Huang Rong threw himself into Fang Qin’s arms and said, “Brother Qin, your momentum in this practice is much louder than before, and everything around here has been affected.” ”

“Well, but it doesn’t matter, this kind of harm to the human body, but it can have some benefits and maybe.”

Huang Rong also agreed with his face when he heard it: “Brother Qin, when you were cultivating, it seems that there is some guiding effect on the operation of internal skills, and I have been cultivating and resisting for three days, and my strength has also increased a lot.” ”

“Haha, knowing that you are on the side, how could I not pay attention to it, and then I found out that I have converged a lot.”

The two talked and talked, and Huang Rong went to make another table of dishes, and after eating, he went downstairs.

Seeing that this place was empty, there were no guests, only the treasurer stayed alone, and it seemed that when he was cultivating, he inadvertently frightened the people here.

Looking at the young treasurer again, his heart was strange and a little surprised.

“Treasurer, checkout, I’m waiting to check out.” Fang Qin came to the counter and said to the young treasurer who was in a daze.

“Ah!” The young man who looked a little ordinary was startled, and when he saw Fang Qin, he was taken aback and immediately knelt down and said:

“Ah, it’s the Immortals! Immortals are on top, it is my honor to come to my inn to rest, but I dare not ask for money, and quickly take it back. ”

“Oh…” Fang Qin saw him kneel down with an excited face and said, he also wanted to kowtow, but his heart was a little speechless, and a breath of internal qi directly lifted him up.

“Okay, I’m not a fairy, get up.”

The young treasurer only felt that an inexplicable force made him unable to resist and directly lifted him up, and his heart was even more shocked, and the secret path was sure that this was the Immortal Family’s means, and it was even more exciting.

Thinking of these three days, some immortal methods that I had inexplicably mastered were extremely excited, and my mouth said gratefully:

“Little man Liu Qing, thank the immortals for their grace in passing on the Fa in the past few days, can you tell the little boy that the immortals are named, and the little boy is bound to kneel down every day to pray and salute, and treat him sincerely?”

I didn’t know how excited I was in my heart, and I wanted to kneel down again, but this time there was no force to hinder it, Liu Qing knelt down and prostrated his head repeatedly.

Fang Qin and Huang Rong glanced at each other, somewhat helpless, and directly put down some silver two, and then directly drifted away.

Only Liu Qing was left here, and after a moment, he had never heard the immortals speak, and his heart was worried, could he have said the wrong thing.

If you want to say something more, look up and see that the inn has long disappeared the traces of the two immortals, and there are only some silver two on the table.

Liu Qing cried out in his mouth, and when he saw the figures of the two immortals everywhere, he knew that the immortals had already left, and his heart was a pang of loss, and he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to see the faces of the immortals again after the secret passage.

However, he still bowed his head to his knees outside the door with a respectful face: “Congratulations to the immortals, the immortals pass on the grace of the Fa, Liu Qing will never forget!” ”

“The people of the gods and immortals are really very ethereal, and only those who have a relationship can see them.” After Liu Qing finished doing it respectfully, he secretly thought about what had happened in the past few days.

At first, a pair of fairy-like figures came to this place, and the people present at that time were still amazed.

As a result, after the two men asked for a room, something strange happened.

The door of this room was closed, and after a day there was a faint sound of the rushing of the river and the sea, but here was the roar of the town.

The inexplicable roar seemed to be not loud, but it was like it was reverberating in the ears, and there was some blood rushing up all over the body.

The people present at the meeting were inexplicably frightened, and they thought that they had encountered something evil, and they did not dare to stay longer, all of them ran away, and the people around them did not dare to approach when they heard the strange things and felt the feeling of being frightened.

However, in three days, many people on this side actually moved away, and some people were also ready to pack up and leave.

Originally, seeing that everyone was far away from here, even Xiao Er also ran away, Liu Qing also wanted to run, but he was still reluctant to leave the inn left by his father, plus he was only physically unwell, but he did not seem to be injured, so he endured to stay.

He had been listening to the faint roaring sound, and there was a boiling blood all over his body, when he slept at night, he was confused and somehow, and his mind would follow the guidance of the sound, and the heat flowed inexplicably, and slowly it was much more comfortable.

After three days of this, he actually benefited from it, his body seemed to be much more relaxed, and people were also a little red.

This change could have startled him a lot, and if he encountered evil spirits, he would only turn people into bad people, and where he heard that they would make people better, so to speak, the only people in that room could only be immortals.

In this way, the immortals passed down a set of tuna methods, and this immortal method was really moving.

Originally, he wanted to worship the master directly, but he did not dare to disturb it, this time he saw the immortal, and before he could say the words to worship the master, the other party had already disappeared without a trace, and he could only blame himself for not having this blessing.

Fortunately, I understood the method passed down by the immortals early, and I didn’t find nothing.

Liu Qing looked at the now empty inn with some inexplicable pride, secretly saying that these people were timid and afraid, but there was no immortal edge, I stayed, but I got a great chance, it was really fate.


After Fang Qin and Huang Rong left the inn, they left the Chongshan Mountain Boundary directly and went west to the South Mountain.

“That treasurer, Liu Qing, actually had some meaning, and was able to comprehend a set of Tu Na Heart Methods from my cultivation.”

Fang Qin sighed a little, this person was affected by him, and in the reverberating roar of internal strength and blood, he actually coincidentally understood the method of running qi and blood.

“Eh? When he first came, he didn’t think he was a martial arts person, but when he saw him later, he found that his breath was a bit long, and it seemed like a set of quite advanced internal skills.

I thought I was looking away. I didn’t think it would be so, then wouldn’t his talent be…”

Fang Qin shook his head and said:

“It’s not that his talent is so good, but that he persevered in this environment, his qi and blood were induced, plus he had never practiced internal skills and directly followed the operation, and his luck was also good, in order to have such a coincidence.”

“Brother Qin, I think his Tu Na method seems to be quite strange, like the martial arts he has understood, but what is so powerful?” Huang Rong was also a little surprised, the world is really big and anything can happen.

“Well, it’s just a set of superficial internal skills, but it contains some methods of qi and blood movement, which can enhance some physique, if he can practice diligently all the time, maybe he can also achieve something.”

“Xi Xi, in Brother Qin’s view, it is a crude martial art, but in the eyes of others, I am afraid that it is a subtle martial art.” Huang Rong spat out his tongue.

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