In the early morning, the sun shines on the Wudang Mountain martial arts training platform.

A group of Wudang disciples practiced Wudang Long Fist and Wudang Sword Technique again, and next to them stood an elderly man holding a sword.

Hey ha!

The momentum is quite uniform, everyone is studying seriously, they are all new disciples who have been in the beginning for less than three years, and they are naturally very excited to be able to worship the Wudang Sect of those who hold the bull’s ear in the martial forest, and when they learn Wudang martial arts, they are even more attentive.

Two figures stood quietly in the distance and watched.

“Brother Qin, this Wudang Sect is indeed worthy of the greatest reputation of the Gate Sect in the world, and is on a par with Shaolin, and these people’s martial arts are quite solid.”

Huang Rong sighed a little, this Wudang Sect can grow from a few decades to become a world of fame, which can be described as extremely frightening.

“Well, that’s why I wanted to meet Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang, because it has long been said that this person has mastered martial arts and is almost a god.”

“Well, even if he is more powerful, he is not as strong as Brother Qin.”

“Haha, naturally there is something extraordinary about him, as for whether he is strong or not, you need to see it before you can make up your mind.” Fang Qin smiled, it was actually imperative to meet Zhang Sanfeng.

In the Jin Yong Martial Arts World, this person can be described as a person of the same level as Dharma, a master of the same vein, and naturally has a very high realm.

I also came here to discuss martial arts with him, and if it goes well, you can expect to receive some goods.

At this time, the middle-aged sword-wielding Daoist found Fang Qin, his eyes lit up, he walked over and gave a salute,

“Mr. Fang, is it okay to live here?”

This person is one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, Yin Liting, well, that is, the one whose fiancée ran away with someone, of course, this person’s subsequent turmoil of turning his fiancée into a mother-in-law is also amazing, making people call out bullishly.

“Ha, Wudang Mountain Zhong Lingyu Xiu is naturally very good!”

Yin Liting also had great admiration for this Mr. Fang’s deeds, so he was also extremely respectful and respectful.

The two were chatting here, and the introductory disciples who were practicing martial arts over there were also attracted attention.

“Oh that girl is so pretty!”

“Yeah, yeah!”

“Who was that talking to Master Yin Liting?”

“I don’t know, but it seems that the momentum is extraordinary, is it the prince and nobleman?”

“Not very clear.”

There were also quite a few famous disciples in the corner, and they immediately looked shocked.

“Wori, isn’t that the Fang God?” Actually came to our Wudang Mountain. ”

“I wipe it up, I said I can run up now and worship the master.”

“Cao, it was not easy to worship the master and enter the door, you don’t want to die, just worship Wudang and switch to other people, it is estimated that it will be very miserable.”

“Eh, what is Fang Shen doing here?”

“I don’t know, eh, you look at Fang Girl, lying in the groove ~ this is also too beautiful, is this Fang Shen’s wife?”

“Worthy of being a super god big guy, even his wife is so beautiful.”

“Hey, did you take a picture, did you take a picture, go and give the sand sculpture netizens a glimpse.”

“Cough, I guess a bunch of girls are going to fall out of love.”

“Cut, they are superficial, Fang Shen’s so awesome strength, do not pay attention to the inside, but the whole useless, even if he looks ugly I feel good.”

“But the problem is that the parents are handsome and good.”

“… Inexplicably. ”


For several days after that, Fang Qin and Huang Rong both stayed in Wudang Mountain to rest, and Zhang Sanfeng did not leave the customs.

But the interesting thing is that since those players knew that Fang Qin was here, they have been running over to give their hearts and want to hug their thighs, want to learn some martial arts or let him point out.

“Mr. Fang, this is the wild game played in this neighborhood, sir, please enjoy.”

“Sir, I picked some fruit nearby, very sweet, please sir take it.”


Although several players privately shouted Fang Shen, but on the surface they did not dare to shout at will, after all, it is not that some people casually shouted no courtesy, directly taught a lesson, some also hung up directly, can only wait for the next login.

Looking at a few somewhat flattering people, he shook his head wordlessly.

“No, keep it for yourself.”

“Yes.” Several people were a little embarrassed, and they wanted to hold a golden thigh, but as a result, no one seemed to have done it in the past few days, and they were all a little frustrated.

Fang Qin shook his head with a smile, although these qualifications are OK, otherwise they would not have entered the Wudang Sect, but their minds are more impetuous, and they can’t get started for a long time, so some want to give up, always thinking of finding shortcuts.

Obviously, as long as you seriously concentrate on spiritual cultivation, you can perceive the sense of qi early and start to really practice, but because of the impetuous mind, it is often difficult to settle down, let alone the sense of qi.

But…… Fang Qin squinted his eyes, some thoughts, and now he occasionally returns to the real world to check the news.

I also know the recent situation, now many people have joined the sect and learned martial arts, and there are also martial arts published by these people on the Internet, most of which are basic kung fu of fist and foot weapons, but under the huge base number, there are also many basic internal gong mental methods.

It’s just a pity that internal skills don’t mean that you can directly practice with the Heart Law.

First, it is necessary to have basic martial arts common sense, that is, knowledge such as meridian acupuncture points, and the most basic one must have some understanding, otherwise even if you put a book of divine skills in front of you, you are blind, and you can’t understand how to practice.

Some people’s qualifications are too poor to meet the requirements, and even if they learn no matter how much they learn, they can only work in vain. The root bone affects the speed of cultivation after that, while enlightenment affects whether or not you can understand the essence of martial arts, and the combination of the two can affect the growth after that.

The three are the problem of the mind, whether you can sink your heart, feel it carefully, whether you have the perseverance to insist, this article can remove many people.

The remaining three have normal qualifications, serious meditation for a month, basically can produce a sense of qi, after having a sense of qi, you must seriously ponder this feeling, and then slowly you can refine the first wisp of internal force.

It’s just a pity that no one can still feel the sense of qi now, or that no one has announced it, and no one knows whether there is it in private.

However, it just so happens that these people look good, and the people who can enter Wudang are also estimated to have good mental conduct, plus these few days of observation, which is also quite good.

Fang Qin planned to try it to see what would happen in reality to help them learn internal skills, of course, they might also hide it and not expose it, but it didn’t matter, the interest came, and if they wanted to help, they would help.

“A few of you have been studying the Martial Cautionary Technique lately, haven’t you?”

Hearing Fang Qin’s questioning, several people looked at each other, they were all a little surprised, since Fang Shen asked about martial arts, wouldn’t it…..

“Ah, yes, yes, Mr. Fang, I have just joined the door and been able to teach the most basic martial arts method, but unfortunately I have not been able to get started.”

Speaking of this, several people were a little embarrassed, and some of the other brothers who were entering at the same time already had some sense of qi as well, but a few of them had not been able to grasp it.

“Oh, or maybe I’ll help you once in a few days.”

Fang Qin smiled, stretched out his hand, and with a casual wave, a trace of internal qi was punched into the bodies of these players.

Several people only felt a stream of hot air rise and emerge in their bodies, and several people were a little panicked and overwhelmed.

“Concentrate on meditation, run internal strength, and seriously understand it.”

Fang Qin’s body voice came from his ears, his voice was warm and flat, but it seemed to have a soothing effect, and the uneasy emotions in his heart eased down, and the “Martial Caution Method” that Yun had been pondering in his obedience was different this time from before.

Before, no matter how several people meditated, it was difficult to feel the sense of qi, so I never started it, but now that a trace of pure internal qi had been injected into the body, I immediately realized a lot and slowly meditated according to the meridian operation mode of the Wu Dang Heart Method. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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