In a dense forest behind the Zhongnan Mountain, several figures sat on the ground with some weakness, their faces full of horror and cold sweat.

“….. Is there really a divine being in the world? Zhao Min’s calm and calm demeanor all the time was gone, and the scene that had just happened shook his heart.

Although she was in awe of the theory of ghosts and gods before, in fact, she did not believe much in her heart, she read a lot of books, had high ambitions, and did not pay attention to these, and even Temujin praised her if she was not a daughter, I am afraid that she is also a very admirable Haojie.

Zhao Min bit his lower lip and scanned the three nearby palace guest masters.

Lu Cane Ke and Crane Bi Weng looked at the distance with a look of horror, a look of confusion, these two people of a large number of years were the most arrogant in their history, looking down on the people in the martial forest, feeling that they had joined forces with their masters and brothers, and there was no one in the Xuan Di Second Old World to resist, and now they were all frightened and faceless.

The same is true of the bitter head master, usually the most calm person, although his face is ugly, he can’t speak, but his strength is high, and the second elder of the Xuan Meditation gives him respect, which can be seen as a person who is strong in martial arts, and at this time he is also sluggish and trembling.

Turning back, Zhao Min looked at the side of the ancient tomb, and saw that the immortal-like man looked directly over, his heart jumped violently, his body lost strength, and he sat on the ground softly, and the rest of them were also frightened, full of horror, cold sweat on their backs, and did not dare to move, only afraid of angering the one.

But fortunately, the one who only took a look and withdrew his gaze, and the bitter head of the group was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief, full of happiness.

Zhao Min looked at him in silence and lost his mind, watching his figure disappear as soon as he moved, and after a few moments he returned to the same place, carrying a Daoist girl wearing an apricot yellow Daoist robe in his hand, and then directly entered the ancient tomb with another girl and disappeared.

My mind was confused, and I was stunned, after a long time.

Black and white were clear, and there seemed to be a layer of light in his bright eyes that had never been seen before.

“….. A few masters, let’s go back first. ”


Darpa respectfully and reverently knelt on the ground, and it took a while before he got up, and when he saw that the Buddha had disappeared with the bodhisattva, he was a little stunned for a while, and then he thought of what the Buddha had commanded, and immediately got up in a hurry.

Coming to the front of his disciple Huo Du, Huo Du was already stiff at this time, and the flowers and grasses within a foot of him were stained with a layer of white, and he could feel the coolness when he got close.

Darbar was sad and said, “Brother and Master, you must have done something bad, let the Buddha punish you, and in the future you will be reborn as a good person.” ”

After saying this, he chanted the mantra of past life several times, and then grabbed Huo Du’s body and started to be extremely cold, but fortunately, after a while, the cold on his body had shifted a lot, and it was not as unbearable as it was at the beginning.

Put the body of the master and disciple on the body, because the body is cold. It was extremely strange, and the Darba people ignored it stupidly, grabbed the three corpses and rushed directly down the mountain.

The Buddha said that it was only by taking these people away that he would not stay here to defile this place.

Less than halfway through, I met someone, and a group of Quanzhen disciples directly joined forces with the group to go up to the back mountain, and a middle-aged Daoist priest in the front was leading the way.

“Hurry up!” The middle-aged Daoist priest looked quite righteous and awe-inspiring, and his face was a little intimidating, and when he looked back, he saw one of the great monks who had come to Chongyang Palace to make trouble before.

Even more angry, he shouted, “! I haven’t gone to you to settle the account, but I sent it to the door myself, very good….. Forehead. ”

At this point, he stopped, and Yau took a serious look, only to find that the monk was carrying several people, and his body shape was strange and somewhat inexplicable, and then he saw that those people had a bruise on their faces and did not move, thinking that they were already dead.

The monk carried the man behind his back, and even Prince Huodu, who had come to Chongyang Palace to make trouble before, was shocked in his heart.

“Ah, get out of the way, Darba is coming.”

Darba said with some stupidity that he couldn’t remember who this person was, and inexplicably didn’t know what it was for, but he didn’t bother to complete the Buddha’s task.

Seeing that they were about to go forward and was shocked, he secretly said that these people seemed to be going up to the back mountain, but they could not let them disturb the Buddha and his old man’s home, so he shouted loudly: “You leave quickly, don’t go up, disturb the Buddha, otherwise I want you to look good!” ”

Qiu Zhiji was a little uncertain, not sure what was happening above, the Mongolian prince who had come to make trouble before had died directly, and at this time he heard Darba say something about the Buddha.

Frowning, he said, “What happened above, what about the others?” Then why did Hodu die? The dragon girl in the tomb is fine. ”

Wang Chongyang passed down the Quanzhen Gate Rules, not allowing them to get close to the ancient tomb, so although they were close to the ancient tomb, they had always strictly ordered the disciples in the door not to go to the back mountain, disturbing the people in the ancient tomb, and the two sects came and died quickly.

Only this time, a large group of crooked and evil sectarians listened to the rumors outside and gathered up the mountain to make trouble, and after several of their brothers and masters consulted, they were afraid that the little girl in the ancient tomb was weak and would be bullied.

In addition, this group of people had also come to Chongyang Palace to make trouble for a while, and the Seven Sons of Quanzhen were furious, so Qiu Chuji directly brought a group of disciples to help.

Halfway through the road, I met the most difficult monk in the trouble, and the previous huge force made a lot of people unbearable, and I remembered him very deeply.

Looking at the situation of several people in his hands now, I was shocked.

“Ah, it was the Buddha who saw that we had committed heinous sins and sent down punishments, and all of us died, so don’t disturb the Buddha.” Darba was dumbfounded and answered straight.

“All the people are dead!?”

Qiu Chuji exclaimed, those hundreds of people are not very easy to provoke, there are many notorious thieves in the rivers and lakes, he brought his disciples this time, he did not want to fight with them directly, if it is really a large number of people fighting with death, then the Chongyang Palace will also have to suffer heavy losses, just to let them retreat in frustration.

However, listening to him say that the Buddha said that this great monk could not have a problem with his brain, and his speech was strange.

Zhao Zhijing on the side was now the first disciple of the Chongyang Palace, and it was precisely when he was full of will that he jumped out and shouted directly when he saw the situation:

“You crazy monk Jing said something crazy, what Buddha is not a Buddha, since you dare to tease us, tell the truth, otherwise you will not be able to leave.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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