Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 095 Miss Rong! You don't want Guo Jing either...

Seeing Guo Jing and his party gradually disappear on the coastline on the unrepaired ship.

Ye Ling laughed inwardly, but did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, he rowed his own boat and began to wander around Peach Blossom Island.

Peach Blossom Island has beautiful scenery and a huge area.

Ye Ling wandered around for about half an hour, before reaching less than one-third of the way.

However, at this time.

Ye Ling was far away, but saw a female figure sneaking towards the shore.

Taking a closer look, Ye Ling realized that this woman was none other than Huang Rong!

At this time, Huang Rong had already changed into a pale pink silk dress, still radiant, like Celestial Immortals.

However, the expression on Huang Rong's face was extremely anxious, and her steps were full of panic, not as confident as she was in the manor just now.

Seeing that this figure was Huang Rong, Ye Ling's heart moved slightly, and then she rowed the boat and came to Huang Rong.

"Miss Huang, seeing you look so anxious, I'm afraid that your brother Jing will not be buried in the belly of the fish?"

Ye Ling raised her head to face Huang Rong, chuckled softly, and said.

When Huang Rong heard this, although she was really worried about Guo Jing's safety, the anxious look on her face disappeared, replaced by a calm and calm look.

"No, I just want to go out to sea!"

Huang Rong made up a random reason, and then looked around on the shore of 597.

"Haha! 35

"Miss Huang, don't waste your time, all around this Peach Blossom Island, except for this one, I have already pierced through other ships, and they can't go out to sea!

Seeing Huang Rong looking around, as if looking for a boat, Ye Ling's eyes flashed with a smile, and then she said.

"What! You!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Ling was so resolute in her actions, Huang Rong became angry and angry when she heard the words, and her two little feet couldn't help stamping on the beach.

"Oh, that's right! 9

"Just now, I saw Ouyang Feng and his son quietly following Guo Jing's boat, and it seemed like they had bad intentions! 39

Seeing that Huang Rong became anxious again, Ye Ling smiled slightly, and then recounted the scene she just saw at the beach.

What! Brother Jing!

Hearing that Ouyang Feng and his son were actually malicious to Guo Jing and others, Huang Rong's heart tensed at first, and then she quickly calmed down.

"This guy is not a good person, but the top priority is to borrow his boat and catch up with Brother Jing!"

Huang Rong thought to herself, but she raised her head and looked at Ye Ling.

"Tell me! What's your purpose in doing this (becf)?! 35

When Ye Ling heard this, she immediately smiled and shook the folding fan in her hand, then moved her gaze upward to look at Huang Rong.

"Just ask for a kiss!"

"You! You are shameless! You are nasty! You are a big bad guy! 39

Huang Rong's cheeks turned slightly red, and her face was embarrassed and annoyed, and she immediately yelled at Ye Ling.

But in the face of Huang Rong's various insults, Ye Ling turned a deaf ear and closed her eyes while smiling, letting Huang Rong speak.

Damn it!

This man's skin is thicker than the city wall!

After scolding for a while, seeing that Ye Ling didn't care at all, Huang Rong couldn't help frowning slightly.

However, the intelligent Huang Rong is not a vase.

"Since this guy wants so much, why don't I lie to him first!

As soon as her dark eyes rolled, Huang Rong was thinking about it, and decided to coax Ye Ling first, and then talk about other things when she caught up with Guo Jing.

"Okay! I promise you! Come on!"

She already had a plan in mind, and then, Huang Rong raised her head, nodded, and pretended to agree.


Ye Ling smiled and nodded, but the conversation changed.

"But I have a rule for doing things, that is, I have to charge some interest before doing things!"


A trace of doubt flashed in Huang Rong's eyes, and she felt a little bad in her heart.

"What interest?"

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Rong asked Ye Ling again.

"Kiss me twice, it will be counted as interest!"

After saying that, Ye Ling tapped her cheeks with her fingers and looked at Huang Rong with a smile.

"You! Year

How could Huang Rong think that the interest that Ye Ling was talking about was actually this, the blush that had just gone down instantly reappeared between her cheeks, and her eyes were full of embarrassment and anger.

However, seeing Huang Rong's extremely reluctant appearance, Ye Ling was not in a hurry, and then lay down on the boat leisurely and contentedly.

Time passed quickly.

In the end, worrying about the sweetheart still prevailed.

"Forget it! It's like kissing my rhubarb!"

Seeing Ye Ling who was not in a hurry in the boat, Huang Rong gritted her teeth, and finally she nodded and agreed to Ye Ling's request.

"it is good!

"Please! Girl Huang!

Seeing that Huang Rong finally agreed, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, then sat up and closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

Huang Rong was very angry, but she had nothing to do with Ye Ling.

He had to bite the bullet and walked to Ye Ling step by step.

At this moment, Huang Rong's dress was soaked through, and the graceful girl's curves were about to emerge.

And even though her face was only lightly applied with Fendai, it was still radiant and dazzling.

The white and tender skin is matched with the girl's natural body fragrance, which immediately makes people drool and fantasize.

At the same time, when Ye Ling closed her eyes, she suddenly felt a fragrant soft lip print on her cheek.

When his heart was relaxed, Ye Ling couldn't help reaching out and hugged, and subconsciously pinched it a few times in the middle.

"Hmm! Not bad! It's true!"

Seeing that there was an extra pair of palms on her body, when Huang Rong exclaimed, she quickly struggled to break free from Ye Ling's arms.

"Why are you like this!"

Huang Rong's face was flushed red at this time, and she glared at Ye Ling angrily.

Ye Ling didn't take it seriously, put her finger to the tip of her nose and sniffed the fragrance, then opened her eyes, laughed lightly, and explained.

"I'm sorry! I'm used to it!"

"Since you've already kissed, let's go, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

After saying that, Ye Ling picked up the oars and rowed the boat slowly towards the overseas direction.

At the same time, in the sea not far from Peach Blossom Island.

On the ship of Ouyang Feng and his son.

"My God! Why are there so many snakes on this ship!

Zhou Botong screamed and quickly hid behind Guo Jing.

At this time, on the deck, Zhou Botong, Hong Qigong, and Guo Jing were surrounded by thousands of poisonous snakes.

Zhou Botong was afraid of snakes, so he didn't dare to attack at this time.

Even though Hong Qigong was strong, he was unable to deal with so many poisonous snakes and Ouyang Feng and his son at the same time.

The two Grand Great Masters are unable to protect themselves, let alone Guo Jing, who is just a fledgling at this time?

In an instant, the situation of Guo Jing and others became precarious.

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