"Mr. Qin finally came out!"

"Mr. Qin, if we don’t listen to you in the past three days, we have stopped thinking about food and drink. The days of waiting for updates are too difficult!"

"Mr. Qin is so handsome!"

There were also women shouting, and the atmosphere at the scene was enthusiastic.

As soon as Qin Yun appeared on the stage, he aroused bursts of cheers

"Everyone, please be quiet and don’t affect Mr. Qin’s storytelling!"

Qin Yun patiently waited for everyone to vent their emotions.

After everyone's emotions gradually calmed down, Qin Yun clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Qin Yun would like to thank you all for your support. Let’s stop talking and let’s get started!"

Qin Yun plucked the strings lightly, and the crisp sound instantly suppressed all noise.

It showed Qin Yun's extraordinary cultivation.

"The realm of the Grandmaster!"

The people who came here today, in addition to ordinary people and Jianghu people, there are also many wealthy businessmen, young masters and young ladies.

The most important thing is that there are also martial arts masters such as Li Xunhuan and Lu Xiaofeng.

Therefore, Qin Yun is just trying his skills. Li Xunhuan, Lu Xiaofeng and others They immediately noticed the extraordinary.

However, before they came, they had also heard about Qin Yun's deeds of easily killing the Green Demon Hand.

Therefore, it was not too surprising.

As Qin Yun loosened the strings, he immediately began to speak:

"Book next time!"

"Ten evil people kill each other……"

"A person who has done something wrong must be punished, but the punishment they have received is enough. After they have suffered twenty years of punishment in the"Valley of the Wicked".

They have simply turned into a bunch of wretches. They are frightened and flee here and there every day. They are like a bunch of wild dogs that have lost their family. How can they dare to harm people again in the future?"


As Qin Yun spoke eloquently, everyone became even more mesmerized.

"The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked!"

"I didn’t expect that the top ten villains who were famous all over the world in the past would end up like this!"

There were also people who sighed.

"This Li Dazui is so miserable! I don’t think he looks like a villain!"

Some women secretly burst into tears.

In the corner, Li Dazui also felt sorry for this person with the same name as himself and similar experiences,"Master Qin's writing is so good!"

"This little fish is so kind-hearted that he can even put aside the hatred between his parents!"

But there are also people who hold objections.

"Humph, I see Xiao Yu'er as a merciless and incompetent person. His parents were harmed by Jiang Biehe's collusion with the twelve horoscopes, yet he actually let his enemies go and how could he use another way to forgive his sins!"

"If atonement works, what's the point of using the law?"

"Can the dead be resurrected?"

After the audience listened to this paragraph, they all expressed their opinions.

The corners of Yao Yue's lips on the rooftop opposite rose up, revealing a touch of disdain and ridicule.

When is it time to repay grievances? When we meet, smile and let go of grudges!

Since it is an enemy, we must kill. So clean!

But Lianxing, who was in the private room on the second floor, was filled with emotion. She and her sister Yaoyue had completely different ideas. They felt that this young man was kind.

"If there really is a little fish in this world, then Huamanlou and you will definitely become good friends!"

Lu Xiaofeng in the corner said to Hua Manlou.

Because Hua Manlou's character is optimistic, tolerant, elegant, and calm.

Hua Manlou just smiled slightly,"This Mr. Qin is indeed extraordinary. Listening to him face to face, he actually... There is an immersive feeling"

"I just don’t know how these two brothers can avoid the situation of brotherly killing each other."

As he said that, Hua Manlou sighed softly.

Li Xunhuan in the other corner took a sip of wine and looked dazed.

A Fei originally wanted to go forward and ask Qin Yun for an argument.

But seeing that there were so many spectators, he still waited. Hearing about the book, he had no choice but to endure it.

At this moment,

Qin Yun drank a cup of tea leisurely. Seeing that everyone had almost finished the discussion, he spoke again.

As Qin Yun continued to talk

, he soon reached the climax.

"What, Xiaoyuer is about to die?"

"Palace Master Lianxing finally stopped her. Palace Master Lianxing turned out to be so kind!"

"What? Palace Master Yaoyue actually took action against Palace Master Lianxing!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the story continue.

The story had ups and downs, and there were too many changes.

And as Qin Yun told it, people in the world now had a greatly changed perception of Lian Xing.

"I didn’t expect that Palace Master Lianxing was not as ruthless as rumored!"

But upstairs opposite Tongfu Inn, Yao Yue listened and her face became more and more gloomy. She even became a little angry.

What Qin Yun said was completely in her heart.

It was like exposing her disguise. , revealing the truth in her heart.

This made Yao Yue feel in a daze that this was not a story, but the life she was going to experience.

Because the Yao Yue in the book was so similar to her.

If her methods were not ruthless, she would not When she was young, she pushed her sister from a tree and became disabled.

The fists in Yao Yue's sleeves gradually clenched.

Her eyes were dim.

She did not make any move because she still wanted to know how it would develop next.

"You...don't forget, I am your sister after all"

"You are crazy, what do you want to do?"

"I'm not crazy, it's just that I've waited twenty years to get to this day, and I will never let anyone destroy it again, and neither can you.……"

With every word Yao Yue said, the chill on Palace Master Lianxing's body became more intense. By the time she finished speaking, Palace Master Lianxing's whole body was almost stiff.

She felt as if she was being immersed naked in a lake of cold water, and the water around her was gradually turning into ice. She wanted to struggle, but she had no strength at all.


Palace Master Lianxing shed tears unconsciously. This may be the first time she has shed tears in decades, but the tears she shed also instantly solidified into ice.

"The Lord of Lianxing Palace has an astonishing beauty. Even though she has the ability to kill gods, she can't compete with her sister Yaoyue's ruthlessness, like the lonely star that freezes to death."

Speaking of this, Qin Yun was also filled with regret.

And Lianxing, who was in the private room upstairs, heard something emotional at this moment, and a crystal tear fell from the corner of his eye unknowingly.

Although, this is just a story novel.

But Lianxing But she felt that the person in the storybook was the real her.

All that was what she had to experience.

She knew how cruel her sister was. After all, her disability was caused by her own hands.

At that time, they She was still a child.

And her sister was already so ruthless.

So when she grew up, it was not surprising to be so cruel.

But when she really faced her sister's ruthlessness, Lianxing still felt chilled, and even more sad and painful.

In this world, she He and Yao Yue are each other's only relatives.

Qin Yun naturally doesn't know this.

But the audience in the audience was shocked again.

Some women with rich emotions were already sobbing softly.

They felt sad for Lian Xing's death, and for Yao Yue's death. Jue is angry and sad for Xiao Yu'er's death.

Brothers killing each other, how cruel it will be when Hua Wuque knows the truth

"Palace Master Yaoyue is too cruel!"

"After planning a vicious plot for twenty years, she finally succeeded!"

"How on earth did she come up with such an ancient poisonous plan? She must be an extremely perverted and vicious woman!"

Listening to the words coming to her ears, Yao Yue outside the building clenched her fists tighter.

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