultivation Techniques cultivated by these masters are not the same, and the Internal Energy properties are also restrained from each other. Therefore, if you want to use them immediately, you still need to sort them out.

Immediately, Ye Ling was running the Beiming Divine Art and began to melt and digest the various Internal Energy in the body.

Zixia Internal Energy of Huashan School, Chunyang Internal Energy of Wudang Sect, Guiyuan Internal Energy of Kongtong School, Vajra Internal Energy of Northern Shaolin, Xuanbing Internal Energy of Wei Yixiao…

Dozens of different Internal Energy were combined one by one by Ye Ling, and finally turned into a member of the vast Qi Sea in Dantian.


More than an hour passed quietly, Ye Ling slowly exhaled a white breath, and the Internal Energy of the whole body has been further improved.

However, Ye Ling did not end the Closed Door Training because of this, but instead focused on the various martial arts that he had collected from the light.

After all, after successfully stepping into the Grandmaster realm world, the improvement of each small realm is no longer the same as before, which is simply determined by the level of Internal Energy.

At the same time, the individual's comprehension of martial arts and the mastery of various martial arts will affect the Great Master's Realm.

To put it more exaggeratedly, during this period, what influenced the improvement of Realm was the Practitioner's mastery of the principles and even the rules of martial arts.

But if you want to better grasp the principles and even the rules of martial arts, there is no other shortcut, you can only rely on learning more and practicing more.

Much practice lies in diligent practice, and much learning lies in gaining the strengths of a hundred schools of thought...

Thinking of this, Ye Ling started cultivating all kinds of martial arts newly acquired on the top of the light.

The first is Jiuyang Divine Art.

Because Ye Ling is already very familiar with top-level Cultivation Techniques such as Beiming Shengong, under the influence of side-by-side, soon, the red pure Yang logo all over the body appeared on Ye Ling's body!

Immediately, the universe shifted again.

At the time of thousands of deductions, Ye Ling has already mastered most of the essence of the Great Movement of the Universe, and the incredible changes have made Ye Ling's perception of the movement Cultivation Technique to a higher level!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling walked out of the hut again and started practicing Wei Yixiao's Qingyi Wuying Gong in the bamboo forest.

Although this Qinggong is not as light as Lingbo's micro-steps, the speed is extremely fast, and there is no sound when walking through the leaves!

After that, Ye Ling picked up two branches from the ground at random.

One left and one right held each other, simulating two people side by side, and began to practice the Sword Technique.

I saw Ye Ling's double swords and Hua Zhan, and the two extremely ordinary branches seemed to really emit swords and swords. In a moment, the small bamboo forest was already covered by layers of thick killing formations!

Next, another seven wounded fist.

After the Seven Wounds Fist, it's the Phantom Yin Finger, and after the Phantom Yin Finger, it's...

Being alone, Ye Ling is already immersed in various martial arts.

In the blink of an eye, four or five days have passed since Ye Ling announced Closed Door Training.

Only a "crunch" sound was heard, and the small wooden door that had been closed for a long time finally slowly opened.

Afterwards, Ye Ling walked out of it slowly and officially exited the customs!

There was an irresistible excitement on his face, and it was obvious that Ye Ling was in a very good mood.

There is no reason for him.

After four or five days of dedicated Closed Door Training, Ye Ling not only practiced various martial arts to perfection, but also successfully comprehended the essence of them.

With the strengths of hundreds of schools, Ye Ling's understanding of the principles of martial arts has taken a new level, and he has successfully broken through to the level of the Great Master high rank.

Reaching the Great Master high rank, Ye Ling's Great Master's power instantly became much stronger.

And in the fists and feet, it contains the Great Master's divine will initially, and it is only one step away from climbing to the peak of the Great Master!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Ling at this time would meet Zhang Wuji in the Bright Summit period again.

Without three moves, Zhang Wuji could be killed suddenly.

In addition, Ye Ling also digested the "Medical Classic", "Poison Classic" and various miscellaneous studies, and the data in all aspects has also been improved.

Open the attribute panel, at this time, Ye Ling's attributes have been completely new.

【Name: Ye Ling】

【Realm: Great Master high rank】

[Age: Eighteen (consistent with reality)]

【Sex: Male】

[Title: [Lawless], [Secret Explorer], [Demon of Demons]]

[Talent: Absolutely]

【Martial arts: (Li Nuozhao) Shrouding the Heavens, Qiankun Great Movement, Dou Zhuan Xingyi, Vajra Unbreakable Magic, Positive and Negative Sword Technique, Qishangquan, Qingyi Ying Gong, Lingbo Weibu...]

[Heart Method: Beiming Divine Art, Jiuyang Divine Art, Shenzu Jing Yang]

[Others: Heaven and Earth Destroying Bone Needle, Shenmu Wangding, Tianxiang Cardamom (seed), Yitian Sword, Canghai Sword...]

[Reputation: 1060 points]

[Silver taels: 179,633,400 taels]

[Quests: 1. [Poison Immortal] Career Advancement Quest 2. [Tianwu] Career Achievement Quest 3. Treasure Weapon Collection Quest]

Looking at the property panel that had undergone a lot of changes, Ye Ling nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied.

".~ You can be considered to be out of the customs!"

But at this moment, a female voice came from outside the bamboo forest.

Ye Ling looked up, it was Dao Baifeng.

At this moment, Dao Baifeng was walking straight towards Ye Ling, but there was an unnoticeable glimmer of joy in his eyes.

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