Martial Arts World

Chapter 103: Is man a ghost?

There was no need for Lin Sha to worry too much, and someone soon made a choice for him...

   This day, a sudden burst of people shouted mules, breaking the strange silence of the small mountain village.

   "Anyone, is there anyone in the village, why is there no sound at all, is it all dead?"

   Nearly ten bureaucrats dressed up as servants, and walked from the village to the only rugged path outside. They swaggered and screamed at the village from time to time.

   "Head, the village didn't respond at all, and it was estimated that they were all killed!" The servant in charge of opening the road stole a lazy, shouting two words and then flattered the black man who was flattering at the head of the shift.

"Is this unknown? I was attacked by the brutal bandits, and there are three or two kittens left in this village, thank God!" Another servant next to him scorned his ear and turned his head to smile at the head of the class. Dao: "If it were not to follow Hong Bantou, how could we have a good opportunity to pick up cheap?"

   "The bandit was really cruel. He had killed the village for half a year without leaving a living mouth. The brutal strength was powerful. The villagers who died in their hands were not less than hundreds. When did they send troops to suppress them?"

   Another younger conscientious servant, still unable to do anything interesting and talk about the death of mankind, had to complain indignantly.

   "This is something that adults should care about. What are we talking about?"

Seeing Hong Ban's brow furrowed, his face was displeased, and the oldest bureaucrat in the line of old glared at the young bureaucrat. He didn't have a good air: "It would be nice if we could get some oil and water to subsidize the family. We value it, otherwise there will be times when your kid is jealous!"

  Hong Bantou heard his brows loose, and patted Laoya Yu's shoulders and said with a smile: "Still old, he can talk, Li Si, your kid learn more, and the benefits of your kid will be indispensable in the future!"


A group of bureaucrats laughed and laughed and entered the village. They did not take the villagers in the village to death. They came here to'scout the bandits' to collect the corpses for the village. After going through it several times, I have relaxed and relaxed in my mind.

   "Why not..."

   The oldest servant suddenly burst into shock and looked around strangely.

   "What's wrong, is there a situation?"

  Lao He’s reaction immediately caused Hong Bantou to be alert. Don’t look at his laughter. In fact, he was very nervous. This is a village slaughtered by a murderous bandit. Who knows if there is anything unclean?

   "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

   "Will there be no thieves yet?"

   "Did you find anything?"


   The rest of the chatter and laughter was taken aback, and he hurriedly pulled out his waist knife and looked around, one by one, trembling and shrunk tightly.

   "There are no corpses of villagers in the village!"

Lao He's voice was trembling, and he also pulled out his waist knife and swallowed his mouth. He looked dignified and looked around, but his feet did not move like a standing student. The dark wrinkled nose sniffed hard, and the expression on his face was even more frightening and trembling. Voice said: "The **** smell is not right, there are not so many rotten smells in such a hot day!"

  After reminding Lao He, it was only after a series of bureaucrats that the situation was found to be wrong...

   They have also been to several villages slaughtered by this brutal thief before, and the scene is really terrible.

The burnt-out house didn’t have time to escape from the unrecognizable villagers. The outside was full of villagers’ incomplete corpses. Various body parts were scattered everywhere. The soft ground was darkened by blood and water, and there was a thick blood. The smell is disgusting.

   The most unbearable thing for them is that the villagers' bodies and body parts are exposed for a long time, and they are exposed to the wind, rain, and strong sun. The smell is really unbearable. After several days, the smellers reacted with nausea.

  But the village where they are now, although the land is also dark and red, and there is a slight **** smell in the air and a rotten smell that can't be covered, it is still within the scope of the endurance of a servant.

   What frightened the servants was that the land in the village was very clean, and there were no corpses and scattered parts scattered around. Of course, if you look closely, you can still see some disgusting things like minced meat and bone residues. It’s ‘clean’ to make the servants feel as if they have been intentionally cleaned.

   "Hong, Hong, Hong Bantou, now, what should I do now?"

  The so-called rivers and lakes grow older and have less courage.

   "Let's check first, check it out..."

Hong Pan's face was panicked, and he couldn't hear the meaning of retreat in Lao He's words, but this time he had the opportunity to earn money abroad. He finally got it from the county lieutenant, but he paid a lot of money. Wouldn't it be a big loss to go back in vain?

The rest of the bureaucrats were unwilling to be panic-stricken, but they were too courageous to fight, and they had no courage to oppose. village.

  Differently inspected most of the village, so that the servants were both relaxed and depressed. Most of the houses in the village were burned down, and they searched all the way, not to mention the goods, even the valuable things did not leave a little bit!

  The gang of brutal It’s too clean, right?

   The fear in my heart was gradually replaced by depression and annoyance...

   "Hey, this yard doesn't seem to be affected?"

  A group of officials went to the fence of Uncle Niu's house, and Lao He was startled again.

   The rest of the bureaucracy seemed to be the case. Although Uncle Niu's family only had a grass hut in the family, it was a state that was not much damaged. At least the fence around the outside was still intact.

at this time……


   I saw a little boy with black and grey faces, walking staggering and standing in a row, suddenly staggering out of the house and chuckled, making the servants creepy and horrified.


I have already had a nervous bureaucracy, and I don’t know who screamed screamingly. The guy in the hand fell down on the ground, his face was pale and his hands and feet were soft, and the other bureaucratic lips were blue and trembling. Can't move as if he had been fixed.

   "Wow wow wow, I want a mother I want a mother..."

   The little guy who was playing in the fenced yard was frightened immediately. He fell down on the ground and cried, but for a while it was already tears and flooding.

   "Who are you?"

   And at this moment, a skinny half-age man in his twenties, holding a thin bamboo pole, rushed at the foot of the wind, and screamed and shook his ears buzzing.

   "Boy, are you a man or a ghost?"

I still have experience, although I am afraid that I can’t do it, I still ask with courage and trembling the majority of book friends to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ;

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