Hearing this, Yan Qing's eyes went black and she was a little bit broken. "I just escaped from Shanyu, do you want me to die?" he said in a desperate voice. "Come on, it's almost dawn, this is the chance!" Yan Qing even shook Cai Yan's arm.

"My child..." Cai Yan muttered in a panic while cleaning up.

"Don't worry, you will still have a chance to see him in the future!" Yan Qing felt that Cai Yan was afraid that it would be difficult to see her child again, so she casually comforted her.

Cai Yan was obviously relieved, and simply packed up some miscellaneous things. Yan Qing wanted to stop her, but she was extremely nervous during the escape process, and carrying a little more stuff would be a burden. But he thought about it, after all, after so many years, there are always some personal things. I don't know when I will be back, so Yan Qing still acquiesced.

"Are there any horses?" Yan Qing asked. Cai Yan nodded, it seems that nomads should have horses in every household. Yan Qing wanted to go to the cavalry battalion to steal a horse, but it seemed he didn't need it. .

Chapter 77 Escape

And the Han envoys have been many, and their less obedient rate is more advanced and familiar with the emperor, saying: "There are good horses in Ershi City, but they are not willing to go with the Han envoys." Waiting to hold a daughter and a golden horse to invite King Wan Ershicheng to be a good horse.

— "Records of the Grand Historian: Biography of Dayuan"

Yan Qing and Cai Yan got out of the yurt in the dark, the moon was already sinking. The entire residential area is still immersed in sleep, and the sheep pen occasionally bleats, accompanied by the low whimper of the dog.

Yan Qing couldn't see the horse's appearance in the dark, but just tried the strong leg muscles. good horse! A typical Mongolian horse, with a slightly short body, thick bones, prominent and well-developed muscles. Mongolia is rich in good horses, and it really lives up to its name. It is not surprising that the Mongolian cavalry has many horses and good horsepower.

The horses used by the Tieqi in Guanzhong are all the horses of the Qiang people, and they are fine. Some teams used good horses bought from the Western Regions or even the West. Falling dust spends a lot of money to buy horses every year. However, with the expansion of Ma Teng's territory and gradually encroaching on some pastures occupied in Xiqiang, Ma Teng can also provide good horses more stably.

"Can you ride a horse?" Yan Qing asked. In fact, he didn't give much hope in his heart. Can women in the Central Plains run wildly on the prairie on horseback?

"Yes." Cai Yan replied.

Yan Qing glanced at her, a little beyond his expectations: "To run wild on the grassland all night, it's not a simple ride. It's also a dark night." Yan Qing reminded.

"No problem." Cai Yan answered confidently.

Really... Yan Qing was quite surprised, and a little hesitant. Finally decided to trust her. Both of them rode a horse.

"Wait a minute." Cai Yan said. Saying that, he jumped off the horse and entered the yurt. The light in the bag was still lit, but Cai Yan couldn't let it light up and walked out with a few pieces of shredded sheepskin. "The horse's hooves make a loud noise when it runs, so it's better to wrap it up." He said, wrapping the horse's four hooves with sheepskin one by one.

The two led their horses and walked into the depths of the grassland. Fortunately, Cai Yan lived on the edge of the settlement and did not need to go through many yurts. The two jumped on the horse, and the horse's hooves stepped on the grass, making a crunching sound.

"That's right.ˇ!" Cai Yan suddenly seemed to have remembered something, and even ignoring the concealment, he shouted softly. Extraordinarily harsh in the dark. Yan Qing was shocked and turned around, Cai Yan quickly approached, whispering and hurriedly: "There will be sentinels around."

Before he finished speaking, a low, hoarse voice suddenly sounded. "The Hun God blesses the grasslands."

Yan Qing's eyes were black, and it's really there. Why do you have to shout when there is a sentinel? Tell me quietly, it's strange that the sentinel didn't notice this shout...

Yan Qing pulled out the bow and arrow instantly, and it was an arrow at the sound. There was a muffled sound of "dong" in the darkness. Yan Qing knew that this guy was shot and fell to the ground. For the sake of safety, he quickly dismounted from his horse and ran over. Sure enough, he could barely identify in the dark, a Hun soldier with a soft arrow that just shot him in the face.

Yan Qing couldn't care about it anymore, she went back quickly, took the lead and straddled the horse, and Cai Yan followed behind. In the dark night, only the swish of the wind can be heard, and nothing else can stop it. Yan Qing watched as the thick darkness gradually thinned and dissipated, the sky began to turn white, and the grassland gradually became clear. The morning breeze was blowing, and although Yan Qing was quite tired, she was also refreshed. He looked back and saw that Cai Yan rode the horse very well, effortlessly and with ease. A woman in the Central Plains, when she arrives in the grasslands and deserts, still retains her elegance and can face life bravely. It is admirable and deplorable!

The sky is getting brighter, and the Huns like to get up early. Maybe someone has found a corpse lying horizontally or Cai Yan who has gone missing.

Yan Qing thought that the entire camp was sleeping, only he and Cai Yan Pegasus escaped. In fact it is not. Zhongping also stayed up all night. busy with various affairs. Including finding a few tribal elders to explain the task.

The soldiers have come to report, Yan Qing ran away. Zhongping quickly calmed down and ordered a search.

Yan Qing's escape was a trivial matter, and some of the details conveyed behind it are worth pondering. Zhong Ping had to think again, do the Han people really want to negotiate? Are they really scared? Is it really that easy to intimidate? Yan Qing runs away, will Fazheng keep his promise? Did the negotiations break down?

"Da Chanyu!" The sergeant outside ran in, and a clan elder asked to see him.

"Come in!" Zhong Ping said hurriedly. Cai Yan found it? So fast? Zhong Ping is still quite happy, after all, this is an important bargaining chip.

The elder ran in, panicked, not like announcing the good news... "Da Chanyu, our tribe found that a sentry was lying beside the settlement and was shot to death by an arrow."

"Shoot to death!" Zhong Ping was surprised and disappointed. "And..." the elder muttered. "What else?" Zhong Ping asked sharply.

The elder hesitated for a moment, then put his head in Zhongping's ear: "Jeso's mother, gone! The oil lamp has burned out, and the two horses in the stable are also gone."

Zhong Ping suddenly corrected himself. Jesso's mother - Han Chinese. Yan Qing ran away. Apparently the two ran together.

".'Check the origin of Jesso's mother. Where did she live before? What's her name?" Zhong Ping said in an almost cold voice. The elder had never seen this battle, and left tremblingly.

"Eru!" Zhongping shouted, "Go and call Eru!"

"General Eru is leading his troops to enforce martial law on the grounds," the sergeant replied.

"There is no need for martial law. Everyone has already run away!" Zhong Ping was suddenly furious. "Let Eru come to see me quickly. At the same time, call up all the cavalry and prepare for battle!"

"Yes..." The sergeant was quite surprised, and hurriedly executed the order.

Yan Qing ran away, why did she bring a Han female slave? Was it rescued by accident? Unlikely, Yan Qing's actions were obviously well-planned and purposeful... Everything will be known when the identity of Jesso's mother is found out. However, Zhong Ping had a hunch in his heart, the worst hunch.

If Ye Suo's mother is Cai Yan, a talented girl in the Han population, and Cai Yan ran away, what about Ye Suo? The day before yesterday, Yesuo had been sent to the Shuofang front line, and he was asked to investigate the battle situation on the Shuofang front line, the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, and whether the fallen army (Qian Hao) retreated. He should be back soon, and he should not know that his adoptive mother has returned to the Central Plains. More seriously, is this, Jesso, reliable? Jesso's loyalty is really important. This man was the direct commander and builder of the Steppe Wolf Cavalry. Prairie Wolf Cavalry! If Jesso is unreliable, 80% of the Prairie Wolf Cavalry cannot be trusted, and they will betray you. If this is the case, wouldn't it be that he made a sharp sword to kill himself! How can there be such absurd misfortune!

Zhong Ping prayed silently in his heart. Yesuo's mother is not Cai Yan... Yesuo has no knowledge of this matter, and is loyal and reliable... The Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment is too important, too important. Zhong Ping had never been so flustered before. Command must be taken back. How did Qiang Qu die? Didn't he Zhongping have a powerful army he controlled? It is very stupid to hand over a killer like the Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment to other generals. The command must be firmly controlled by oneself...

Chapter seventy-eight

"General Jesso asks to see you." The sergeant outside the door only shouted symbolically, then opened the door of the big tent and invited Jesso to come in. Jesso is Zhongping's number one advisor, and he can see Zhongping at any time, even in the middle of the night, he can wake up Zhongping to report the situation.

Today, Zhongping looked at Yesuo with a strange look, some dodging. I wonder if Yesuo could feel it. For a long time, Zhongping basically trusted Jesso. Although this person is taciturn, does not communicate with others, and his eyes are sombre and deep, which makes people incomprehensible, but he resolutely implements Zhongping's orders, makes plans, analyzes and deduces, and does his best. He is Zhongping's very reliant assistant. But Yanqing fled with Jesso's mother, which was too dangerous. It was then that Zhongping suddenly thought that this Jesso was raised by the Han people. Although he had been living on the grassland, Zhongping had ignored this fact before. How much influence did his mother have on him? Is Jesso worthy of complete trust and responsibility?

"Yesuo..." Zhongping faltered, as if he was observing him, but he forgot the task that he had called Yesuo to perform.

Jesso was as calm as usual, but there was a slightly anxious look between his eyebrows. Sure enough, he had no politeness, and spoke in a rare fast and anxious tone: "The main force of the Han army has skyrocketed on the front line of Shuofang, and there is no sincerity in peace talks. The grassland needs to be ready for war immediately."

Zhong Ping was stunned for a moment. This 820 is a heavy conclusion. Although Zhong Ping was mentally prepared, he still panicked. The last thing I want to happen is still here.

"Why? You're more specific." Zhong Ping asked for details while thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

"Obviously, the priest was bribed by Fazheng and sent false news to confuse the royal court. The main force of the Han army in Shuofang City soared to 200,000, of which more than 100,000 were the famous Guanzhong iron cavalry in the Central Plains. This part of the Han army in Shuofang commanded The official is Chang Yuchun, the newly appointed Zhonglang General by Luochen."

200,000... Zhong Ping's heart skipped a beat, already surpassing the 150,000 army commanded by Zhong Ting. And the 150,000 troops are half of the grassland defense force.

"In addition, according to the information I got, this Chang Yuchun was secretly transferred to the prefect of Shuofang a few months ago. When Chang Yuchun was the prefect of Shuofang, he repeatedly reconnaissed our camp and attacked me with a mere 2,000 cavalry. The camp of the 100,000-strong army. It was the same Chang Yuchun who brazenly accepted with Love, which made the Central Plains directly intervene in the steppe coup." Yesuo changed his taciturn and spoke quickly. "This is a tough guy. I have reminded General Zhong Ting to be careful."

Now there is no doubt that the peace talks of the Central Plains people are just a pretense. In fact, they have been preparing for the war against the Huns as early as a few months ago.

However, the only thing that reassured Zhongping was that although they missed the opportunity to hit the border of the Central Plains to a certain extent, they did not let their guard down. Now facing Shuofang and facing Jiuyuan, there are 150,000 Xiongnu cavalry ready to fight at any time.

"How is the training of the Prairie Wolf Legion? Last time I asked you to order them to prepare to protect the grassland, how did they respond?" Facing such a tense situation, Zhong Ping seemed quite calm, and asked the Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment casually. .

"The prairie wolf army has initially acquired combat effectiveness. The riders and the wolf wolves cooperate well. They can go to the battlefield at any time and act as a field army." Yesuo said proudly, as if the prairie wolf army was his own pride. "The words I have brought, I told them that the grasslands are in an extremely dangerous state, and they may face a large-scale invasion of the Central Plains at any time. I have made them all ready."

"May be invaded by the main force of the Central Plains at any time? I don't remember asking you to bring such a thing?" Zhong Ping was suspicious.

Jesso was keenly aware that he was obviously offside. He understood the situation of the Xiongnu at the time, and gave orders to the Steppe Wolf Legion according to his own judgment. In fact, Zhong Ping did not have such an obvious sense of crisis at the time. He did not expect that the Han people would completely abandon the large-scale gathering of the main force in the peace talks. He just asked the bafa regiment to pay attention. Jesso's judgment is obviously very correct and very predictable. To some extent, Jesso's strategic vision has surpassed that of Zhongping. However, this is really not a good thing, especially when it is revealed in front of the Zhongping plane...

"Then I may have misunderstood?" Jesso still looked calm. "My minister, pay attention next time, and be sure to faithfully implement Da Chanyu's orders." Although there was no abnormality in Yesuo's expression and tone, he was still quite surprised. He felt that Zhong Ping was a little unusual today and was a little harsh on the issue of power. Originally, in the Prairie Wolf Cavalry, he, Jesso, was solely responsible for various daily affairs, including training, officer appointments, etc. It was inevitable that he had mixed a lot of personal styles, and Zhongping didn't care much before. Perhaps he was offside a bit, causing Zhong Ping's displeasure.

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