
Fang Qin didn’t answer him either, and went directly to the front and lit up his acupuncture point.

Seeing that he was terrified, Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, his hand came to his heart, the internal force surged and slapped, and a dull sound sounded, which directly broke his heart pulse.

Zhen Zhibing was no longer silent, and he fell down without being blinded.

Fang Qin stood up and did not say a word, seeing Zhen Zhibing’s death, there was some discomfort in his heart.

Even if I didn’t use my full strength, the internal force cold qi was never used, and this so-called Quanzhen Third Generation First was also defeated by my single hand. ’

However, this Zhen Zhibing is only a small role, and he has nothing to be proud of defeating. I just don’t know how it compares to the top of the world. ’

He let out a soft breath and calmed his mood. So he came to this door to investigate, saw that no one passed, and then exhibited his high and light skills, and easily left the Chongyang Palace.

When I was five miles away, I heard the sound of boring bells in Chongyang Palace, and turned back to stand in the woods and look out.

Seeing a commotion in the Chongyang Palace, shouts rang out frequently.

After a while, a large group of Daoist monks patrolled around with torches, and the sound of boiling was a little chaotic.

Fang Qin squinted his eyes for a moment before turning away.

In the Chongyang Palace, the main hall.

Ma Yu was sitting on the main seat with an angry face, and the other five Daoist Daogu were also sitting next to him, it was Ma Yu, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong, Liu Chuxuan, and Sun Bu’er, who were known as the ‘Seven Sons of Quanzhen’, and all of them except Qiu Chuji.

There were many young disciples around, and all of them had an iron blue and angry face.

After a dull atmosphere

“After dialing more people to find out, we must catch that thief, my Quanzhen Sect is also a well-known sect in the jianghu wulin forest, and it is not much to do with Shaolin Wudang, and it was actually infiltrated by a thief who did not know where it came from to kill my disciples, if it is passed out, it will not make others laugh.” Hao Datong slapped the airway with an angry face.

“Uncle Shi is assured, I have let all the disciples search, and I will definitely find the murderer of Master Zhen, and I will definitely make him pay the price!” Alas, Master Zhen and I are brothers and sisters, how can they encounter such a thing…” Zhao Zhijing on the side was filled with righteous indignation and then a burst of heartbrokenness, almost laughing out loud.

“Yeah, you have to find someone.”

Several people around them echoed each other, only Ma Yu was also sighing

“Only pity Zhi Bing he… Alas, with such a poisonous hand, how can I explain it to Master Qiu…”

When the words came out, the Dao sighed again, this Zhen Zhibing was the eldest disciple under the Qiu Zhi Ji Seat, the first disciple of the third generation of the Quanzhen Sect, if he went down step by step, he was a major candidate for the teaching, but he had never thought of this matter.

The people around them seemed to be a little low, and suddenly there was a noise outside the door.

Ma Yu’s brow frowned, and the king was even more Dao

“What’s the noise, but found?”

A group of Daoist people came in under the door, and the first two of them stood a tall and thin figure standing still.

Come up, one of the Taoist monks said

“Teacher, gentlemen, we found Brother Zhang Zhiqing who had been lit up near a rockery in the courtyard. It’s just that we don’t understand the solution, and we really don’t know how to be good, so we brought him to see the teachings. ”

Nama Yu, Wang Chuyi and the others stepped forward to check it out.

Seeing that Zhang Zhiqing, that is, the tall and thin Daoist who was frozen there and could not move, he blinked for help and quickly clicked a few times with the method of solving the cave.

Zhang Zhiqing still froze.

A group of Daoist people looked at each other, Ma Yu reached out, transported the internal force to check, for a long time, withdrew his hand, silently.

“Master, what’s going on?” Sun Buji asked urgently.

“Alas, this man’s powerful acupuncture technique, but I can’t solve it… However, after a little probing, it should be able to solve it on its own. ”

The Dao was secretly shocked, and the king said again

“This man… The martial arts should be extremely high…”

The Daoist monks here naturally also know that the Quanzhen Sect can be described as a famous sect, the ordinary vigilance is naturally not less, and it can be described as a light skill without alarming everyone to enter the innermost house, and then look at the injuries of Zhen Zhibing’s body and this profound point method, you can know the high level of this person’s martial arts.

“Yes, it’s just a pity that Uncle Shi is not there, and Master Qiu also went down to Zhongnan Mountain to go to the appointment.” Ma Yu sighed a little.

Only these means know that the man is powerful, and even if he finds the man, he will not be able to help him.

Listening to Ma Yu say this, the people around him were also silent.

After a while, Zhang Zhiqing, who was standing still, suddenly loosened, and his body fell straight down, and the Daoist monks around him rushed to support him.

Ma Yu said happily when he saw such a face

“Zhijing, hold Zhiqing, and the rest of the disciples will go down.”

Zhao Zhijing listened and rushed over to support Zhang Zhiqing, and the rest of the people heard the instructions of the boss and said that they had all withdrawn.

Ma Yu used Xuanmen Inner Gong to revitalize Zhang Zhiqing’s body, and when he saw that he was much better, he asked.

“Zhiqing, who are you to control, tell me everything you know?”

Zhang Zhiqing already knew that Zhen Zhibing had been killed long before entering the main hall, and his heart was terrified, and he was glad that he had escaped death, and even complained that Zhen Zhibing had offended people and involved himself in this matter.

Now when I saw Ma Yu asking, I secretly said in my heart that if I tell the truth, Master Zhen’s death is not related to me, not to mention that the person has achieved martial arts, I am afraid that I can’t help him, and if I really want to say it, I am afraid that I will only invite disasters.

“If I were going back to the teachings, I was right near the house, and as a result, my body was caught numb…”

“Did you see what he looked like?” Have you any questions? The king kept asking.

“Ah, at that time, he had been turning his back on the disciple, and he did not see his face, but asked the location of the library, and then he threw me near the rockery and left.” Oh, the disciple didn’t tell him the truth, he just said it all nonsense, and he didn’t tell him the address of the library. ”

Zhang Zhiqing did not dare to say Fang Qin’s appearance, afraid of retaliation after being known, originally wanted to say that he did not know anything, the man only grabbed him and threw him into the rockery.

Just thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was inappropriate, afraid of being asked what the person was doing to catch him for no reason, and could only be half-truthful and half-false.

“The library? Oops” Ma Yu and the others suddenly changed.

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