Night falls.

Tong Xiangyu, who was timid and afraid of things, closed the store early.

Everyone even made a big move, hugging Mo Xiaobei together, and in the name of swearing to keep her, they crowded into the backyard cottage where she lived, seemingly planning to live in groups.

Downstairs, only Lao Bai was left alone in the candlelight vigil, and in the Tongfu Inn, this kind of dangerous work was always his.

As for Xu Fengyu, the only guest, I am afraid that they have forgotten it all a long time ago.

When there was no sound below, Xu Fengyu walked downstairs, intending to find Lao Bai to listen to the situation.


The sound of going downstairs alarmed Lao Bai, he looked back and saw that it was Xu Fengyu who went downstairs, and said busily, "Xu Gongzi, why did you come down, you also heard what Lao Xing said at that time, Seven Heroes Town may not be peaceful these nights." "

"Well, I heard you."

Xu Fengyu nodded, patted the handle of the knife on his waist, and said with a smile, "Ben Gongzi has practiced a few hands, but he is not afraid of these." "


You're not afraid of me.

Lao Bai secretly pulled the corners of his mouth.

He had already sensed Xu Fengyu with hard work, and he did not sense any internal force fluctuations from him, and listening to him say this at this time, he thought that he was the kind of flower rack boy who did not know the height of the sky after practicing a few hands.

However, there was not much persuasion.

Knowing that this unworldly brother can't be persuaded, if he persuades more, he may give himself an ugly meal, why bother, it's a big deal to secretly protect him in case of trouble.

In the rivers and lakes, congenital masters, grandmasters are rare, and grandmasters are rare.

Lao Bai stepped into the grandmaster in his thirties, and he was still somewhat confident, so he was not in a hurry.

It's just that he doesn't know that Xu Fengyu is practicing the Taoist supreme spiritual method "Immortal Life Recipe", and this exercise has many benefits, one of which is that it can make people hide their breath, integrate into all things, and return to the nature of the Dao.

As a silver-clad headhunter, Xu Fengyu is somewhat good at observing details.

The movement of the corner of Lao Bai's mouth, he naturally noticed it, and guessed his thoughts, but he didn't care much.

There is no need to explain this kind of thing, and it will naturally be known when the time comes.

So, a few jugs of wine, a plate of peanut rice, the two sat opposite each other and chatted.

After a few small talks, Xu Fengyu took the opportunity to touch on the topic of 'child theft case' and asked, "Lao Bai, I just heard what Xing Huntou said, there is a thief who steals children, what's going on?" "


Seeing that his voice was a little loud, Lao Bai hurriedly compared a movement and signaled him to be quieter.

Then he crouched on the table and said in a voice that could only be heard by the two of them, "A few days ago, a few children were lost nearby, and at first Yamen thought that they were lost, so they sent people around to look for them. "

"Yesterday, I just went down to the sea to catch the official document, saying that there is a thief and demon head who steals children in the town, everyone is this..."

After listening to Lao Bai's story, Xu Fengyu understood the cause and effect.

Then he said with some doubts, "Generally, stealing children is three or five years old, you children are all eleven or twelve, why are you so worried?" "

"Who says it isn't? But this time, the thief didn't know which medicine he took wrong, and he singled out a teenager to start, but three or five years old didn't lose it, which is really strange. "

Lao Bai shook his head as he spoke, looking puzzled.

On the contrary, Xu Fengyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Lao Bai couldn't figure it out, so he started another topic.



Lao Bai said with a wine glass.



There was a series of thunderbolts outside, which startled him.

Less inclination.

The wind is blowing.

Squeak -

The wooden door of the inn was scraped and swayed.


Raindrops fall on the tiled eaves, crisp to the ears.

Soon dense lines of sound joined together, beating the earth outside.


Lao Bai suddenly fell silent, and soon got up again to stretch his body and said, "It's not early, it's raining heavily outside, I estimate that the thief won't make any more movement tonight, let's rest early." "


Xu Fengyu smiled and got up.





Xu Fengyu went upstairs, entered the house, and closed the door.

Lao Bai heard the movement, picked up a lamp, blew out the rest, and also hummed a ditty upstairs.

The lobby was plunged into darkness.

After a long time.

With the sound of rain, there was a sudden "creak" sound in the hall.

Then, in the darkness, the deadbolt moved strangely slowly, and after reaching the end, the door was gently pushed open and a little raindrop flew in.

Slowly, the crack in the door was widened, and a black shadow crept in, and gently inserted the deadbolt with his backhand.

The visitor thought that he was doing it carefully, but he never thought that at this moment, in the second floor room, two pairs of eyes were watching his every move through the window.

Following that, the black image got lost, two steps east and two steps west, seemingly hesitating to go upstairs or backyard.


What is this product for?

Xu Fengyu looked confused.

Soon reacted again, the person who came was obviously a raw hand, and he didn't even step on it completely.

However, this confused action of the black shadow made Xu Fengyu hesitate slightly, and he was a little confused whether this goods was the thief who stole the child.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to do it, what if he was?

Just at this time.


A bolt of lightning streaked through the night sky, and the instantaneous brightness completely exposed the location of the black shadow.

With a flash of time outside the window, a copper coin suddenly flew out from the second floor, "whoosh" straight to the right knee of the black shadow.

(2nd change).

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