
【Bronze Black Cross】Headquarters!

Facing his niece who he hasn’t seen for a long time, Paul. Brontri looked extremely happy and said with a smile:

“Welcome back, Erica.”

Seeing that she didn’t seem to have been hurt, but her spell power had also grown a lot, and she couldn’t help nodding with satisfaction,

But the next moment, the face full of smile converged, became serious and straightened, and asked in a deep voice:

“Erica! In the time to come back, I think you should have thought more carefully about the trade-offs.

Now, let me ask you again, do you still think your previous decision was the right one? ”


Erica took a deep breath, also serious, and said slowly:

“I think it’s necessary! Although it is not sure what exactly the reward of His Highness the gods is,

But even if those are not the same, this god himself is different from the ordinary gods who do not obey…”

After thinking about it, Erica said everything she saw, heard and felt,

Finally, “I feel that he should belong to the category of ‘good’ gods, if… If we can gain the favor of this god, it may be the most important, and it is also what we can strive for. ”

“Is that so… In the case you said, it is indeed somewhat rare……. Well, I see. ”

Paul. Brontree pondered for a long time, and his niece’s words, he roughly knew what he thought.

“As your uncle, I agree with your idea, but [Bronze Black Cross] is not my Bulangtree family after all,

Other people, if you can convince them, I, as the commander-in-chief, will not contradict the expectations, Erica, can you do it? ”

Although he still had doubts in his heart, with his knowledge of his niece, it was obviously deliberate to be able to determine his thoughts so firmly.


Paul also had his own thoughts in his heart, and if he really received the gift of the gods, as Erica said, then naturally everyone rejoiced,

If something goes wrong, he asks himself that he can make up for it so that he doesn’t fall into a situation where he capsizes.

Succeeded, benefited greatly, failed, also… Can probably afford to lose.

‘It’s still too risky, it’s not safe…

That’s it, just let her go, maybe it can really have unexpected results. ’

Paul sighed secretly in his heart, his niece, who had lost his childhood since childhood, the only time he asked him, it was really difficult to refuse, and he could only accompany him.

He knew that if he did not agree, with this girl’s conceited and proud nature, he would definitely do it himself, and then it was really dangerous, and it was better for him to grasp it.

Of course, Paul was able to agree, but he also had the confidence to deal with the consequences of failure.

With his ‘supreme knight’s strength, although it is far inferior to the god killer, he is also famous in the entire mystical world.

At that time, as long as it is not directly killed, it should not be a big problem to get by with the god killer.

When Erica heard this, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes, and she quickly answered.

After talking about business, although there were still many things to deal with, Paul also relaxed a little, looked at Erica and smiled:

“What kind of soul soup did that god pour into you, and you are willing to do this,

If it weren’t for the fact that there is no strange spell on you, I would have thought you had been subjected to some hypnotic magic~”

“Huh? This… Hum! Uncle, I am just making a judgment based on the situation, and it is too rude for you to say this! ”

Erica held the gold wire in her ear and said with a proud face.

“Oh? Huh, too. ”

Paul’s eyes were subtle, he glanced at his niece’s somewhat red ear roots, and shook his head with a smile,

Fortunately, I am not ready to ridicule any more, and turn to the right color:

“I’ll recall all the high-level officials later, and you can also prepare, if you can’t succeed, I can only guarantee that you collect books within the range of [Bronze Black Cross], and mysterious things can only be taken from the family,

As for the information about the gods, I will also restrain the people in the association not to divulge it, but what you thought before, don’t think about it anymore. ”

Erica nodded earnestly, indicating that she understood.


The next day, all the high-level officials had gathered except for some of the people stationed outside.

After half an hour of narration, the atmosphere was a little silent, and everyone looked at the blonde girl standing behind Chief Marshal Paul in a bit of disbelief.

Shocked by what Fang Cai heard, it took a long time for someone to start speaking, and the voice was a little noisy.

“This! It turns out that there really is no god on the island, I just don’t know if it’s three pillars…”

“It’s strange to collect all the books about the mysteries, and as a god, does He really need these? Is it a bad taste that belongs to the gods? ”

One of the magicians of higher status looked at Paul and said:

“God’s reward……. It’s really hard to believe, Commander-in-Chief, you mean? ”

Paul did not answer directly, but glanced at Erica and said:

“In this matter, you might as well listen to Erica.”


Everyone’s eyes also looked over, full of inquiry.

There were also some magicians or knights who thought more carefully, and roughly guessed that this was the meaning of the commander-in-chief gradually beginning to train this young lady of the Blondrite family.

Facing these rather questioning eyes, Erica’s face was awe-inspiring, and she stepped forward a little and said crisply:

“I think we should go all out to complete the task entrusted by the gods as successfully as possible!

Although we [Bronze Black Cross] can collect a lot, our ability is still limited, and if we want to complete the task, we can only ask for foreign aid, and the first thing is naturally to include the [Seven Sisters]…”

When the words fell, almost most of the people suddenly began to frown, and their faces were unpleasant.

The people who can be here are naturally extremely shrewd.

It’s easy to guess the possible consequences.

Not to mention the difficulty, if you accidentally let the god killer know the situation, what will be the consequences?

However, after all, Erica is the powerful heir of the entire [Bronze Black Cross], so everyone did not say much, but listened quietly, and also wanted to see what this young lady said.

If there is a statement, then it is good, if there is no statement…

If it’s too risky, no one will want to listen.

Erica smiled slightly, although she was not old, she had already shown an outstanding talent for negotiation,

He said what he knew selectively, and finally said in the different faces of everyone:

“…… If we can win the favor of such a god, we may not be able to get rid of the shackles of the king a little. ”

As soon as these words came out, many people were shocked in their hearts, and some were shocked and looked at each other.

‘King’ naturally refers to the god-killer.

Some people’s faces turned slightly white and said, “Are you crazy? Dare to talk about the king like this? ”

Some people also looked calmer, but they were also full of doubts: “Can you talk about it specifically…”

Erica said with a serious face: “Although the [Seven Sisters] are all loyal to the [King of Swords], with that person’s personality, they won’t pay attention to us at all,

If we can find another backer, it doesn’t need to be so close, just some slight connections, and our situation can be better…”

(ps: ask for self-order, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~)


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