It was early morning in the blink of an eye, and Quanzhen Sect was quiet, peaceful, and lush!

Wang Ruoxi and Xiao Longnu served Long Yu to get dressed, looking like little wives, making others envious!

Not long after, a handsome and picturesque man appeared in front of everyone. There was a stunning beauty on the left and right, extremely charming!

After getting ready to go, everyone walked towards the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. The surrounding scenery was pleasant and beautiful!

The town at the foot of the mountain was bustling with activity. Long Yu watched an astonishing light flash past in the sky, touched a token on his waist, seemed to have thought of something, picked up a firework from his waist, and put it directly into the sky!


There was a loud noise, and sparks scattered in the sky, forming a strange symbol!

Everyone saw this scene, and they didn't know why, and they didn't go into it!

But the meaning of this symbol was only known to the senior officials of Langya Pavilion, and it was precisely for Langya masters to Go to the headquarters of Langya Pavilion!

The masters of Langya Pavilion are almost scattered all over the world. Only the Pavilion Master can call them, and they must give each other enough respect! This is what Long Yu promised when he established Langya Pavilion!

A well-known top power in the world!

A super master once went to challenge him, but he never came back!

The next day, Langya Pavilion hung his head on the tower. This scene shocked everyone! No longer dare to challenge the majesty of Langya Pavilion!

From three sides, Langya Pavilion grew from scratch and became famous all over the world. From the current emperor to wealthy businessmen, everyone went to the trouble to visit Langya Pavilion!

There is an immortal in Langya Pavilion who knows everything between heaven and earth!

Although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, there is really nothing rare in Langya Pavilion in the past three years!

This is known to everyone who has been to Langya Pavilion! What question do you want to ask ?

Langya Pavilion knows almost everything, but a word costs a thousand gold, which is really unaffordable to ordinary people!

Even the current emperor has bought information from Langya Pavilion, and even consulted one or two, no one. Exceptions, they all benefited a lot!

And Long Yu is the rumored master of Langya Pavilion. Unfortunately, not many people know it, but only two palms.

Everyone who knows Long Yu’s identity is from Langya Pavilion! Seniors!

There are several masters in Langya Pavilion, all of whom are world-famous. They are not just swordsmen, but also other martial arts masters!

In the past three years, Langya Pavilion has never lacked visitors, but without exception, they are all famous. Shocking the world, even a legend among legends!

Today, the bright light in the sky is one of the signals from Langya Pavilion!

Once you meet some people who are famous in the world, or are like relatives of the emperor, they will send a meteor message to Long Yu! You know!

What kind of person is important to Langya Pavilion? It is undoubtedly a powerful person, or a person with power!

Langya Pavilion has branches almost everywhere in the Southern Song Dynasty, and its influence has even spread. It has reached various dynasties, but the headquarters is located in the Southern Song Dynasty!

Everyone has good cultivation, so they can walk as fast as the wind, and they all use Qinggong to rush!

The top of Huashan Mountain is covered with snow, and it is cold and indifferent!

The white mist seems to be covering the sight, and it feels as if you can reach out and touch the blue sky, which makes people feel so unreal

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