Martial Arts World

Chapter 130: Go home!

   "Your boy, be careful!"

   After listening to Lin Pingzhi's talk of a dog-blood drama, Lin Sha's mouth convulsed for a while, but he said nothing but just reminded: "With the arrogance of the disciples of Qingcheng, they will definitely find it back in this place!"

   "Are I afraid of them failing?"

   Lin Ping's anger was wide and he squinted his face in disdain: "The one who followed me did not even support me with twenty strokes. Can we see that the so-called famous disciples of Qingcheng are not so good?"

   "Your kid, keep your eyes on your forehead!"

Lin Sha was not angry and warned: "The Qingcheng School has been known as Wulin for so many years. Although the name is not as loud as the Wuyue Sword School, it is also a big school with the right path. Even if the elite disciples under the door are not as good as the Wuyue Sword School, the gap will not be too great. Is your kid more confident than the inner disciples of Hengshan School?"

   "I haven't tried my best, who knows?"

  Lin Pingzhi's face was awkward, but he whispered in a low voice.

   is not his arrogance, but really has this strength and confidence.

  Although his old man Lin Zhennan was stubbornly tight, and his confidence in the family's "Evil Sword Technique" was so high, he strongly disagreed with Lin Pingzhi's practice of other inner power mentality, which caused him to have no half of his inner strength until now.

Fortunately, Lin Shazai pointed out the correct practice and use of the "Evil Sword Technique", and there are also family-style 108-style "Zhutianzhang" combined with both internal and external cultivation. The accumulation of the past five years has made him uncompromising. The master of buckle!

Everyone was attracted by the light of the Seventy-two Paths of Evil Sword, but neglected Lin Yuantu’s ability to shock the rivers and lakes at that time. In addition to the strange and unpredictable Seventy-two Paths of Evil Sword, a hundred and eight styles turned the sky. As well as the eighteen'Silver Feather Arrow'.

   Eighteen'silver feather arrows' can be put aside for a while. There is no deep internal skill for this thing, no matter how high the skill is, it is just ordinary means of concealment.

   One hundred and eighty types of turning palms are very remarkable. Lin Sha was very amazing when he first saw it. This palm technique is somewhat similar to ‘Jianlong Eighteen Palms’. It is a very powerful external palm technique!

   Cultivated to the high and deep realm, although it can't be compared with the'Dragon Eighteen Palms', its power is also amazing. At that time, the body will generate its own internal strength from the outside, and it will be easy to squeeze into the top ranks of the rivers and lakes.

Under the guidance of Lin Sha for five years, Lin Pingzhi majored in turning the palm of the sky to repair the evil sword technique. The turning palm of the sword has been cultivated to a small state. The evil sword technique is only a simple sword move, and the practice of five years has already been changed. On the next floor, I don't know how many times stronger than when I first saw it!

In order to establish Lin Pingzhi's correct concept of rivers and lakes, when Lin Sha went out for five years, he often brought this man to the world to practice his skills, fought against bandits and thieves, and exchanged ideas with his martial arts peers around Fuzhou. Hengshan is more skillful with his inner and outer disciples, and the name of'Fast Sword' Lin Pingzhi came out like this.

What is less known is that Lin Pingzhi also practiced a horizontal kung fu with Lin Sha together with Lin Sha, relying on persevering efforts and a large amount of precious medicinal materials. At this time, he has become an indispensable kung fu practice. And he never made public his knowledge of iron shirts.

   This is the source of his confidence and confidence. Although it is not as good as Hua Yi Linghu Chong and his friend Mi, who is called the'North and South Wulin Rookie', he is not afraid of other Hengshan inner disciples!

   "It's better to be careful. I have played with two Qingcheng disciples today at noon, and one of them is not under your martial arts!"

   Lin Sha's brow furrowed, and he didn't feel angry to warn: "You don't have to worry if you fight head to head, but if they do something bad, how can your boy resist it?"

   "No, Qingcheng faction is decent!"

  Lin Pingzhi's eyes widened and incredible.

   "Because they are decent, you and your father should be more careful!"

Lin Sha cracked his mouth and smiled with unabashed satire on his face, warning: "If they casually wear a demon hat for you and your dad, you have no place to reason. The right way is to listen to you and you. Dad, will you still listen to the explanation of the Qingcheng School?"


   One of Lin Ping was speechless, and a handsome little white face was changing and cloudy.

  If it is Lin Pingzhi of the same age in the original book, he will not listen to Lin Sha’s words. However, Lin Pingzhi is no longer the old Wuxia Ameng. He has experience of walking in rivers and lakes and has seen the dangers of rivers and lakes. Some things have to be guarded although they are ridiculous.

   "Hey, ah, listen to Linsha boss, why is the Qingcheng faction aimed at me and my father?"

   He was not a rookie, and he reacted immediately after his heart was tumbling, and he asked suspiciously.

   "Hey, not for Fuwei Dart Bureau, why didn't they send a name post on their own when they came to Fuzhou?"

Lin Sha hey did not answer the question with a smile, he could not say that the Qingcheng faction was all for your Lin family ancestors "Evil Sword Spectrum", waiting for Lin Ping's reaction to continue: "Again, when there is a conflict in a tavern outside the city "Your kid has revealed his identity, but what did the disciples of Qingcheng say?"

One of Lin Ping’s faces became irritated, and Lin Sha continued to work harder: “What kind of stuff is Fuwei Dart Board? I haven’t heard of it. The provocative meaning in this remark is Was it a visit from the teacher's order?"

   said his tone and shook his head: "It's so malicious, why can't you kid see it?"

   "For no reason, why did the Qingcheng faction suddenly act maliciously against Fuwei Dart Bureau?"

  Lin Pingzhi still wondered, and was distressed: "Aren't they receiving the gifts from Fuwei Dart Bureau, shouldn't they be so attitude according to the rules of the rivers and lakes?"

   "What are the rules of bullshit, where did your kid come from?"

   Lin Sha looked disdainful, and suddenly fisted with a fist in his right hand, solemnly warning: "I tell you kid, the biggest rule of the rivers and lakes is the fist, whoever has the big fist is justified!"

   Then he chuckled again: "Oh, there has never been no love for no reason, no hate for no reason, there is always a reason for the conflict between the two forces!"

  His big hand stopped Lin Pingzhi's inquiry without a good air: "There is no need to get to the bottom, as long as you know that the sender from Qingcheng is an enemy and a friend, what do you want to do so much?"

  Lin Pingzhi swallowed and said a little bit hard: "If you change to the boss, what would you do?"

   is the biggest difference from the original book at the same age, that is, Lin Pingzhi knows that the sky is high and the land is thick. As one of the righteous and famous schools, the Qingcheng School is still very psychologically confronted with them for no reason.

   "Hey, if it happened to me!"

Lin Sha smiled, her eyes flashed and shattered, and she said with a blank expression: "Kill the door directly and destroy it without giving a reasonable readers to visit and read , The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all available at mobile phone users, please read.

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