(The previous chapter was banned, arraigned, and released soon)

I saw that the person in my arms was dressed in white like snow, and her pink skin made her face even more delicate as a flower, which made people not drunk.

If they didn't see it, no one could believe that there was such a stunning color in the world.

Xu Fengyu only returned to his senses in an instant.

After all, the ruthless beauty is no less than this woman, and in comparison, it is just a loss of clothing and accessories.

Moreover, Xu Fengyu looked in the mirror all day, and he was already aesthetically tired.

If he had changed into a red outfit, he might have been able to score a few points better.

Zhu Qiqi?

Xu Fengyu probably guessed the identity of the person.

In Luoyang, it is estimated that only she can have this color.

"Hey, who are you? Why is it here? "

Zhu Qiqi asked coldly, but he didn't know that the blush on his cheeks had already betrayed her.

Xu Fengyu knew this girl's personality, and seeing her pretending, he had the intention to tease her, and asked rhetorically, "Who are you?" Why are you here? "


Zhu Qiqi was stunned when asked.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Isn't this my home?

Am I going wrong?

She even turned her head to look around, and when she was sure that this was her home, she reacted violently, and the person in front of her was playing tricks on herself.

However, she didn't feel angry, but felt that Xu Fengyu was quite interesting.

Then he couldn't pretend anymore, his taut face suddenly broke his defense, and instantly returned to his original coquettishness, full of naughtiness, and said with a smile, "You are so funny, my name is Zhu Qiqi, and this is my home." "

"It's a likable child," Xu Fengyu thought to himself.

He smiled at her too, "My words, well... How to say it... It's your dad's guest, as for the name... You can call me Brother Xu, Brother Fengyu, or Brother Yu, either. "


Zhu Qiqi was amused by him and sent out a string of silver bells.


Zhu Qiqi had a good impression of Xu Fengyu, and Xu Fengyu was also idle and bored.

The two chatted like this, chatted, chatted, and talked from standing to sitting, and chatting from the door back to the living room.

For a while, the living room was filled with laughter.

Even the maid who came to serve the two was also 'giggled' by Xu Fengyu.

In the end, Zhu Qiqi bent down to cover his stomach, and said repeatedly, "Don't say it, this girl's stomach hurts, I have never seen such an interesting person as you..."

Zhu Qiqi, as the only daughter of Zhu Million, the people in the mansion are all respectful to her, and they are careful when they speak, and there is never a person like Xu Fengyu, her mouth is like smeared with honey, and every word can make her heart burst.

Xu Fengyu showed an uninteresting expression on his face, but his heart was very calm.

In his last life, he sang night and night, could he not know how to coax girls?

Basic exercise, not 6.

How to fancy make girls happy is also a science, called "Self-cultivation of Aquaman".

It wasn't until Zhu Million returned from the mansion that the laughter finally stopped.

As soon as Zhu Million took Butler Huang into the door, Zhu Qiqi gave him a slap in his arms, and Xu Fengyu also got up to salute.

Zhu Million looked left and right, feeling that the two of them were so well matched, and suddenly closed their mouths happily.

Helped by Zhu Qiqi to sit down, Zhu Million pinched her Qiong nose and quipped, "What were you talking about just now, Dad heard your laughter from afar." "

Zhu Qiqi smiled and said, "Brother Xu is humorous, and he just told me a very interesting story." "


Brother Xu?

Zhu Million and Butler Huang looked at Xu Fengyu at the same time, their eyes were surprised, and they seemed to be shocked by Xu Fengyu's 'hook girl' method, they watched Zhu Qiqi grow up since childhood, and they knew how arrogant this little aunt's nature was.

In the past, there were also other sons who came to the door, and Zhu Qiqimo said 'brother', and he didn't even bother to talk.

Xu Fengyu was stared at strangely by the two, touched his nose awkwardly, and for a while, he felt like he was caught in bed.

Fortunately, Zhu Million seemed to notice his embarrassment and diverted the topic in time.

"Qiqi, you must not run around in the past few days, Dad just got news from the prefect, there have been many people missing around Luoyang recently, just like before, they are all teenagers, both men and women."


Zhu Qiqi frowned and pouted, "But what about the group of little beggars in the east of the city, they all look so pitiful." "

Zhu Million saw that she was unhappy, so he paid attention to her, "You can ask Huang San and them to help you go..."

Listening to the conversation between the father and daughter, Xu Fengyu frowned slightly.

Missing teenage children?

Little beggars?

He immediately thought of his purpose of rushing to Luoyang.

All the signs obtained before pointed to Luoyang, but I didn't expect that such a thing happened in Luoyang.

This made Xu Fengyu a little puzzled for a while, according to common sense, if Luoyang is a place for thieves to sell stolen goods, it is inevitable to scare the grass and snakes, attracting the attention of the government, these people should not dare to commit crimes here......

Some thought and thought.

In the end, Xu Fengyu came to the conclusion that Luoyang was only a branch of this gang of thieves.

So, the question arises, since it is not in Luoyang, where will it be?

There are only a few rich places in the world.

Kyoto was first ruled out by Xu Fengyu.

At the foot of the Son of Heaven, the cancer in the group of beggars does not have this guts.

Since Luoyang is not, Chang'an, which is not far from Luoyang, should obviously not be.

Jinling is the capital of the company, and the guard is no less than Kyoto, and it is certainly not possible.

In this way, only Su Yang in Jiangnan remained.

"Nanqi gang?" Xu Fengyu muttered in his heart, and secretly said, "It seems that I have to go to the east of the city tonight..."

(After a few months of writing a book, old Kavin, but five more has not been broken, I hope everyone will support more.) )

(Also, thank you a160XXX651 for your monthly pass.) )

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