Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 093 Get out! How old is Guo Jing and Ouyang?

Okay! Don't make trouble!

As his daughter's slave, Huang Yaoshi obviously had nothing to do with his daughter Huang Rong.

After Huang Yaoshi calmed her down, Huang Rong was no longer angry and stood behind her father.

"Okay! Now that everyone has arrived!

"So brother Ouyang, gang leader Hong, let's officially start the competition for the juniors, how about it?"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yaoshi stood up and said to Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong who were beside him.

"Of course you can!

Ouyang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Let's start sooner than the test, is it possible that my old beggar's apprentice is still afraid of him being a stinky snake?"

Hong Qigong picked his feet, as if he didn't care about Ouyang and his son at all.

"Okay! It's not too late, the first match will officially start!"

Seeing that there was no objection, Huang Yaoshi did not delay, even when he was about to officially start the first match between Guo Jing and Ouyang Ke.

"Wait! 99

However, at this moment, a male voice came from outside the manor.


Huang Yaoshi, Ouyang Feng, and Hong Qigong all changed slightly, looking around.

But at this time, the male voice just now came again.

"I've admired Miss Huang Rong for a long time, and this time the pharmacist is fighting to recruit relatives, I also want to participate! 14

Suddenly, the voice fell suddenly, and then, a Daoist shadow strayed onto the manor school grounds.

Huang Yaoshi and others were surprised, but they all turned their attention to the figure.

I saw that the figure was an extremely handsome young man in white, with a face like a crown of jade and a mouth like a vermillion, holding a beautiful young man rarely seen in the world.

Holding a folding fan in his hand, he walked dashingly, and his elegant demeanor was hard to hide.

Needless to say, this young man is naturally Ye Ling who went straight to Peach Blossom Island alone!

"There is such a handsome boy in the world!"

Seeing that Ye Ling was like an exiled immortal in the sky, when everyone was surprised, Huang Rong behind Huang Yaoshi's eyes lit up, obviously attracted by Ye Ling's handsomeness.


"Where did the cat and the dog come from! Dare to covet Miss Huang Rong!

Seeing Ye Ling's unparalleled demeanor, unrestrained bearing and handsome appearance made him even more overwhelmed.

Ouyang Ke immediately felt a deep threat, and with a cold snort, he shouted angrily at Ye Ling.

"Under Ye Ling, it's not some kind of cat or dog!"

In the face of Ouyang Ke's question, Ye Ling didn't care and walked over slowly.

Then, in front of everyone, he directly said his own name!


He is Ye Ling?!

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.


"You devil is bloodthirsty, and you also like to steal wives!"

"Such a morally corrupt person deserves to be the son-in-law of the famous Huang Yaoshi?"

In addition to being surprised, Ouyang Ke quickly reacted.

When even was very disdainful, he mocked and insulted Ye Ling.

Hearing that Ouyang Ke had shaken everything about Ye Ling out, Huang Yaoshi's complexion changed again, and Ye Ling's eyes became a little unkind.

good guy?

Say I'm immoral?!

Hearing this, Ye Ling almost couldn't help laughing on the spot.

Compared to you, Ouyang and his son, you are already a pure-blooded good man for what you have done!

However, Ye Ling's expression was still calm, and he passed Ouyang Ke, who was standing aside, and chuckled lightly,

Then he walked straight towards Guo Jing.


Ye Ling stood still and looked at Guo Jing with a half-smile.

"Golden sword consort Guo Jing, the son-in-law of Genghis Khan.

He touched his chin: "Hua Zheng is still waiting for you on the grassland.""

Guo Jing's expression changed drastically.

However, Ye Ling didn't continue talking, and looked at Ouyang Ke again.

"Thirty years old, middle-aged man, wives and concubines in groups."9

"You too?"

Ouyang Ke's face suddenly sank.

Nima, who is this person?

"Just because of you, do you want to marry the yellow girl?"

"What a joke!"

On Peach Blossom Island, Ye Ling stood leisurely.

Of course, he is not a good person either.

Dao Baifeng, Zhong Ling, Ruan Xingzhu... Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao... Madam Wang, Wang Yuyan...

But those who can't stop it don't know it!

So this creates a misunderstanding.

Guo Jing is a person who likes the new and hates the old, and this matter is still hidden from Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi.

Are you saying he's honest?

Who believes?

Ouyang Ke, with a group of wives and concubines, can be Huang Rong's uncle.

Can Huang Yaoshi give him his own baby daughter?

Therefore, in the presence of everyone, Ye Ling had the advantage.

Of course, this advantage cannot last long, and sooner or later things will be exposed.


Brother Jing!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Huang Rong's expression changed instantly, her eyes were full of surprise.


Seeing that Ye Ling actually knew about the matter between him and Huazheng, Guo Jing was shocked, and quickly wanted to explain to Huang Rong who was beside him.

However, at first he was not good at words, and he couldn't say anything to make girls happy.

Second, what Ye Ling said was the truth, and Guo Jing couldn't think of any good reason for it for a while.

As a result, the conversation came out, but he didn't know what to say next, so he had to stop in place.

Seeing that Guo Jing, who usually trusts very much, was hesitant at this moment, how could the extremely intelligent Huang Rong not know the reason.

When she thought that the Princess Huazheng that Ye Ling had just said was indeed a real person, Huang Rong suddenly became unhappy.

At the same time, hearing Ye Ling's words, Huang Yaoshi's expression stiffened.

Huang Yaoshi's first wife Feng Heng and his apprentice Mei Chaofeng are about the age of 597, so Huang Yaoshi and his wife are almost ten years apart.

At this time, I heard Ye Ling scolding Ouyang Ke for "the old cow eats the tender grass".

Although he was not named by name.

But Pharmacist Huang always felt that the young man in front of him seemed to be following Ouyang Kezai Yin & Yang mad at him.

"Where is the bastard from, dare to be presumptuous on my territory!"

"Get out of here immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Huang Yaoshi was a little embarrassed, and immediately wanted to drive Ye Ling out of the manor.

"Wait a minute!"

"I have one more thing to ask!"

Seeing that Yaoshi Huang was about to drive him away, Ye Ling didn't panic, and turned to look at Guo Jing.

"Did you ask the old urchin to teach the Jiuyin Mantra?

"Or got it from Mei Chaofeng?"

"is not it?"

Guo Jing is an honest person.

He did indeed consult Zhou Botong for the Jiuyin Mantra.

And it is indeed the lower half of the Jiuyin Sutra that was obtained from Mei Chaofeng.

But as soon as this matter came out of Ye Ling's mouth, it felt like it had changed.

"This, I..."

Guo Jing hesitated, thinking about how to explain it.

But never thought that this face fell into Huang Yaoshi's eyes, no doubt that Ye Ling had just confirmed what Ye Ling said.

"You brat dares to stealthily learn Jiuyin Sutra and court death!"

Huang Yaoshi was immediately furious, and seeing that he was going to attack Guo Jing!

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